Irelia isnt Cancer Edition
Irelia isnt Cancer Edition
adc is best role
It's time, post your favorites
how mad would lolbabs get if this was in the game
>Full build Skarner with 40% CDR
>Enemy Jax thinks he's allowed to teamfight without my permission
>when you play against someone this tilted/boosted
Thanks for the free win
Xth for sluts!
There is only one champion I need
xth for Syndra
I've always wondered how a modified version of that spell would work as Xin's ult. Surely whenever they rework him his ult will be changed.
but camille is better than legion ???
When are se gettin udyr buffs
Reposting this with some changes, took in what a few people said last thread.
not even close to overwhelming odds spam
so what is it?
a Quinn legendary skin or a new champion?Maybe its the Harpy champion that got leaked?
goodnight lolg
dont stand in the creep wave u inbred fuck lol?
its 100x worse
if they swapped places camille would still be 100% pick/ban in dota
I have a question for my fellow supports, do you bully your adc for do you take care of them like a child?
put jhin and bard on the list
Best girl.
Best waist.
Best wife.
Anyone on NA want to play a game?
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb give you a hug if you asked nicely
would lamb give you a fug if you asked nicely
and legion commander would be B-tier at best, since blink dagger doesnt exist and people will just QSS her ult.
>yasuo at the top
good, the fact that he wasn't there was bothering me when i was reading through the last thread, but it would have been stupid to respond to old charts with my complaints.
i would move illaoi into the yellow for yorick or warwick and maybe move riven into the same tier as camille and yasuo but besides that i think have no problem with any of it.
If you have a mic sure.
Add squiddick69
source pls
100% certain its a kayle or quinn skin
>Bot refuses to leash for me
>They expect ganks
1-4 MGSV 5-9 Sleep 0 league
Rolls don't cuck me now
I altered this recently
it's an oldie, it'd take a long long time to source. i'd actually find it for you, im going to bed. here's the most i can show on a blue board
that's definitely quinn, you can tell by the helmet. and kayle's wings are different. either the harpy or legendary quinn. i would bet it's quinn, and that's why they only gave her a slap on the wrist for nerfs.
time for regularly scheduled shitbuilding
we got morde support
how should i start this off? im thinking mana crystal right into roa
>Ivern FINALLY has a matchup below 50% winrate
Congratulations Twitch, you did what nobody else could.
>lane is pushed up and dies
>complains about no ganks
Riven isn't a slut
How about neither of those and if this post gets 5 you fap to aurelion sol right now.
>Bot starts shittalking me
>They expect ganks
played a normals game with jungle cho for shits, saw a gank that I could easily turn for a double kill going on bot after they called me retarded and refused to leash for me. i watched them die then pushed the wave.
no other feel like it, the buttmad was so thick you could spread it on toast
>tfw no one to play with slumber party in the last 2 hours in EUNE
I don't understand
How did I go from Gold 2 winning most of my games last season to not being able to win one game in Silver 2
Am I really that garbage and washed up? I keep playing Jayce and Renekton but I can't seem to win. I know it's my fault most of the time but I just can't seem to fix what I'm doing wrong
I do play way less nowadays though since I'm about to finish my master's
What do
>Gank a lane and secure a kill
>you end up being the one who gets the kill
>they bitch about how you ks'd them
>mid zac
Stop bullying my whole team
at least buy a support item so you can get gold, literally making ur team lose with ur 4v5 bullshit
we're watching aphromoo in this thread
Why the FUCK do people keep playing Twitch jungle. It still boggles my mind and I love playing Twitch too
I doubted LS when He said the nerfs weren't enough. I feel dumb now lol.
>Want Renektoy
>Don't have enough RP
>Don't have the option to pay for exactly 750
Why you do this to me, rito?
Best I can do for you.
no sir
also we fb'd lulu
thank you
>Gank bot
>ADC keeps farming
They want to jew you into buying more silly.
That way you can spend your extra on the boxes and stuff.
See I thought it was a quinn skin too BUT
>Kayles Ult is a golden ball of light
>Kayle also has wings
>Kayle hasnt gotten a skin in a while
What are the lolg memes associated with Aurelion Sol?
