>FAQ and What to Play
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>Individual Game Pastas
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User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)
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>FAQ and What to Play
FAQ: pastebin.com
What to Play?: pastebin.com
>Individual Game Pastas
>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account
User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)
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Gotta love how /rlg/ posters only bother making a new thread when the old one's minutes away from 404.
Dear MuNe,
Staff of Death is a god tier weapon for 3 runes
I hope you find staff of torment so you can zigscum forever.
It's just good general etiquette.
i always knew we were the best general
It's the best way to do it.
Also he used the right image too! What a good OP.
A toast to him.
Demon blade or +2 short sword of electricity? I have no weapon skills at all
That's me!
That is also me.
Christ almighty now I'm fairly sure I have reached 4000 deaths already.
Demon blade of draining*
also grosslyincandescent
I'll have to grab all my names and set the under one nickname
>Forgotten so many names
Depends on where you are. You might as well keep both, using the demon blade to get a drain and then finishing with the short sword.
>staff of death
>on a race that doesn't need the rN
>when excruciating exists
are you not ponyposter/arrythmia
Happy birthday /rlg/
You see, people?
THIS is how you Cheipost.
On PCB, how'd you rank realms in general?
I know that they are generally suited for different things, but there are worse pools than others. Say, for a mage/high-mage character.
chaos > life > shit > everything else > trump
>1345x SolarFlare
>489x MistressOfTheDunes
>302x TheWatcherInTheDunes
>255x GrosslyIncandescent
>247x Rememberthe6billion
>242x trelanon
>227x RelittoDelNilo
>207x Esperanza,
>193x FistofTheNorthNile,
>155x AbsolutelyHaram
>135x Regret
>73x FilthyCasual,
>68x BoltzmannConstant,
>61x RottenBandages,
>53x HopeRidesAlone,
>45x HeWhoDoesNotSavescum,
>36x LetoII
>31x HeOfManyNames
>28x MistressOfTheSands
I'm sure I missed some.
>you step from time
who says
do you have proofs?
i spectated his game, someone asked and he replied
>the guy going on about his mumo games is the dumb ponyposter
wow everything makes sense now
Actually I'm just really trying to find out how many splats I've had
I heard there was a !nick command on beem, but I'm too dumb to make it work.
Um, what?
Yeah, there is.
If you list all your nicks I can do it for you.
Does this mean Mumo is more difficult than 14conduct nethack
Huh. VinniePaz was a console player, so any reply he would've made would be in the notes in one of his morgues. Do you have the turn number and morgue file in which he said this?
i recall it was the winning game
They're in this big dumb post.
Just watch out it's "Heofmanynames" and not "HerOfmanynames"
That's a typo
By a landslide.
Ty user, so far it's been going great. Just finished lair, had a few close calls but aways pulled through, the worst was an ice cave. Everything there was immune to my stuff. Statues took forever to kill, ice fiends were very deadly and the Reaper at the end almost ended me, but I got through by spamming zombies. It's funny, I used to always wonder why people called kiku OP but now i see. My piety didn't even go down a single * and I used corpse delivery at least 6 times.
>implying I don't use both
Staff of Death while i'm moving around, then if anything gets close to me I switch to sword and cast excruciating. Why limit yourself?
Also should I go for the Necronomicon? I have a ring of wizadry and an artifact ring with +7 int on it. Pain is nice but I can cast excruciating wounds anyways
>That's a typo
How do you spectate console players?
Ice fiends and reapers are endgame stuff and thus walking xp and piety sponges
You can use the webtiles. But they don't see your messages unless they have it enabled in their rc.
They still show up in webtiles so you can do that. Or you can ssh into a webtiles server and spectate other players via console. Console players can't see webtiles chat, but console spectators can send messages to them.
[20:24] 4232 games for FilthyAnthroFutaCelestiaLover (mumo): 1568x 0.18, 1001x 0.17, 592x 0.18-a, 512x 0.15, 247x 0.19-a, 167x 0.20-a, 109x 0.14, 23x 0.19, 7x 0.16, 5x 0.13, 0.10
Necronomicon for sure my man. If you need pain that bad just use the spell. Other people will say go permanent pain brand but that's unthematic and redundant
Is there a way to recognize if someone is playing console in the webtile interface?
Alright, after a complex retrival of information I've found the exact sum of the mumos and it's around 4200.
that's me yes.
That's a TON of runs. Holy fuck.
Thanks for the name, it fits perfectly
>you will never experience the pleasure of using a +10, +10 demon blade of pain with 27 necromancy
Yes. From the webtiles you can see that his name isn't showing in the spectator tab. Or you can look it up via the bot.
I play console, but can see your messages.
>nothing that matters give a shit about pain brand
feels bad
he has the pain brand spell you idiot
if you want pain brand that much just free up a few spell slots for it
[20:31] !lg FilthyAnthroFutaCelestiaLover /mumo
[20:31] 4232/6516 games for FilthyAnthroFutaCelestiaLover: N=4232/6516 (64.95%)
That's probably the point were he should just give up
>I play console, but can see your messages.
