Warhammer III when?
>Warhammer II
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Old Ones:
Warhammer III when?
>Warhammer II
>Steam Groups
>FAQs and General Info
Old Ones:
Races Confirmed To Have Navels:
nth for united /twg/
>tfw no mod which replaces intro with voice of Galadriel wanabee to original guy from the cinematic.
Any mod recommendations for Rome 2? Screw the Empire: Total War (unless you recommend any mods for it too), i can't get into it and my bro keep playing Rome 2 lately and made me want to play it too.
Skaven where
I hope the elves have phalanx formation
Good post
Working on the new rolling chart, still not sure how to do it. Maybe gonna post a few mock-ups
MSpaint some portraits
this tbqh
Have fun keeping everyone outta your forest
I hope so too, but if high elves get phalanxes and both high elves and dark elves get strong new magic while wood elves still can't even shoot through trees, there'll be a huge powergap for elves, which would be a shame
Hopefully if they rework magic to be more powerful the changes reach the previous factions too
I hope the Helves being on an island doesn't mess with the AI too much. It would suck if they never expanded because their primary production base is there or they never have to worry about being conquered because no one sends proper stacks to take them.
Please stop making movies while you're at it.
Rome 2, Attila and Warhammer had severely less interesting maps than Shogun 2 and everything before
I can't wait for another 70 relatively flat, uninteresting pancakes with no features whatsoever
I mean in shogun 2 you could put archers behind at the bottom of a cliff and shoot uphill and they'd basically be invulnerable
>Please stop making movies while you're at it.
>tfw trying to find a map with even terrain without a forest all over it in warhammer
Where do you even find plane maps in WH as Empire?
To be fair, the Empire is quite forest-y
>tfw you use an archer heavy army as wood elves and get that one Athel Loren map that is literally 99.99% covered in trees
Just because you cover yourself up in leaves and half a furry suit doesn't mean we don't see it is you Mel Gibson. You're movies are overrated bud. Stick to being a forest ranger.
>I hope the Helves being on an island doesn't mess with the AI too much. It would suck if they never expanded because their primary production base is there or they never have to worry about being conquered because no one sends proper stacks to take them.
Crooked Moon Mutinous Gits constantly sends few stacks at you through half of the map when you are playing as Skarsnik or Belegar. I wouldn't worry about factions attacking Ulthuan unless there is some sort of attrition which completely fucks over AI like in Athel Loren.
Use these mods.
Are histmemers actually retarded?
>Trilogy of Total Warhammer games known since 2012
>10 historical TW games to play
>Histfags whine and complain Rome 2 and Atilla into the ground
>Sales for Total War plummet
>CA announces historical project that is in development
>Still not satisfied
>Literally announce future of Total Warhammer to be revealed at EGX
>Dinosaur sounds over rainforest with fantasy pyramid
>Autists literally think another Medieval 3
Why're these fucks so entitled? They have no obligation to make whatever game you want. Don't like it? Fuck off.
Nah, it actually makes sense in athel loren
>>Autists literally think another Medieval 3
Or China
Or Victoria
Or fucking Sea People I dunno
Histfags are beyond retarded.
If I'm good at a Total War game, what should I be doing? How fast should I be conquering things? Should I even care?
I feel like I must suck because I rarely ever conquer a large part of the campaign map in any game, or even win the victory conditions, and it seems like everyone else will conquer huge empires or even take the whole map within the time limit.
Which should i use for Rome 2 and Empire?
Is this AI Campaign Balance so good? I am using Better AI Recruitment and Army Composition but i used it for so long that i even forgot how vanilla looked like.
Is there a time limit?
Whes is the old friend coming up?
I think he means the turn limit in the titles before Warhammer
It all depends on what you want to do. I rarely consider the victory conditions in my games. I just enjoy roleplaying the faction (fantasy or historical) I'm playing as and doing things as I believe they would as diplomatic situations develop throughout the campaign. If you want to conquer more of the map then you just have to be more aggressive. Always at war or preparing to attack someone as soon as you have the army for it. You shouldn't have more than a few turns of peace in between wars.
