Safe sex Edition
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Safe sex Edition
>MEG's updated Pastebin
>MegSev adventures:
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First for megabloks
5 YEARS still mad
Reminder that Jaal loves you the moste.
Redpill me on Focused Assault /meg/. Is it a meme? Should I be taking precision always?
Like it needed confirmation.
Oh for the refugees. We'll be back up soon.
Using MEG for a bunker was fine but I miss lewd posting.
Bet she's looking at human sexual positions next
God, just listening to virgil in ME1 main menu brings back some good memories.
Why did everything go so wrong lads, why did bioware fall to the abyss
ME3's ending, presumably.
>3 people voted for Poo poo
Disgusting. I want to kill that bitch like you can kill party members on DA:O
those aren't Veeky Forums boards, what is it then?
Stop playing Andromeda.
I wanna kiss that turian!
>"Let's see. . . "C. . .O. . .W. . .G. . .I. . .R-Ryder! H-how are you?"
So is it ok to pirate this?
Hotwheelschan, dumbass.
Vetra's face is perfect the way it is, user.
You know ExActly why.
where's my andromeda videos you leaf fuck
stop with the streams and go back to blasting bioware's ass
>Race, sex, age
>Physical description
>Main weapon
Sara ruined thanksgiving
>not wanting to snuggle with her and kiss every scar and burn while whispering sweet nothings into her ear and she purrs contentedly
Lai Lang, Kai Lang's brother who joined the Andromeda Initiative
>Commander shepard
>Commander shepard
>Commander shepard
>Commander shepard
>replaying ME2
Holy shit i completely forgot about the stupid hacking minigames. Thank god for mods
First for Kandros as token turian squadmate in the sequel.
And Bain.
Good fucking luck.
I'd buy it.
Shh. Don't let haIf channers into our secret club. Our mass effect threads are far in advance of theirs, as is our electronic sentience.
Synthetic-hating malequar engineer veteram mercenary with a sniper rifle, voiced by Temeura Morrison.
> ywn hold hands with Jaal
>space bird
No way they'd replace Vetra!
She's the series' new Tali
>Gay Boner
Bonus points if tranny voiced by John DiMaggio.
its the same shit
The voice flanging makes it sound like they're purring while they talk sometimes.
Sounds like a shitty Zaeed knock-off, user.
Post femturs.
So good you come here instead of going back to the cripchan.
>"you'll bite me, right Ryder?"
Kinda just want a straight white everyman. Maybe a former soldier in the SA? Someone with a backstory, but not one that's overtly tragic.
In a perfect world, he'd be implemented as a squadmate that you can pick up right at the start and seamlessly integrates into the original game, right down to banter with other team mates on the Tempest.
Bonus points: modeled after and voiced by Thomas Jane.
>>Race, sex, age
Salarian male, young
>>Physical description
Skinny, greenish
Eager to learn, passionate to be a part of your team and learn from everyone.
Always asking and enquiring, occasionally rubs people up the wrong way as a result but yearns for approval.
>>Main weapon
Eagle (non N7)
Was meant to be a knock-off of a clone trooper whose name I can't remember from the Republic Commando game.
Never understood how someone could be Veeky Forums exclusive, it's not like the threads move fast enough to justify it.
Better to be in multiple places at once, that way you always got something going on.
How do I get Vetra to take off her visor
soverign class reaper on a body ala edi that defected from the mini ai hitler and wanted to explore the universe
>Geth, N/A, Unknown
>Standard Geth Trooper, with possibility for color customization upon acquisition
>Personality: Innocently Curious AI
>Class: Infiltrator: Overload, Tactical Cloak, Geth Targeting
>Main Weapon: Geth Pulse Rifle
Nah man you see they're filled with autists from that retarded crusade. So much better.
She just randomly spawns without it sometimes. It's a bug, because it will just suddenly reappear.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Site is down. At certain times in this general there are obvious paid shills and no one seems to care. The leddit name fag is one of them you people need to sort your shit.
I come by to visit /mgqg/ /ksg/ and other RPG generals. But yes I am mostly full poster only.
Fair enough, but given this is Mass Effect and they already had the crusty mercenary with the gruff voice, it's still a shitty knock-off.
>you will never be invited by Vetra to a Turian Bathhouse, were numerous turian women tempt you with infidelity
>Sara upset that mom mixed the mashed potatoes with the peas
>Refuses to eat
>Throws food at other people
600 years later when mom wakes up from cryo
>be ellen
>be in a new galaxy that i never asked or expected to come to
>find out husband is dead
>want family to get together for thanksgiving again while we still can
>phsycopath son shows up with lovely turian girl
>dumbfuck daughter shows up with a autistic purple alien
>they both smear my mashed potatoes on eachother
>they start making out at the dinner table
>mfw i'll never have grandchildren
When it's back up make sure you don't come back.
What a disgusting picture.
>BW decides to be more progressive
>Vetra reveals that she is a tranny
How mad would you be?
>The leddit name fag is one of them you people need to sort your shit.
I have Anonimize on so I have no idea who you're talking about.
That guy's take on femTurians is so unappealing but he's like the only one who draws straight stuff with them.
>all the piercings and tattoos
Shadman's art sure has changed.
How can he be moste if he won't even hold Scott's hand?
Should I be doing these other priority ops before doing hunting the archon?
Ah, you've been infected. You should post with a trip/name so people can filter you, do as your betters command.
Anons used to be able to identify cancer from paranoia and posting styles alone. If you can cultivate this skill you might have hope.
>A lone Geth platform stowaway on the Quarian ark
>Disconnected from the collective, and wants to expand its horizons once more
>After the loyalty mission, you unlock class profiles for the trooper as well as color customization
May aswell, if its making new worlds habitable then yes.
Wouldn't the platform have to be super-duper special and comprised of a ton of geth like Legion or else it would be a retarded flashlight?
I want a qtpie tsun drell adept waifu
>if chosen to keep geth platform, it will burst into the captains quarters upon the romance scene as it had "observed increase heart rate" and "sounds of distress"
guys how do i put an fps cap on mass effect?
i want to run it at 30 fps so i could max it out without having dips and having a more stable fps. amd control center doesnt fucking work for some reason and "gametime.maxvariablefps 30" doesnt work. Im getting about 45-50 fps but whenever something intense happens and it tries to reach that 60fps mark it fucking dips and i get these tiny stutters that piss me off.
>"Scott, you shouldn't waste our time looking for the Asari ark. We're better off without those stupid blue bitches taking up resources."
Holy shit vetra
>platform like Legion
>not filled entirely so it's kinda derpy
>but it still wants to help
>loyalty mission involves it finally realizing the seriousness of the situation and coping with killing so many people with Ryder
I want it.
>hates asari
it was like we were made for each other
>geth unit stowed away in a nomad crate
>was disguised as a headlight all along
Since people have started uploading banters and stuff, has anyone found out if PeeBee and Jaal actually get together or is it more like Josie and Blackwall?
She's perfect, user.
When does she say this?
>cutting off half of the picture
The asari are literally parasites. I don't know why more people don't hate them for it.
Could call him Bulb. Seems stupid enough for Andromeda.
>Vetra will never ask which one is your favorite
>you and Vetra will never invite one to a back room and make them pleasure you both
that style is qt as fug, just wanna throw that out there
You have to romance her, save all arks but the Asari one and name one of the weapons in your inventory "Sam Raimi"
I know taste is subjective, but yours is still shit.
Didn't know there was another half.