/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General


>Tried attacking the parry stance like a retard:
>Ringed City items checklist (if you find an error, please reply and correct):

>1.11 patch:

>1.12 patch:

>Ringed City DLC stuff

>Character Planner







>Community & Fanart


Second for Gael is the best fight in the entire series.

Fear not the dark my friend

posting Shira, daughter of the Duke, descendant of gods, and trusted friend to Midir.

At once, she is the honour of the gods, the glory of fire, and the fear of the dark.

And the covenant items and spells can't.

Can someone give me a new crossbow on PS4 ?
don't wanna run through the game 12th time cause I killed ludeth

I don't know why I'm in love with this picture

Reminder we're having an FC at High wall.
PC, pass dsg

I do not understand

Sucker of cocks
Swiper of tails
Shitter of fights

i'm really glad to have played DaS2 if only for Alonne and Fume for that matter
amidst a sea of throwaway bosses we actually got some A team stuff

>niggers saying Lorian didn't actually kill the Demon Prince
The two you fight at the old Firelink are his literal bitches. When the second one falls he consumes the actual Demon Prince soul and becomes the new Prince.

Serpents are cute! CUTE!

I'm really sad they fucking reused the scene for Artorias throwing something at the camera for his cutscene though. Make him have a monologue through the fight at the very least too, goddamnit from I can think of easier and near zero effort ways to make the ending of that fight not cut the tension so much.

Anyone want to help me kill Demon Prince on ps4? I'm low sl btw.

Having only beat him a couple hours ago, I'll have to agree. He's a fun, tense and varied fight, with a bunch of moves and phases.

Please help I fucked up and ended up going one point over my SL100 build.
Will setting my SL from 101 to 100 via CE get me soft banned the moment I go online?

Bosses aside, what's supposed to be bad about Scholar of the first meme?


I want to know if this is true, and what combos are available for the Paired UGS.

It's DaS2, therefore memers will automatically say it's shit.

Could anyone on PS4 help me transfer some items between characters?

I liked how, depite looking like a beast, he only spoke in a very silet, hushed voice, almost a whisper.

Stop being autistic, people are going 150 and seeing plenty of action.

>try out heavy EGS
>it does basically just as much damage as my Ledo's hammer despite being much lighter, taking less stamina and swinging faster
why is this allowed?

Can someone help me at earthen peak ruins bonfire. I have no clue what to fucking do and im on my last ember

SL: 70
Password: 123

I'm sorry host, I still had CE open and alt tabbed and when I came back you were standing in the way.

I want to give her a pearl necklace to match her pearl tiara while the mad king screams in the corner

if you give me the new crossbow

can you transfer proof of concord? if so, does anyone have spares and is willing to give them to me?

>mutterings of the same demon prince Lorian spoke of, I'm sure

Sure that's no problem. Want to meet at High Wall?

Pass: pls

Can't drop covenant items.

I'm bored. I want to make a sorcery character.
Will this be awful?
Is it at least reedemable with Preachers Arm memery?

Heavy crossbow?

>Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when i come home this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid look on his face. What should i do about him? Ideas?

so is it priscilla's remains?

Ledo's has a three hit combo tho

Is High Lord Wolnir the DS2 protagonist?


>Entire game up until now has handed you bonfires out the fucking ass every 10 feet

>Boreal Valley, 3rd Bonfire at church
>Slaughter everything in my path all the way down to the lake, past invisible cunts, past big doggy, past spooky Ringu Girls, past silver knight hangout house, past lmao 2dog.
>Out of estus, use a ember to heal
>NPC invader proceeds to buttfuck my fatrolling ass to death with magic
>70,000 souls probably going to lose
>5 feet away from unlocking a shortcut

>reedemable with Preachers Arm memery

Seems like it.

How do you explain the fact that both of them become the Prince, then? Did Lorian split him in half and the two halves perform mitosis?

sorry FC host
don't know why I'm getting "unable to be summoned so often"

It's a roller coaster of awkwardly patched together areas of varying quality that averages on the lower end of mediocre. It also controls and feels different and this makes it irredeemable for some people.

Scholar of the first sin made a lot of sensible changes and gave the game some much needed consistency and extra polish, but the awkward skeleton holding it all up is still there.


