/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1388

>Undertaker retires
>Grantaker takes over

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for April:
4/1 - 4/9 - Table for Six
4/10 - 4/15 - All Four Celestials (Renewal)
4/16 - 4/21 - Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
4/16 - 4/21 - The Inner Light (Mary Event; Rerun and Renewal)
4/22 - 4/29 - Guild War (Fire)
4/30 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

4/1 - 4/8 - Anime Special (200 Crystals a Day, Increased Pendant Gain/Cap)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

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They're not actually buffing fimbuls are they?

Maybe they'll make them somewhat useful again


difference is undertaker's head would probably be out of the frame there

when will they learn

They should introduce new star modifier weapons

Fuck farming casino


Just roll DLF

just bot

I rolled 1 SSR out of 130 rolls in my first legfest.
I'm new, doesn't that result in a ban?

>playing manually

Just mvp your poker, user.


You might have rolled before it started, its supposed to be 6% during it

I don't get the appeal. She's a fat midget.

Lucio is gay right? He's basically neck deep in girls in his fate episode but he ignores them all.

You'd rather believe user is retard rather than just an unluckshitter?


>He farms Casino
>He doesn't just bot it
>He hasn't set his pc to auto shut down 2 hours after he goes to sleep
>He doesn't leave the bot running for 2 hours every night
top kek, as they say

Have you seen what he makes the levin sisters wear?

>women are the most important thing in a man's life

That's Albert user

But thats albert


Lucio isn't Lucifer you blind idiot.

But he also wants to be inside Yurius

Playable water dog when?

That's just a fake name he uses in Levin

so when do we find out about Clarrise's five star?


I'm 100% I rolled during it, I just got unlucky.

You forgot to mention that Luci actually has a girlfriend, Vampy

Shit happens, this is 56 rolls.

Someone save whale wind. Fucking windroaches get everything for free for fucks sake

since chev is huge cunt and don't want to drop guns or swords.... should I use at least 1 MLB harp until I get full grid of guns or sword? she drops only selfies or harps

at least give me axes you bitch so one day I can use them for varuna grid

>undertaker retires

The greatest couple!

Lucio is a fucking angel why would he need women?

Rank 99 darkfag here.

Main team: Djeanne/S.zoi/Naru/Vampy/Vira
Grid: 4 claws, 2 axes, unk etc

I'm about to hit 101 soon. What T4 class should I focus on getting first? I originally thought warlock would be the best, but all these berserkers blowing up every raid I join/host is making my think otherwise. Or should I just follow my heart and go Luchador?

I want to inseminate Lam in a dark alleyway

He doesn't

He needs a man

What summon should I bring to Six's 5* episode?

No one here would seriously buy the niggercats CD right?
I can't see how they can make money from a joke character.

>b-but Lowain always gets ranked in polls
Make a fucking Lowain SSR and put skin at there, maybe people would consider buy their CD

Braids are shit

Sandy fuck off go back into the wing womb

Mind posting it then?

Sage because Luchador's class weapon is useless

Go back to eating, Lyria

How do you pronounce "Vyrn"



>56 rolls
>2 Rate-up characters

This shit always make me scared.


Lucifer is Albert.


You pronounce it like Line up so that I can end your pathetic existence

Lucio is Albert

Lucifer is a different person

Back the fuck off?

I'm not falling for your shit again /gbfg/

The only SSR I got from all the rolls was Feena, that's why I'm farming casino so I can get Christina, Anat and the carbuncles.
But it's so tiring.


what the fuck is a vyrn

>Barely beat Freesia who has 5m hp
>Into the next chapter I go
>30m hp
Uhh dotards?

Will you fall for me instead?

No, Aaron.

Post grid

>used auto select button in summon upgrade
>game picked lv 1 0* light sr buncle
>insta pressed "upgrade" and "ok"

fuck... at least I have 1 MLB light sr buncle so it's not that huge lose but still. fml



>He can't get past Akasha

>wanting Percy's sloppy seconds
No thanks.

I'm glad I listened to /gbfg/ and hosted my bakas on twitter.


You clearly don't know how the nips work. It doesn't matter if the character is shit in-game, If it's cute, funny or fujo, they'll buy that shit.

Lowain is a pretty funny character, hence why he got ranked high in the polls.

Fine examples where characters are shit ingame, but their CD/outfits sell well: Soiya men and cog.

>Mahira's buff has 5/7 uptime
>Andira's buff has 6/8 uptime
>Anila's buff has 3/7 uptime
This is unfair.


don't do it, you'll lose the pluses!



How is Yuel better than Korwa? Her DATA buff only affects herself right?
I don't own her.

Fucke me

Fire has a long history of being a joke, you should remember that fact and embrace it.

Is event Sutera stronger than gacha Sutera despite having a weaker skillset just because she has zenith perks?

Yuel is cuter

>I don't own her
Look her up first before you say something like that.

Event Sutera can't 100% nullify an ougi.

Where's the pokerbot crack? Can't find it on archive.

Yeah, but Mahira's and Andira's buffs are only noticeable for like 2 turns.

w-what rank?

Well her first skill only buff herself right? It's just the atk that's buff the entire team.

>do a meme 10 roll on this legfest to see if I can get Strum and satisfy my lust for big cows tits
>get Yuel instead
>Since I saving for zooey, I cant waste that much crystals on meme rolls, I go and do another meme 10 roll on my alternate coop slave account
>get Yuel again



>2 idiots went in with water team

there should be option to kick such people from raid

Those look like shitty buffs.

we sea now?

Can I beat Celeste with these SSRs?

Are Gaos becoming more annoying than Smuglocks?

Do you have leech teams for every element? Maybe their Oliver is water.

Still waiting for Aoidos CD.
Surely they won't wasted Taniyama awesome singing voice like that?