is race a social construct?
Is race a social construct?
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Define "social construct"
A spook AKA anything I don't like.
yes it's a rather arbitrary grouping of different biological differences between populations for political reasons rather than scientific
Is racial construct a society?
society is a racial construct.
No, God's people are biologically set apart.
>Implying society itself is not innate, which renders the entire notion of social vs. """natural""" constructs void.
"Social construct" = "spook" when applied to groups rather than individuals
Is gender a social construct? Are dog breeds a social construct? Is nature itself a social construct? I'd wager not
>muh feels demands races exists in neat categories I can categorise
End yourself my man.
Very informative, didn't know some of this stuff! They definitely don't teach this in school
what's with the fake quotes from Darwin
We are as different in race as dogs are in breeds. We look different, but we're all the same species. We share the same genes. We look different because the rules to sexual selection don't apply quite the same to humans as they do with wild animals like wolves for example. Just the same, dogs have no say in who they're mate is because we manipulate that process to take advantage of certain genes that we see desirable. Therefore, you don't see the same consistency in appearance in dogs as you would wolves. Yet in the end Homo sapiens are all Homo sapiens and kanines are all kanines. It's not as much a race issue as much as it is a struggle between the powerful and the powerless. The powerful can easily manipulate the general masses by dividing us racially and using a certain minority as a scapegoat to evade the true problem, while at the same time giving the powerless majority a sort of "power" due to their implied "prestige" by capturing the effective minority in certain forms and blasting it all over various media sources. If you think about it, there was a post awhile back that showed a news report of more whites being killed by police force than blacks on average. Think about what would happen if these shootings are portrayed, not as racial targeting, but the bigger issues such as our growing population living in poverty and our shrinking middle class. It's not rocket science. As poverty increases so does violent crime. So, instead of addressing the issue of income inequality, the government and media alone focus on the issue of race.
Humans don't have as much difference as dogs do between breeds. It's more like humans are all same breed but some are a little more mixed with another breed. What peolpe notice from different "races", the phenotype and skin colour differences are superficial genetic variation, they are just more observable to naked eye.
I don't think the troll below realizes that what you had to add didn't shut anything down...
If race is a social construct, do white people still have privilege?
Daily reminder that the people on the left are white, virtually indistinguishable from europeans and the grill on the right is "Mongolische rasse", completely seperate from europeans.
Caucasian =/= white friend.
Yes because privilege is also a social construct.
When people say X is a social construct they don't mean it doesn't exist, they mean it exists as a social construct.
why is Veeky Forums so racist in the first place?
>is race a social construct?
Race is a social construct but biological differences exist between human populations.
Now let this shitty thread end before it gets memed to oblivion
The people on the left most likely looked closer to the orignal Homo sapiens in Europe, who eventually intermingled with lighter skinned farmers from the Middle East and Russia (though the latter were darker than most whites today at the time).
>Race is a social construct but biological differences exist between human populations.
hial b00s
The traditional categorization of races (nigs, whitey, chinks) is an arbitrary construct. DNA clusters are real though. In that sense there are over 12 races, some more closely related then others. But it's impossible to put humanity to 3 or 4 categories if you look at genetics. Hell even if you just look at appearence it makes no sense. How are chocolate brown Indians or Afghans count as white, while pale Uralic and Siberian tribes as yellow?
It is both a social construct and definable by genetics.
They are not mutually exclusive. The social construct comes from cherry picking facts, declaring some genetic differences between groups to be supremely relevant while ignoring others.
>How are chocolate brown Indians or Afghans count as white, while pale Uralic and Siberian tribes as yellow?
Maybe you should stop thinking /int/ memes are real life.
No, the social construct part means that people ascribe specific behaviors to specific races, based merely on the color of their skin or ethnicity, which is why it's called a social construct in the first place.
You can utilise biological markers to differentiate between races.
>it's impossible to put humanity to 3 or 4 categories if you look at genetics
not strictly true, these posters describe the issue better
the "race doesn't exist" meme obviously comes from people paranoid about racism, I don't particular care though I'm getting bored of bait
Only answer
Telling the truth -> racist
Science is the thing that groups anything biological though.
It makes sense why blacks were not seen as people since they look nothing like us whites or even other humans in Eurasia its an enigma on how such alien beings could be the same species as us.
Why even the arabs considered that the blacks are not human but beast the resemble men.
African communities in Europe have high crime rates meaning high crime is a black thing its in their blood to cause crime and chaos just look at the Zulus in Charlotte right now.
Well, the gene for skin pigmentation exists while the assumption it is responsible for a taste for fried chicken is irrational and a separate thing.
Those are not white people, whites dont have that kind of facial structure.
The skull shape seen in all human races never changes meaning its a biological trait that can be used to group humans thus race is real.
Race is not skin color you moron, blacks were called blackies because their skin made it easier to identify them but euros could detect a negro from their ape like facial structure as evident in albino africans. Indians are the closest you will get to a white person in dark skin retard.
What's your point, moron?
