How does one have enough money for rent while having a minimum wage job in college? Especially in a place like Mesa, Arizona.
Affording Rent in College
>not living with your parents while saving all the money you earn
Live with your parents if you can. It will save your GPA and bank account. It can be done though.
I worked a 10 dollar an hour job, 20 hours a week to pay rent and buy food. I lived off campus and would ride my bike to school.
It's pretty tough and takes serious budgeting to pull off. Towards the end of college you start getting better opportunities though. The more people you meet the more connected you get, so you start hearing about better jobs.
Try and apply for work/study positions if you can, and apply for every scholarship that is out there. I can't tell you how many times a little 500 dollar scholarship bought my food.
>not wanting to be independent
>worthless idealism over practicality
It's a very western thing to move out so young and not a smart financial move
Here's a thought:
Fucking work hard.
Balancing an average college work week (12-15credit hours) and a full time job (35 hour work week) is possible, you're just a pussy who wants the easy way out
This man speaks the truth. In many cases, living with your parents doesn't even mean you're not "independent". I get my own private space and can do whatever I want. I just happen to share a building with someone who is related to me. No problem with that.
See, this is the problem with you Millennials. Extremely entitled and arrogant. You won't learn life skills by staying in the comfort of your parent's house. Even if you've saved a million dollars and then decided to move out, its going to be extremely difficult for you to adapt as you will have been so institutionalized living with your parents by then.
My rent was 600/ month. Worked 25-35 hrs and sold Adderall and weed to pay rent. Also had a meme biz major (marketing). No way I could budget time the way I did with a STEM major.
Also got real lucky with roommates. Their parents were rich as shit but would always throw down for pizza and beer because they knew my situation.
Oh, fuck off with your shitty le millennial meme. My "life skills" (whatever that means) are fucking fine. There is nothing I could possibly gain from giving all of the money I earn to the landlord Jew. I'm in college, and the extra money I save is really helpful. I plan on moving out once I graduate. I can tell you're a poorfag by your post.
>new skills take time
>more of your time is spent working to pay rent
>less time to develop real skills
jesus christ boomers are stupid as fuck. Not only that, the housing market developed by old fucks is just another reason its not viable to move out of your parents house.
I live with my parents and go to uni, Spent 5 years NEET and developed a massive amount of skills that I make money with.
wagecucking is not what it used to be, grandpa
>t. chaim goldwitzbaum
>NEETs rationalizing this hard
I'm not NEET, I'm a full time student. Not an argument.
Sure you are buddy, sure you are
Shut it; NEET ass faggot
Again, not an argument. Now you're just using ad hominems.
Atleast I'm not a NEET though, get a real defense instead of "le lmao not an argument" horseshit
Ftfy fellow non NEET
A real defense? My argument can be found in All you're doing is calling me a NEET. So please explain to me why I should be shelling out all my money to a landlord, instead of investing it. Especially when I live so close to school, parents let me do whatever I want and I have privacy, and I'm not even home much anyway.
t. slumlord
Because it will teach you essential life skills you won't be able to learn when your mom is still doing your laundry and microwaving your tendies for you.
i know how to do laundry and microwave tendies.. but nothing beats not having to do it
I do all this shit myself. Give me examples of "essential life skills" I would learn by living in an apartment. Does losing all your money to a landlord count as an essential life skill?
also tendies go in the oven, not the microwave, it just tastes better