Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #857
Mini Milk Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


For File Acquisition errors, do one of the following:
- switch all locale/system/region/date/time/everything settings to Japanese
- keep locale locale/system/region/everything settings and run with Applocale (Win7/Win8) or Locale Emulator (Win10)
Always run as admin.


Main Site:
FAQ Image Guide:
Win10 FPS Issues? Use this: (now with subtitle fix)

/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game [Preferred]:
Manual Installation [For masochists, not recommended]:

>Character Card Database: (still down, use the backup zip for old cards)

>Mods & More:
AA2 Pastebin:
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:!oElS1CRb!AmOsT8TQ1pUt1NtDJYC9804fuwYi_Zke-y3RT-fTFWs!5RF3DDLb!AcE4uNnHxZE0cg0wUkeKW2e6-lZa39hX2AzKrH44OPg

Reminder that fat is bad and you should feel bad for liking fat.

Here are all the poses from the secret santa event again in case you didn't see them.


>editing another user's card edition

dongfire is kill
someone please share svii uncensor that's in the pastebin

its on the same mega as the clothing collection

well shit on my dick
im sorry to have wasted everyone's time

I mean I put it on there yesterday or the day before so I doubt people know.

>he doesn't know
You can make those breast changes in the poser itself, not on the card

It's a good change. Thank you

Hey, sorry for long delay. Here is the fox an user wanted. If you're wondering why she doesn't have a tail. Turns out it's really buggy and doesn't stick to the body so it just floats in random poses and positions all over the place..

Here's some electro swing:

>2 collars

She's a mutation. I got it covered in her lore.

The 2chan tails most certainly bind to the body and move with it. How were you applying them?

The normal archive override I did with the ears. Unless there is some other way I did not do.
They stick fine when shes standing or a little bend. But when you lewd or do poses with her it disconnects.

Try making the tail the primary hair and the rest in that category the addons. I've never had a problem with tails and lewding

Okay, after doing the tests, that seemed to be the problem.
UGH now I have to fix it.!5RF3DDLb!AcE4uNnHxZE0cg0wUkeKW2e6-lZa39hX2AzKrH44OPg

The pastebin link should be updated too, then.

Maybe he can finally update that eye collection link too.

Thank you!


You weren't missed during your little hiatus

what did he mean by this?

Apparently nothing and no one.

I meant that you, a person who cannot develop new memes and instead repeats ones that are years old, were not missed during your little break from the thread

What's the newest dankest mean senpai?

comics made with the poser, see the OP

The poser is too much work for comics.

No problem user, I hope you enjoy.

Turning old image macros into poses. We still need laughinggirls.png, no_u.bmp, and many more. Get to it.

Its revolutionary user! We take the old memes and remaster them to new better memes!
Its like Apple, EA, Bioware. We could make it big.

Your kind is not welcome here.

Whos he talking too I wonder.

Start using AAU

I think he lost his mind.

Hmm I don't know if I like these new memes.

I'm new to this how are we supposed to know who said what to who?

Did this tail bone disconnect happen with all the tails? How exactly were you breaking them? For knowledge's sake.

>Did this tail bone disconnect happen with all the tails?
Well, I haven't used any other tails in-game but I have in the maker and it seems to work fine. But what I would assume is that this problem would happen with the other tails as well.

>How exactly were you breaking them?
Oh, I thought it was a known problem. It's just when you override a hair then use the hair tab in AAU to put the hair on rather than using the maker. If that makes sense.

The way they broke is when I started using the poser I noticed her tail floating off to the side for some reason. This problem also happened in the sex positions as well. The tail would float to the side rather than "stick" to her. My guess it has to do with how the hairs are handled when using it in AAU. Kinda like how they don't scale with the head. That would be my guess.

Hope this helps for whatever reason.

It sounds like the additional hair feature was trying to add bones to the tail, and this breaks the tails.
What happens if you put on 2 tails and no other additional hairs, I wonder?

>It sounds like the additional hair feature was trying to add bones to the tail
Ah, yeah that would make sense. I hope that hair feature would get fixed with the scaling as well. I'm no programmer so I don't know how hard it would be.
>What happens if you put on 2 tails and no other additional hairs, I wonder?
My guess would be it only happens with the hair tab. If you wanted 2 tails I guess you would have to put them on all the slots in the maker.
Weird how I find these bugs.

Makes sense that you find the bugs when you're the person using the tools

that's colth is where?

He never shared it and he never will.

So where is this cloth?

He never shared it and he never will.

ask hardlinker in steamgroup he has it.

I never shared it and I never will

steamgoup is a nice community.

every community I'm a part of is nice

why do you claim tmfag is dead and also claim he cares if you share his stuff?

he likes to meme dead people. he got no new memes.

because I killed him and his last words were "don't share my stuff with Cuck or Anonymous"

hi im ron share card now.

no, I will keep it to myself

you worst steamgroup member anyway.

who is bad guy here? steamgroup or discord?


You are the bad guy.

both are equaly as bad.

facebook group

>steamgroup gave us aau and mods
>discord gave us nothing
u sure?

dont go shilling too hard.

Those nice new rooms are all from the steam group

>Japan is steamgroup

The ones in 3D rooms. The ones in props are shared here first and 2chan modified them

why cant we all agree that this game is dead an move on to a better game.

Porting over shit is not the same as creating something. Stop taking credit for other people's work steamgroup shitters.

it's not out yet

Stop shitposting Keyfag.

thanks hardlinkerfag.

it's amazing how many people in this thread don't have the cute, quirky internet autism and instead have full-blown, tragic, brain damage autism

yeah, like 1 or 2?

when suzu is coming back

i miss sweet ass cheeks. :(

It's way more than one or two

it's not that much after samefag-correction. And considering the time it's probably the same autist as usual

how meany in steamgroup? that.

I must be missing something pretty basic, I can't download anything from Mega. Not as zipped file, not as normal download, not as anything. What am I doing wrong?

you're describing your problem in vague terms instead of posting a specific image of what you're doing

Did you hit your download limit after downloading too much from mega? Did you check if mega was down?

Do you know the password for

How did you even learn about that getuploader without knowing the history of its owner?

Was not aware there was a limit. I don't have an account, so I really know nothing about how it works. Been years since I paid any attention to AA2, and now hongfire is down. That used to be source for all info on this. Have to start from scratch.

Click on mega link, go to folder. Right click on file, click download, then either "standard download" or "download as zip". Nothing happens. Check file transfers, I see a list of files, but they're all listed as queued, nothing changes.

do you want the Shimakaze outfit?

it started the download for you. Once it finishes you'll be asked where to save it. I know it's ass-backwards but that's how mega works

Right, but nothing seems to finish. I stopped the transfers and tried to get a 5 kb readme.txt, no luck. Maybe I hit a limit somewhere without knowing it.

Shimakaze costume already exists. But if you want to have other costumes or hair, can you tell where to find them?
I think there are megumin and yunyun costume hair in addition to Aqua, and I can not get them. Did not share in the first place?

why are you namefagging?

Ika hates /aa2g/. No one here has access to his stuff

Http:// My blog seems to have stopped. Can we get back what we shared there?

>Ika hates /aa2g/.
Why do nips hate us?


The name was written without thinking anything. If you do not do that, I'll be careful.

yes we know fag want a cookie?

Http:// - 67ru
I am collecting MOD purely. Can you help me?

nah, your salt is enough

That isn't from ika though