/srg/ - Speedrunning General
[distant bird laughter heard high above it all]
When does the MrSpeedrun shitposting begin
Tell me what to speedrun
Garfield: Lasagna World Tour
so who is MrSpeedrun?
Future SM64 WR holder
Thanks, gimme a week and I'll get WR and become a tranny in the process
If you do you have to post hot sissy nudes
>Former WR holder in bio when you are now 6th
Holding WR in a competitive game is an accomplishment, they deserve the washed up title of former WR holder
No it isn't, the time was bad.
Holy shit narcissa is just fucking SAD now.
I can't even keep it going in the background to wait for something funny to happen. It's too depressing.
"I'm making so much progress in my life! ...b... but I'm not even close to where I want to be... but soon, excellence will just EXUDE from the stream!" (175 viewers)
No one cares, you tranny loving cuckold.
Dutchj will never be capable of WR.
Flippy_o will never be capable of WR.
BounceyBoyy will never be capable of WR.
dude having an autist meltdown. check his tweets for a laugh
>puncay and cheese have the SAME movement, puncay just hasn't done enough runs so his sum of best is lower!
>biinny could get world record first try if he didn't use mic
>epic teenage sperg styled tweets
>amusing in any conceivable way
You're probably him baiting for replies
user, it's not hard to be a grindmonkey, especially if it's literally your job like in Cheese's case. There are thousands of CSGO shitters doing exactly the same and for free.
thanks for the irrelevant response!
You're welcome!
>puncay and cheese have the SAME movement, puncay just hasn't done enough runs so his sum of best is lower!
>biinny could get world record first try if he didn't use mic
very unlikely
A stupid fucking grind monkey with a bird laugh and banshee screech creating a marxist utopia in minecraft while bonobo howling and mashing the reset button
hotline miami
tell me what is wrong with being a grind monkey
you cant
together with his girlfriend barbiexedge and her therapyxdog
end it zast
everyone who srg calls a grind monkey has contributed massively to their games. proves they dont know shit lol
Source? Is that fat stream monster fuck the cause of all this shit in the thread?
someone linked a clip from squid's stream on a monkey post that showed zast's nick as the person who clipped it
there are at least 2 other confirmed monkeyposters and me though
did a clip on grav adding the meme crap and proud of it
posted about her(barb) and "being a good source of drama"
there's still others though
the "squid" clique changed to being all about him after cyf
>contributing anything
*uses weapon on a boss*
*bonobo howls*
They mindlessly spam runs, don't practice efficiently, and don't focus as best as they could.
For every route there's a peak, which can be achieved through all of the above, but grindmonkeys not only take significantly longer to get to that point, they push past it to get viewers and donations rolling in. Cheese himself said he wouldn't be interested in getting 1:39 without the stream.
that is truly embarrassing
The God Gamer Stigma
The Grind Monkey Stigma
>the obsessed freak stumbles into the thread, his eyes wild
>everyone stops and stares at this poor soul as he begins his insane tirade
>only bits and pieces of his nonsensical drivel can be made out
>"...culturalxmonkeyxgrindx70starxmarxist... "
>his bizarre ramblings finally come to an end and the obsessed freak wanders back out
>he is sure to to return and repeat the exact same lines over and over again, like some sort of monkey, endlessly grinding away
>squid sighs and gets back to his ape escape 2 runs, knowing the obsessed freak is beyond all hope
did srg finally run out of speedrunners to expose
>zastbat panicking after being exposed as being obsessed with squid and now worrying that they will pick up on the fact that he is a fat neckbeard who has accomplished nothing and doesnt even speedrun
he changed his name
There was a time where Cheese really did care about the game. He improved extremely fast initially, and contributed a lot around the time he first started getting records.
He's definitely stagnated though. 1:38 is within the realm of human possibility, and if Cheese put as much passion and effort into practice as he did before, he'd probably be there by now. But he just doesn't care anymore. He just wants to grind runs and collect twitch money.
*flies high above it all and bird laughs*
This post is twitter.com
This is the guy who obsesses over Squid 24/7 and exposed himself by clipping a clip on Twitch and not knowing it shows you who clips it
*banshee screeches*
end it zastbat you worthless stream monster
>waah waah I've exposed you as the person who is constantly exposing me
*bird laughs*
>zastbat the worthless stream monster thinks he is exposing anyone other than himself after revealing himself as the obsessed cuck
>p-please stop exposing me... ooh ooh...
can we do anything to save speedrunning?
Shoot up the next GDQ
>it makes headlines in international news, giving free publicity to all future GDQ events
nice going
>every tranny, oldboi, newboi, and autist will be dead, creating a clean slate for speedrunning to be rebuilt from the ground up
>SRG shitters who are even more autistic than GDQ attendees didnt go so theyre the only ones left
>The only speedgame left is medievil
>Speedrunning is saved
I'm trying to get gud at punch out.
I keep losing runs to sandman, though. Are there any visual cues in the background of the fight, youtube.com
I don't know any speed strats yet, I'm practicing getting decent at the game first
>punch out
You can't speedrun QTE simulators.
>you are grind monkey if you don't devote adequate time to focused practice
OK, but what is "focused" practice? What makes it different from regular practice? Because I would say doing regular runs is practice enough for most games.
Playing the game is practice. Repeating a segment over and over is practice.