It's the new champion 99%. Riot already confirmed that the new champ will come before the mid-season tank update, and we know that we're two patches from the mid-season.
But in a couple of days we'll get the new pbe patch notes, and everything will become clear.
The comic that image is from is hot.
>wanna play some normies
>post looking for people to play with
>same 10 motherfucker that are either brain dead bad,gay or high challenger
solo it is then.
can you stop, this shit wasnt funny the first champ you did it for
Thanks user, you da best.
they're the people who are too shit to play shaco and too scared to jungle with evelynn
>enemy slow pushes like 3 and 1/2 waves of CS to Tower
>suddenly jungler ganks and forces me to choose between MAYBE getting a kill or getting 300G's in farm
yeah're on your own there buddy. Next time Learn to gank BEFORE this happens
What are the lolg memes associated with Malzahar?
Is that seriously the only reason? I mean there is no way his clear is healthy and while I'd give it to him that his ganks are probably strong literally every champ can invade him and fuck him to death
Also the only thing that would warrant this kind of preview could only be a legendary skin or a new champ.
Kayle already has a legendary skin, and quinn just got a valentine skin, so it's highly unlikely that it's a skin for either of those.
New duo champion.Right wing is a completely different shape and size from the left wing.
>i want to play some games with other anons
>no ha ha im not gonna post my name or any other information
die alone
>got two perfectly stacked minion waves that i can farm under the safety of my tower
>jungle ganks
but she JUST got a new skin. If that is a Quinn skin, that's not fucking fair.
I promise I'm not any of them
Draven is SO cool!
nth for tfw no irl friends online to play with
W-What comic?
Sorry I prefer to add people by IGN rather than dropping mine, I'm in a lobby with the other user rn
no way...
you mean this shit was actually real?
I was doubtful about the Urgot meatgrinder thingy until someone showed the gif of the model opening up.
But I thought this was still "early development"
Shouldnt this not be happening until like next year or atleast 4 months from now?
Not a slut?
>Have about 15-20 cs i can safely take under my tower
>Jungler comes top
>Starts pinging the enemy laner like a madman
>Sees that i'm not coming
>Goes in anyways
>Dies to my laner
>Spams "?" ping
it isnt a joke, its a redditor trying to steal the top notch memes form us to post them on reddit and get memeupvotes
in case you didnt know
>Play support alone at tower
>Jun Tower dives
>stun his ass and get the kill
So, what do you evolve last as Kha'Zix now? Also, general tips and builds?
It's called red romance or something, it's about a thug guy and a serial killer chick who both get off on murder, it culminates in them both unknowingly hiring the same hitman to kill each other once they've decided that watching the other actually get murdered is the only pleasure they haven't explored yet.
If I remember correctly I think its like a couple who have a snuff fetish and they pay a hitman to kill one another during sex or someshit. Lady chick climaxes when her BF gets his head blown off or something
its been a really long time since I've seen it though .
sorry, i wish i knew the exact source. maybe another user can find it for you. goodnight
>Demon Blade Yasuo
There's a gif? Someone post it.
post opgg
tfw no online friends to play with irl
I used to storytime it on /co/ a lot.
>cosmic Reaver Yi Dark Star Kha and a new Twitch skin
Also that urgot rework sounds like that butcher champ from DOTA
Who do you play if you want to be an unkillable and immovable tank monstrosity?
>Urgot gets turned into Pudge
I'm genuinely okay with this. Pudge is fun as fuck.
0 sleep
evens ranked
odds literally anything else
>implying Muramasa Yasuo wasnt an Idea being pitched since his fucking release
you could prob find it by searching the last couple threads. Its just someone using a 3d model tool to show that Urgots model can open up like a Pringles can.
Nunu, Sion, Cho'Gath
>get double kill early in lane
>support decides to fuckoff for the next 10 mins
thanks for having me get 3v1'd for the remainder of the lane
alright fuckers second round is finished for the day thank you for your participation
Trundle for unkillable
Olaf for immovable