Skill in TW has more to do with the battle map than the world map. Not to say it doesn't take skill to paint the map with your faction color, but most folks consider battle tactics and micro a better measurement of skill inTW.
>-Cool monster units won't be in the game because something something Charlemagne art budget (this is going to hurt the most when Daemons of Chaos is playable)
This is why Chaos Daemons are getting the sole attention of the 3rd full release, so they get an entire games worth of animation & modelling budget.
is that an anteater
Daily reminder Warhammer III is Total War; End times and the Warhammer sequel is Total War; Age of Sigmar
Just got my new PC, which total war game should I play for the first time
>Rome 2
>Shogun 2
Ain't got warhammer so thats out for now
Shogun 2
>Working on the new rolling chart, still not sure how to do it. Maybe gonna post a few mock-ups
Make an image that has both separate campaigns on it each with their own 00 to 99.
Even third number = Old World. Uneven third number = New World.
Then make an image for the new mega campaign
Napoleon, then Rome, then Shogun 2, then Attila
Thats in order of their quality, worst to best
Fucking come at me /twg/
*comes at you*
Shogun 2. Best one, in my opinion.
Rock the boat!
>Rome over Attila
Funnest != Best
Age of Sigmar would flop hard because it is extremely far from history and the sort of geo-political game map we've had so far, so it is cancerous to historyfags as well as the old guard fantasy fags who won't touch anything with the Age of Smegma label
Was thinking about that too, luckily I still got a lot of time expecting 6 months for the game to come out
What's the dynamic of your wars? Usually you beat the enemy stacks in the field or one bug seige battle, then steamroll his cities in quick succession before he can rebuild his armies. If you're giving him time to rebuild his armies then you'll prolong your game.
It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's probably more fun to keep an enemy alive and have large-scale regular field battles than to powergame and turboannex all his settlements in seige battles against mediocre garrisons.
Why not?
Thaggoraki? More like FAGgoraki!
Queek Headtaker? More like QUEER HeadGIVER!
1. Shogun 2
2. Attila
3. Napoleon
4. Rome II
does chaos wastes look something like this from the space?
>implying BeleGAY Nohammer would stand a chance against Queek or BASED SKARSNIK
>oh no my nation is starving and my armies are suffering attrition!
>put army out to sea
>no longer suffering attrition
call me fucking hannibal niggas
>Sea People intensifies
>keep Legendary Lords as they are
>allow generic lords to be customized in interesting ways so you can Create Your Own Legend
Pick one.
I pick fun!
Only for the small price of 29.99$
This was basically the best part of the Tabletop.
>Read epic dudes backstories and pick one or make your own from scratch.
They're warp gates
so yes?
CA will never do that much for their questbattle than this lone autist for his mod
Well, looks like Shogun 2 it is.
Any advice? last total war game I played was medieval 2
Convergent evolution. Anteaters evolved long mouths and prehensile tongues to burrow deep into ant mounds. Slaanesh evolved Steeds to burrow into a different type of mound.
so tell me how all the human kind is not under the influence of slaanesh with all the fap mateial we have thanks to internet
Plan out what you want to build in each town.
Ashigaru are great.
I dunno, been a while since I played shogun 2.
Because 2016 showed that we're under the domain of the warp entity known as Kek.
Needs rotation. They're whirling maelstroms.
When you have 20 provinces, the Realm Divide will happen and everyone, even your allies and vassals, will turn on you. Be prepared for that.
Not to mention all the other degenerate shit like piss fetishs and the like.
Slaanesh is the absolute rule of pleasue in every form, you will probably fuck and be fucked by every single thing in his/her/its domain and even things outside of it, we're talking about taking dragon ogre dicks even if it won't fit, enjoying the entire course of action of your entire ass being riped wide open and probably in half.
Slaanesh is scary shit when you look into it deeply.