That race is a real thing, back in the early 1900s blacks were racially classifed on the actual physical differences(like those sloping foreheads) between them and whites not some arbitrary skin color that tards believe.
> sloping foreheads
> not arbitrary
Ok, why is the skull shape the one thing to categorize by? It's still only a physical trait like skin color or eye shape and doesn't always represent a shared genetic heritage.
> not strictly true
It can't be true in strict sense, because clusterisation is arbitrary procedure. You can cluster everything on one single set, if you really want. For example, in your image there is no point to divide Causaian from Asian but keep rest of Asians as a united group.
Go to Africa they all have small sloping foreheads and that is an indication that their frontal lobes are not as developed as ours which explains everything about blacks.
Because you fucking retard the bone structure is one of the most ancient traits in an animal while our muscles and soft tissue can mutate quickly its takes a very long time for our bone structure to change, meaning that this is evidence of human genetic subdivisions if these cranial shapes have remained the same since their inception.
Even right now we humans only have a slightly modified ape skeleton.
> no continuum
Could be artifact of a two dimensional projection.
>the person on the left is white
>the person on the right isn't
makes sense.
Humans are Caucasoids and Mongoloids, Negroids,Capoids, and Australoids are just the same species as us but not psychologically the same.
>Taxonomy is still relevant and not completely arbitrary
> not psychologically the same
Psychological classifications are mess. You could as well just believe in the horoscopes at this point.
race isn't a social construct but how we treat one another for what we were given is
>That race is a real thing
Physical characteristics and properties are different. But that's not what we are talking about when we're talking about race being a social construct you moron. We are talking about ascribing behavioral traits to whole groups of people because of their ethnicity or racial background.
Human is just a social construct not a reality, we should redefine humans as just Caucasoids and Mongoloids and classify the blacks are something else entirely that can just breed with us they are not human.
For one thing calling them blacks is silly give them a more descriptive name like Homo sapiens primitus. Refer to them as Paleos ratheer than niggers.
No retard the negroids are on average psychopathic mentally retarded savages compared to Caucasoids and Mongoloids that have empathy and altruism mentally blacks are an alien lifeform to us.
Thee shape of my cranium is sexie(r) than you(r)s ther(r)efo(r)e I must be superio(r) to you in some manne(r).
Free will is a meme, your behavior or potential behavior is determined by your genes, psychopaths at proof that humans born without empathy will most likely end up your leaders or mass murderers. You have no choice in the matter so human groups are in subdivisions then their behavior can be attributed to these subdivisions like there is rampant uncivilized violence in every black place on earth as evidence the negroid race is a naturally sadistic(enjoys using violence to cause sufffering for pleasure) race on the earth which explains everything about them.
We the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids have the skulls that are morphologically lesser to an ape but blacks and Abos do meanin they ARE PRIMITIVE.
Yeah, and Libras on average are twisted fucking psychopaths or whatever your glorified horoscopes told you today.
Humanities was a mistake
Horoscopes cannot be attributed to an objective concept like biology you fucking retard.
If, for the sake of argument, you're correct, "white people" are way worse than blacks.
What gene in white people caused the Holocaust? Or the genocide of the Indians? Or the Gulags? Or the colonial oppression of India and Africa? And American slavery?
> psychopaths at proof that humans born without empathy will most likely end up your leaders or mass murderers
Most psychopaths ends up as neither of them user. Just run quick math, retard. Psychopathy isn't the rarest shit in the world, while being the leader or even mass murderer is pretty rare thing.
i am personally interested in racial differences but not racist
Fine, whatever you one true version of MBTI tolds you. Official biology aren't ever uses racial "theory" by the way.
Blacks are the worst of mankind they are a race of wild feral humans a complete failure of a sapient intelligent race. Who cares about what we whites did in wars IN WARS, you need to see the chaos blacks do NORMALLY.
>muh Holocaust
Shut the fuck up jew you psychos have been butchering nonjews for sport for centuries.
Your chart is literally retarded.
Why is Ethiopian included as caucasian?
Why do the blue lines extend all the way back to include H. Sapiens in the Caucasian category?
None of your categories are even a monophylum at this point.
Careful so you don't cut yourself on that edge /pol/tard.
Blacks live in natural harmony between the nature, humanity and each other. It was known that greedy whites ruined that peaceful existence with their bloody colonial practices and years of oppression.
Indians are subhuman and by indian I mean the brown skins that descend from backwards tribes in South India not the fair skinned civilized people that made every Indian civilization.
Africans are just subhuman thats why they were oppressed because its civilization suicide letting blacks into your land as proven by Rhodesia becoming Zimbabwe and of course Haiti.
It is amazing that we allow a race of humans with the same ethics and cultural practice as ours from 70,000 years ago to still exist among us and call ourselves equal to them what a joke blacks are primitive wild beast.
Yes black boy thats why you have the polluted countries on earth right? Thats why it is YOU THAT IS MAKING SO MANY AFRICAN MAMMALS BECOME ENDANGERED RIGHT.