Oh cool
Jesus Horatio Christ
>you will never experience the pleasure of using dark maul with assassin
>you will never experience the pleasure of being a vampire with leech
>you will never use ocpa without chei
>you will never find arc blade
>you will never learn how to spell kiku's full name
>you will never experience the pleasure of being a vampire with leech
still mad that they removed that interaction
>dark maul with assassin
Check, but didn't really like it at that point.
>ocpa without chei
Check, multiple times.
>arc blade
Check, it killed me.
>kiku's full name
Well, crap.
>you will never experience the pleasure of being a vampire with leech
I actually have experienced this. It was alright
how wrong am I
>tfw never finding OCPA on my beefy demigod mages
IIRC it's Kikubaaqudgha.
now spell Hep
[20:42] =totaldur.lg
[20:42] 3897 games for Xenobreeder: 81d+22:50:21
[20:42] =totaldur.lg FilthyAnthroFutaCelestiaLover
[20:42] 6516 games for FilthyAnthroFutaCelestiaLover: 38d+4:27:00
No longer interesting: github.com
>you will never find captain's saber and fencer on a vinestalker
>you will never experience the pleasure of disarming, biting, and draining the magic of anyone that hits you
For that kind of character you ideally want actually good offensive spells
You can see all the spell lists here:
Realms with good offense include Armageddon, Chaos, Daemon, maybe Death but you'll run into resistance problems.
As a mage i don't know what's best for a second realm, but there are two major points: you only have 0% minfail on realm 1 IIRC (or at least you have lower failrates), and realm 2 can be changed throughout the course of the game.
So some mages choose something with good utility/emergency options for realm1 (like sorcery which has dimensiondoor and clairvoyance) and then have their main offensive spells be realm 2
this code is disgusting
>enter this room, low HP, almost no mana
>decide to kill this hostile human before I use a spell combo to hide in a wall and sleep
>only "offensive" spell is the "summon nature-aligned CR 1 monster " spell that Druids get at level 1
>"I have the mana for it, no reason not to"
>pic happens: a 2-HP level 1 cat kills a level 7+ red dragon with one hit
Sneak attacks are balanced.
if they're polymorphed they use the stats of the thing they're polymorphed into
red dragon was just being a retard and paid the price for it
To be fair though, I've never said it was anthro celestia
only futa celestia
Dragons always polymorph into a human or a giant praying mantis or an aasimar or something like that though.
IIRC you've posted her in anthro or humanized form here.
that's only because he gets banned whenever he posts non-anthro ponies in vg
I see.
when are they going to add a dog race to crawl
They have them on some experimental branch
They get changing aptitudes depending on how high their skill is
Decreasing or increasing?
A forced-loremaster race sounds kind of interesting
easy to hybridize, hard to master
gnolls are dogs, not kobolds
kobolds are still lizards
Are there any Pokemon style rogue likes? Monster catching focused I mean.
literally demon
Poschengband 6.0.2 released, savefile bug nixed.
pseudo -r when
>get hype for Turdak
>get owned by Akateko going twice in a row and a Chindi Snuffing me out
My ghost isn't even spicy, so now everyone who goes to Turdak's sanctum will see it and laugh at my ghost
did elliptic finally abandon crawl, those nerds dont deserve him
That map level should be illegal
i think he has been working on qw recently
Wasnt elliptic the one that saved us from the devs adding their dumb 1 time haste per level up
Good golly heck, this game
The more you kill the stronger they become
kill the person that invented breeders
they are breeding faster than you can kill them user, just evoke feet
Roguelike code tends to be bad since they are based on old codebases stitches together with tape.
Stop, you brute!
>breeding faster than you can kill them
so infinite xp?
This isn't crawl user
you can also get infinite xp by just going to the > and generating new levels
and you'll approach infinity a few hundred times faster
Then why are newer ones like CDDA code bad too
Not soon. Just fixing merge conflicts is pretty exhausting, and considering the item/inventory refactoring that happened - I need lot of time for that.
I am probably gonna wait until Pseudo bothers with it, so I get the fixes of pseudo at the same time.
Thank god he added bunch monsters from ellipsis, so it is less headaching to adjust the definitions.
Fun that he has my repo locally.
There are always programmers that utilize said tape.
Have there been any funny insider news for the future development of crawl?
>haha what a loser! he doesn't even have actaeon!
Original Cata was written by a single guy to learn how to C
DDA was written by a lot of people who had no idea what they were doing, also two hired professionals, who upon examining the codebase literally disappeared without taking money.
I thought they did take the money and ran
>insider news for the future development of crawl?Play brogue
They took less than their contract stated or something, leaving kickstarter organizers with leftover money. That everyone conveniently forgot about.
We are just being ironic here right, this didnt really happen right
I just checked their kickstarter news and apparently they did set up bounty system for the remaining money, back in 2014.