>playing bretonnia
>finally unite everybody, marienburg and red duke removed
>start scouting the world
>everybody is at war with everyone else
>even the fucking dwarfs are fighting 7 different factions
>chaos is just mopping all the half-dead resistance up
By the fucking lady.
Not everyone faps 5 times every day, one time is more than enough
And not everyone is a degenerate that gets off to the nastiest shit
grow a fucking pair of balls and be the shield of the humanity.
>thinks piss fetish is degenerate
Ahahaha, little babby
The Fall of the Eldar narrative was actually written by a Christian polemicist as a warning against modern man.
What the fug, enemy army just attacked me in Empire: Total War without vastly superior stack. Feels weird after Warhammer.
Humand kind is under influence of slaanesh, tho
It is.
>Very hard
>Win Badlansbowl by turn 70
>Go north
>Become the shield
>Clear some Varg and Chaos
>Clear more Chaos
>And a bit more
>Clear Archeon and Bird
>Everything else is still a shitshow, Norse cunts at Altdorf, two turns into age of peace everyone is at war
I don't know why I even bother... If these cunts could at least repopulate the demolished cities and provinces before starting to fight against each other while Norse cunts just clear them...
Doesn't Slaanesh also cover stuff other than fetishes? Like the artist who cuts up people to make sculptures, or the person so obsessed with their paintings they don't eat for two weeks at a time, or someone who makes music out of people screaming. Or I guess that the person who eats the entire buffet would also fit under that same category.
I would think that a society based around consumption and disposable things in general would be slannesh aligned, so very much so.
I'm no real warhammer lore person though.
What the fuck is this
So pretty much this?
Your correct slaanesh does, pleasure in all forms, but usually to the extreme to the point where it may not even make sense, see noise marines for example in 40k. They have weapons that are intolerable volumes and tones that for some reason they enjoy. The entire concept is pretty fucked up. Things like drugs too are also covered by him.It's all about the kill with the gods, just as it is decay for nurgle it's pleasure for slaanesh, putting a blade into your victim and healing them at the same time just so they can enjoy the pain. Sure you'll live longer than against someone like khorne but you will "enjoy" it. Or at least the guy bringing the pain will...
If memory serves slaanesh has this 5 room castle sort of thing in the warp, one room is things like wine and food, another sex, another art and so on so forth.
Fuck the other humans.
Estalia, my """""""""ally"""""""""" who I had to save from Khazrack Bullballs has been declaring war randomly on everyone from Tilea, the Empire (who they helped cripple so they could get goblin/vampire tagteamed). Tilia has been fighting the Welfs. The Border Princes are the ones who declared war on the fucking Dwarfs, let them burn. Kislev genocided most of the Empire in the early game before getting pumped full of Norscan jizz.
Oh yeah, and Ostermark allied up with fucking Mannfred ASAP and was rewarded for their loyalty by being second on the plate for Archaon.
I think all but 2 provinces had the "fuck the empire" trait, and it showed. Hell, I wouldn't even mind helping out the last remaining Empire province, Hochland, if they weren't ALSO at war with the FUCKING DWARFS.
These not-German fucks do not deserve the warm bosom of the Lady's protection. At this point I'm more isolationist than Orion.
Very much yes, except the no drugs rule would not exist. Drugs are a big part of it.
I'm surprised they prefer to not use condoms, especially with that guy saying he has all those diseases that they don't know what it is.
What to do now? I pretty much won the whole game.
Wait for warhams 2 or mod like fug.
But i want to play warhammerr
Mods time
Play mods
Make mods
A bit confused, what kind of AoE buff does the grail reliquae give?
That's all? Seems kind of weak. Unit description says it has a magical aura and does magical damage too.
>Seems kind of weak
The main weakness of peasants is their morale. They can easily be worth their cost if they're not running away after getting sneezed on.
>kind of weak
It's arguably the strongest buff in the entire game.
Play another video game.
If I want to play some vikings, what Total War should I play for the best experience?