Peace and harmony of nature... what a joke we also lived in peace with nature 30,0000 FUCKING YEARS AGO. If this all you can muster to make us think you are worth anything then lmao you are just a wild animal that belongs in the wilderness not civilization blackie.
Also blacks kill the most blacks on earth so take that harmony with eachother thing up your ass.
t. Niggeraboo
This is proof that most atheists are racist. Put that junk science down and come to God, the one that made us equal. Junk science like evolution is simply not true.
Why you are such a savage? I come here for an educated discussion, not to speak with an ape that couldn't get past their primitive shits throwing stage.
> the polluted countries
Fault of Chinese and European greedy industry.
White men killed them for entertainment.
God is a racist himself he favors jews above everyone dipshit.
>White men killed them for entertainment.
We deserved rare mammalian life while blackies gore them for profit your kind is also known for torturing animals for rational reason at all as well.
>Fault of Chinese and European greedy industry.
No black jackass your kind has a serious littering and absence of any hygience problem everywhere you blacks infest looks like the beginning of an african wilderness.
Jews aren't the race. They are the same white people like you and me. Maybe more smarter on average, but nothing more than that.
No jews are a race, if you had seen actual Israelis and not the Ashkenazi european blood mongrels you can see that jews are not white at all.
Jews are Caucasoids like us whites but they are in another subgroup of Caucasoids not the same as us. Jews are in the same subrgroup as all the Levant humans.
> blackies gore them for profit
Because white people forced them to do it by force and under fear of death.
> serious littering and absence of any hygience problem
Firstly, this is clearly a modern myth that you can't back up by any fact. Secondly, the industrial pollution is much more harmful so it doesn't even compares anyway.
Israelis aren't real Jews, they are just LARPers.
We are all descended from Adam & Eve 6000 years ago and evolution is simply a false and racist belief.
There is absolutely no way to prove the racist junk theory called evolution. We are one race, the human race. We are not descended from animals or separate races like atheists like to claim. We do not come from some insignificant microbes 4.5 billion years ago but were equally crafted by God 6000 years ago.
Atheism is a racist and prejudicial belief system. Come to God, put this junk science called "evolution" down.
>Because white people forced them to do it by force and under fear of death.
Google african poaching retard.
>Firstly, this is clearly a modern myth that you can't back up by any fact. Secondly, the industrial pollution is much more harmful so it doesn't even compares anyway.
Big freaking deal at least we have evidence we have technology with out industrial pollution where as you blacks are just paleollithic subhumans.
God is a racist as he called jews the jewish race. Also Adam and Eve is biologically impossible.
Well Israelies have the most middle eastern jew blood.
>if you had seen actual Israelis and not the Ashkenazi european blood mongrels
Maybe you shouldn't cherry pick examples. Skull and facial morphology is considerably more relevant then phenotypes. Pic related is an ethnic Iranian man. I'd say he's more Caucasian then the Turkic/Mongolic women in your image on the right side.
> he called jews the jewish race.
Mistranslation, there is no word for race in biblic language.
> we have technology
Monkey with grenade still a monkey. Pollution it a proof that white people can't wield technology with proper responsibility.
God is not racist. He made all humans equal.
It was atheists who came up with the racist theory of evolution and that humans are grouped into different species. Put that junk science called evolution down and come to God.
I highly recommend reading one of Ken Ham's books or going to his creationist museum if you can. He opened my eyes to the racist theory of evolution and the science of God.
Oh shut up negro look at the bloodbaths your areas turned into the moment we gave you guns infact your kind promotes using guns like they are toys you are the ones misusing technology.
>He made all humans equal.
Plz learn what the word equal means.
yeah dude
This is simply not true outside atheist junk science like "evolution" (which has been disproved many times by great minds like Ken Ham)
If its not true all humans would look the same.
> look at the bloodbaths
Jokes on you, white guy. You people killed each other by thousands each day just because you got your hands on machine guns and tanks. The chart says it all. African conflicts doesn't even compare to gore fest that war Europe in world wars. That is when whites showed their truly savaged and primitive, greedy and aggressive nature. You can't argue with numbers.
God is an artist. He magnificently crafted every single one of us to look unique. He is an equal man and did not make any of us inferior to the other.
Atheists are racists who like to believe that Africans are the missing link between chimpanzees and humans. Evolution is JUNK SCIENCE put those racist "science" textbooks down and go read the Bible.
That is just war our normal socites are very peaceful but black societies are very chaotic and violent. Also black boy dont get me started on your kind giving American cities the murder rate of latin american countries.
Africans are not inferior like racist atheists evolutionists like to claim. They are disadvantaged due to economic reasons and we need to bring the word of God to them so they can develop.
> That is just war
Nice excuse, but death count still a death count. Systematized violence is much worse than simple natural one and much more destructive.
Rwanda Genocide 800,000 with just machetes. You ever notice how quick you kind goes to war its almost like you may be genetically programmed to love long term violence.