Looks more like a tribute

>will this be awful?
not in pve. In pvp it isn't really that bad either. Worst case you can just use MLGS and fight like a melee character.

I'll keep trying to summon as long as you drop the sign.

Is itemswapping some soul items to buy consumables and gear safe? I'm not looking to get banned here but soul farming takes 5ever.

darkmoon blades dont work, covenant items cant be dropped. from really hates online play, dont they?

It was still DS2.
I jest. The only thing that didn't mesh well with me was all of the extra Pursuers.

>tfw plebs rejoice at paired weapons/ringed city weapons because they cant see the damage that sort of design does to the game

thank fuck souls is over if that was the direction of weapon design

If you transfer some fun items to yourself at the start its fun but otherwise everything is going to be a big fucking slog until you get to Irithyll.

where do I farm souls to get the dark hand?

Plus there's too many places with a ton of bullshit to deal with

post dragonbros

This isn't DS1 nigga.

I've done it a ton of times while offline and have never faced any repercussions. Go nuts

I don't understand the psychology behind gankers. They get 3-4 people together, they organize, they clear out a zone, and spend their time waiting for lone invaders to stomp on them 4v1? Why?

Maybe there were two princes to begin with, mirroring Lorian and Lothric of ultimate pottery.
The last one standing just gets the title.

>they cant see the damage that sort of design does to the game

do you want to talk about your opinion

>ember/fire theme has been going on since DS1
>your post
user have you gotten a concussion lately?

This. The levels themselves were unchanged. Even if the enemies in the area have more sensible placements (for some of them, at least; there are still really stupid areas like the freaking Undead Chariot in Drangleic), the levels themselves are incredibly dull for the most part. Its basically a massive pain in the ass to force yourself through, especially after Looking Glass Knight when you realize there are no more good boss fights.


because it makes you upset

It's funny to make people angry

much obliged
dark souls 3 in general has been acting quite funky-- I keep getting invasion time-outs despite having fibre-optic internet

what happens if you beat ringed city before even going to ariandel?


>darkmoon blades dont work
It does on PS4

Vordt is usually instant summons for co-op

>Seething Chaos
What the fuck is this shit? How you can use in PVP?

to make you mad

>why are some people dicks

gee idk

it's the same thing as bully victoms turning into bullies I imagine, they're probably the same people who got ganked in the forest in DaS1

Miyazaki said that he wasnr saying it was over necessarily, implying. It's on hiatus: “With this latest release, we’re going to put the Dark Souls series on hold for a while,”
"It’s not my intention to say that the [Souls] series is completely finished," where did from say what you said?
Look how Das3 turned out. 2's dlc is better than all of 3. If anything, namco can cuck them into making another

new cutscene about you finding the fragment of the painting that gael originally offered you

t h a t ' s
i t

you'll have no idea what the fuck is going on

literally nothing except for the entry cutscene
gael leaves it in the spot he normally sits and you touch it and get sucked in

Blame Fromsoft for making it so that players doing co-op have higher priority during invasions.

>throw 2 of them on the floor
>throw CBV or GCFO
>at least one of these will hit

Hey /dsg/, is there a way to get quickly summoned as a Spear or is it just random?

>it does on ps4

really? because ive been sitting here trying for a week and it hasnt

Ryan you goddamn cuck that was my last ember

you have no idea what's going on anyway unless you pay attention

It makes them feel like they're good players and they think every time they kill someone and point down that that person snaps their controller in half instead of just sighing and re-invading hoping for a better matchup.


What items?

It's fun as hell with real life friends and family

>not knowing about the dendy port

Most of the time they're just shitters who didn't play DaS1, or have 30 minutes on it.

>It does on PS4
Cool story. It works same as on PC

Arbalest or sniper?

is there any reason to be SL 120 instead of 125?

Why is DaS dragon form so sexy?

Is this Georgian ballet?

Sl and weapon level?

It's simulated gangrape

What is a good build for the Crucifix of the Mad King?


A weapon and a casting tool of your choice. Personally I'd pick that Preacher's Arm up and also transfer over the Mercurial Dagger; it isn't great but its at least better than using Raw Ass. Consider bringing over a Darkmoon Ring as well so you can start out with some additional slots.

no you may as well be 200+ since it;s practically the same thing