/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1385

Cygame will give us more Vira.

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for April:
4/1 - 4/9 - Table for Six
4/10 - 4/15 - All Four Celestials (Renewal)
4/16 - 4/21 - Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
4/16 - 4/21 - The Inner Light (Mary Event; Rerun and Renewal)
4/22 - 4/29 - Guild War (Fire)
4/30 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

4/1 - 4/8 - Anime Special (200 Crystals a Day, Increased Pendant Gain/Cap)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

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first for


Savior of dirt when?

why people dislike vira?

>charm procs eight turns in a row
The fuck is happening?

Water's queen will return to save her element!

xth for our cute mascot!

Super Mega Psycho lesbian gag character

After Levi-chan

You know how annoying fujos can be right?

/u/tards are that but more obnoxious.

Very generic yuri character that's being pushed too much
I say this as a yurifag

It is where all our luck went from last legfest.

Do I go for 4 axe 2 claw 1 old cortana 1 baha 1 unknown and GW dagger

Im using BK Orchid and Vira

Secondary cuckbait.

Worth drawing right now if I need Korwa, or is it still better to wait for next legfest?

Fujos are annoying because they ship male characters that are completely straight and try to convince others that it's canon. That doesn't really apply to Vira.

They are just have bad taste.
The fact won't changed that Vira is mainstream and popular, even within Japanese players.

more like why do people like vira
she's 100% unlikable garbage with no redeeming qualities

I soloed my first raid!

You are thinking of Naru

Now because Korwa has no rateup during legfes

got creampied by niggercats afterwards!


Get away from this user, let them live a happy life.

>more like why do some people dislike vira?
>she's 100% interesting girl with certain redeeming qualities and charm.

Fixed that for you.

What's your ID?

That's the same dumbanon from yesterday

in all seriousness here, do i even need to grind my ass out for a 2x5* fimbuls on an omega grid?

current 6x daggers, gab scepter, fimbul, baha axe and baha dagger

shut the fuck up cuck

No. Why do you even have one?

No. Use a calc (and probably even replace your current fimbrul or a baha with rq unknown).

You can rely on me for help cutie!

Seasonal version when?


Naru is actually cute and thicc. Plus Okto is her mentor not her boyfriend. She would never cuck you.

Please tell me Vira's virtues besides having a large rack.

Go on. I can wait.

Please send help

Where are the time and effort players?

/u/tards are obnoxious because they push their shit on het girls
Vira is actually gay so I fail to see the problem

But she's the secondary favorite

Thanks, you're blacklisted from every raid.

Do Levi and Macula have the same drop rates for Daggers? Why even bother leeching Levi then if Macula gives more renown and a chance of fists?

Who are worse





SR fodder

the black sea people

Is this the most bullied user in /gbfg/?

No crystals, but thanks anyway.

Wanna take his place?

No selfies
No SR fodder
Your flip might be a golden anima

I love you

Hey /gbfg/, what new summer character are you hoping for? Did you spend your rolls on Sturm or did you decide to save up for Summer.

Oh well damn those are good points. Thanks anons.

She's a nice and helpful girl.

i don't think gw dagger is that high of a priority if you're not using zoey. Elysian is a better solo class now.

Thanks baby.

they are one and the same?

Summer Fire Silva or Summer Water Cuc

N-never mind, I'll be quiet.

Rolling for summer nigger for backdoor memes

Playable Bahamut when

>besides having a large rack.

This is the only good virtue you need in /gbfg/

First Kirin ever, thanks user. Got 100 crystals.

Summer water Ferry

(Monkey theme) Cuckoroo

When you roll her Anchira shows up but changes to Cuc
Then you hear a scream of OOOOOOOH KUKORU NEE CHANG

Hoping for pic related!

My cute gf Grande Order (playable) for non-esports purpose

5* Uno require Tank distinctions or Spear ones? I guess it's spears but i can't find any pic and english wiki don't have the info yet

Your such a weeb holy shit

You are my favorite poster!

Harp it is

You always ask for this and never respond after you get replies.
How come?

Since they decided to do away with the "let's give everyone one holiday skin before giving people two" I'm pretty certain that Ferry will get a summer skin and so will the new popular girl Yuisis.

Erunes in swimsuits automatically have to be backless, so they are extra sexy. That makes a swimsuit for those two very appealing.

Summer Siegman!

Let this die please I was in a broken state of mind after those rolls

Back to the GAF please.

You never bored to always asking this question?

She is a psycho. She disregards other people's wishes and threatens then when they get in their way.

shit meme

Is there any way to look up my previous GW stats?

>finally reach T4
>having to level classes all over again
I don't want to do this 10 times again


After you, dear user.


desu, only homos hate vira

I wish I had more classes to level.


My cute wife Sarasa helped me out with that

is really fimbul still even worth running? the problem is not the bonus nerf, the problem is the scaling as in pic related, why would i want to farm and run a weapon that penalizes me HEAVILY at half HP and loses half is effectiveness at 80% HP, maybe i'm missing something?

is he /ourseanig/?

Only after 6 years of being suddenly separated from her best and probably only friend, and having a mind controlling parasitic primal beast take host in her.

But I'm sure none of that matters.

ty calcium king

Only worth if you have MLB Varuna.

Assuming I start saving crystals now, how much I can expect to have for swimsuits? I also intend to buy tickets. Also, was there a legfest gacha for those?

You should post how many crystals you have.