The latest meme for people who want to look like above it all speed connoisseurs is saying that people don't do 'correct' practice.
There is no such thing as in-correct practice. If you are playing a segment, it is being practiced.
Grind monkey is also a meme phrase that these types of people throw around to try and raise their own status.
People practice the wrong movement or strat when they incorrectly think they're practicing the right movement or strat. If you're practicing the wrong thing forever, you'll never get good at doing the right thing.
It's not that complicated, but people often fail to do uncomplicated things.
No game has direct set of inputs you have to follow. There is only slower movement, not all players practice the top strats. The new meme is claiming normal practice, is not good enough.
The problem with this is that, in many games, movement is a spectrum. It's not just "right" or "wrong", it's only more or less optimal.
I'm talking specifically about speedrunners who believe they're practicing something that they're not really practicing.
>No game has direct set of inputs you have to follow.
Literally all of them do unless you're reacting to a lot of RNG.
Why are people in here trying to deny the existence of efficient practice? It's not like this is some made up abstract concept, it's a well understood facet of the human learning process.
Many games give the player the option to do various inputs at different times. The player is free to push whatever buttons whenever he wants. So you are incorrect in assuming that all games have direct set of inputs you have to follow.
In a general sense the optimal inputs are always the same, the only exceptions are in areas with RNG and areas where you can do inputs that don't affect your time.
>The player is free to push whatever buttons whenever he wants.
Yes, but if your goal is to get an optimized run in the least amount of time, there are a specific set of steps you need to take to do so.
>speedrunners don't know the difference between mindless practice and deliberate practice.
some of them do, but you're right, a lot of them seem to be clueless of the concept.
hey squid hows your sm64 project going?
>calling speedruns projects
Do people actually do this?
If men like Callumbal can rightly be called "people", then yes, they do.
Bounceyboy has a better time than Squid in 70 star now after like 2 days of runs.
Where does BotW rank in terms of entertaining zelda runs?
he must be truly skilled
When I have "beef" with guys like you, and then I meet guys like you at a GDQ, I fucking laugh to myself. You always manage to fall short of my most generous expectations. Usually either massively overweight or underweight, clueless how to dress, bad hygiene, socially anxious to a point I'm surprised you're not having massive heart attacks when walking down the hallways. Just a lot of pathetic shit. I go back to my hotel room, in my nice clothes, with my real, honest friends. And I know in a hotel room down the hall, there is some cuck whose worst insecurities are coming out because they wish they could be like me.
at the bottom
of the well
vice city
whitegoose -2 points 2 hours ago
"Omg Goose hasn't posted for a whole DAY! LOL nowhere to be found!" - nice logic bro.
I was considering making a farewell/thank you/best wishes post, but then I realized you guys aren't worth it.
The thing that helps me sleep at night, is that no matter how degenerate I am, no matter how many boogers I eat, I will always still be miles above you guys. This lot is a massive, pathetic pile of shit, who are only fascinated by what happened at SGDQ2014 so that they can masturbate to visions of Tolki getting fucked in a hotel room when their anime dragon pornos get stale.
I see you guys as all wearing worn out blue jeans that your mothers bought you when you were 15 years old, and a bunch of old Metallica or Led Zeppelin t-shirts. I see you guys are working some shitty "sales" job that you know isn't getting you anywhere, but looks "legit" enough on a resume that your family isn't completely embarrassed by you. I see a bunch of dudes who have never fucked a girl of their dreams, and if they've gotten any sexual attention at all, was from a 4/10 girl that wasn't of their choosing, rather a girl who just happened to approach them.
When I have "beef" with guys like you, and then I meet guys like you at a GDQ, I fucking laugh to myself. You always manage to fall short of my most generous expectations. Usually either massively overweight or underweight, clueless how to dress, bad hygiene, socially anxious to a point I'm surprised you're not having massive heart attacks when walking down the hallways. Just a lot of pathetic shit. I go back to my hotel room, in my nice clothes, with my real, honest friends. And I know in a hotel room down the hall, there is some cuck whose worst insecurities are coming out because they wish they could be like me.
You are all jealous of me. You are all jealous of Stiv. You are all jealous of Sam. You are all jealous of Narcissa, or at least what Narcissa used to be. Because even as little, irrelevant, inconseque
>tfw to intelligent to speedrun
all the categories are arbitrary
>"Oh...pwease fuck my boipussi, pwease."
-Cosmeme's last words at the NWC
he's right though. In real life, Goose could actually get pussy while the rest of the r/samandtolki fags sit and gawk at Narcissa. Reddit is cancer.
the sad part is narcissa would actually fuck you(for $$$) if you ask him over twitter but those faggots would rather jerk each other off. what a waste.
that's just what he wants you to think
he's an ugly, untouchable permavirgin just like everyone else in his social circle
he just tries hard to look like he's above it all
holy shit did (((he))) really look like that?! nigga looks like cancer
Repetition practice is only good if you're doing everything correctly, and you're just ingraining it into muscle movement. If you're failing something, it takes actual brain power for you to analyze what you're doing and why it isn't working, and actively trying to force yourself to fix the problem until you can consistently do it right.
Perhaps the 2nd most crazy set of eyes, trumped only by...
Damn I am 30 and have a better hair line than this faggot.