xth for void and doom will be meta again soon
someone kill dakota please
what if i roam am today mhmmm
>not liking middle age molester
>losing to 4 hard carries and a Bloodseeker
sumail tried to throw but jerax and miracle won't let him
>eg is stomping this tourney
>eg is casting this tourney
>eg is analyzing this tourney
This shouldnt be allowed, to fishy
between their now broken matchmaking system post-patch and the now nerfed worthless report system, this game has officially gone in the dumps
thanks for wasting my time Valve with all these literal down syndrome intentionally throwing retards because now they have no punishment
>>eg is stomping this tourney
sumail doesnt give a fuck
I'm worried about Sumail's mental state
bloodseeker is literally spammed by most of boosters what are you talking about?
throw sumail in the trash
WTF are those lineup what MMR is this sub 1k ?
Are they fucking serious what the fuck are they doing
>tfw no lina inverse hero
its nice seeing EE play again. after this ill have to wait until kiev :/
how fried is sumail's brain right now?
This is what the patch has come to. 5 core lineups are now viable.
I await team world to do bloodrage + 5 dagon V strat
Supports are irrelevant you 2k skrub.
Why am I still at 2k MMR after playing for 6 years?
it's reverse captains mode if you missed beginning
>chink honeypot that doesn't even pay out
>Just woke up
>EG got eliminated
Tell me, dotards.
Did they at least put up a fight?
>implying sumail will ever have the gold to buy it
>aghs just gives more illusions for the enemy to farm
thanks icefrog
Antimage has disgusting mobility and mana break. Why are people still sleeping on his zoning/ganking potential?
farms slow without battlefury and has no utility in later game
IceIceIce is a real cheeky cunt
Man if only ice3 played mid in his team instead of that shitty pubstar
These PL plays are ridic
Team World would be stomping if Sumail wasn't playing like garbage.
this retarded faggot TB who keeps pushing like its a rank match
they are already stomping though
I'm glad they are going all in on the shit-show theme having the correct casters for this match.
>tfw ROTK is worlds best chance
ice^3 makes PL look like a good hero
i just realized ee is playing terrorblade rofl
>reddit downvoting all alch and naga is op comments
Why do these autistic faggets get to determine the balance patches, fucking faggets
>tfw envy proves HE is best china
>envy's mere presence causes shit like this
>kotl: they're using the full power of the drow lineup
>4 melee
oh dakota you make me kek
>envy can't carry a tp
what the FUCK is his problem?
ee enforcing the cloud 9 strat
>team china vs team amphetamine tolerance
yeah I'm gonna blame sumail for this one
>iceiceice isn't on team china
>sumail going for the rtz carry style
Let me guess, you're a burger?
>man not from china not on team china
the fact that makes you think really makes me think about your thinking
>i differentiate between thirdies to a nuanced level
let me guess, you're a third worlder
>every white American isn't an EU player
really noggins the joggin
so if team world and team china are legit teams who would win the most lans? who goes support? who goes carry?
even though his nation is defacto chink genes
the garbage mainland china culture does not exist there
so basically this is a regular pub when all the
teams are in one region
all this is missing is the bm all chat
will envy EVER win ANYTHING?
Feels good to see good old Boner King balling.
more like city on america am i right
>giving away team broken RNG
you deserve this
these sunders are envy's team applications
>please play with me
EE went full tryhard in a bloody showmatch and still lost, what a waste of oxygen that guy is
scc saying what we're all thinking
Sccc is such a fucking savage GOD
>team America when they were winning
>team World when they started losing
>Envy triggering other pro players