Who do you trust, Veeky Forums, man or God?
Who do you trust, Veeky Forums, man or God?
*man or man claiming to speak for God
>Man or (nothing)
ftfy. Oops only one option left
>who do you trust, Veeky Forums, spook A or spook B?
>men are spooks
shitposting, tumblr or both?
The concept of Mankind, and the ideology of humanism are spooky.
The Sultan
mankind is just a categorization. if mankind is spook then species are spooks
What if I find myself agreeing with everything in your image
>species are spooks
They literally are. If you think they arent, then define "species"
there is only one thing to do
This is a doubly false choice in that it assumes the possibilities of the existence of god and the trustworthiness of man.
Don't you dare touch my porn and racism niggerfaggot
species aren't a social construct, they are a somewhat imprecise term for categorizing living things. it is just as much "not real" as blue and purple since there is no single point where blue ends and purple begins
If you really wanted to be autistic you could define a specific point where "blue" wavelengths become "purple" wavelengths. You cant do that with species
actually you can. as soon as two populations are unable to produce fertile offspring together they are considered different species. this can't be used for extinct species but this still ends up similar to the blue and purple wavelengths. defining a certain amount of genetic deference or morphological difference arbitrarily before something is a different species is no different than arbitrarily placing a specific cut off point between blue and purple
>as soon as two populations are unable to produce fertile offspring
Only applies to sexual organisms and even then its not always true
yes, that's why there's also a genetic and morphological metric
>even then its not always true
??? If two populations are unable to produce fertile offspring they aren't different species? if species is a "spook" how could you have a better metric for what is actually a species?
For asexual organisms like bacteria the definition of species typically works off of a certain percentage difference of certain conserved gene sequences since that sidesteps the mosaic genome issue as well.
Taxonomy is a spook though.
>If two populations are unable to produce fertile offspring they aren't different species?
There are edge cases, like ring species (population A can produce fertile offspring with population B, and population B can produce fertile offspring with population C, but populations A and and C cannot produce fertile offspring with each other) or populations that are genetically compatible but cannot physically breed (for example, two types of spider who will produce fertile offspring if artificially inseminated but the shape of their genitalia prevents any breeding in the wild.)
I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a spook, but like many definitions in science you kind of just have to pick somewhere to draw a line. "Mankind" is a different story, especially used within the context of "trusting mankind" as in that case you aren't talking about genetics but behavior, and in that context there is no "mankind", only the specific set of individuals who may or may not have lied when conveying information to you.
>God castle
Wooden cannons
Bland as fuck painting
Windows of inneficient design because muh jezuz
Inferior firepower despite numeric superiority of cannons
>Man castle
Pimpin purple
Technologically superior cannons, quality > quanity
Trained and disciplined gunners focus firing at the fundations of fag castle
Winning without taking damage
Veredict : god's a pussy
>Christcuck castle
Wooden cannons
Bland as fuck painting
Windows of inneficient design because muh jezuz
Inferior firepower despite numeric superiority of cannons
>Man castle
Pimpin purple
Technologically superior cannons, quality > quanity
Trained and disciplined gunners focus firing at the fundations of fag castle
Winning without taking damage
Veredict : god's a pussy
Pornography: adults being allowed to watch whatever media they want, freedom.
Family breakup: Married people being allowed to divorce if they are no longer happy to hopefully find happiness once again, rather then being forced to live in misery. Freedom.
Gay marriage: adults being able to have the love life they desire, freedom.
Abortion: the ability to cancel your pregnancy, early stage foetuses feel about as much pain and have as much self awareness as a potato, they are not human.
Removal of then commandments: replaced with laws that make sense, basically always includes some of the ten commandments like forbidding murder and theft, but keeps out those who limit your freedom to work certain days of the week.
Racism: where did someone dream up this bullshit correlation, I'm not saying there's a correlation between religion and racism, but in the US the most religious part of the country is also the most racist. This is true if you look on a global level as well.
Also I'd rather trust men who use logic, rather then men who get their truths from burning bushes.
I don't trust man very much and I trust men telling me about god even less.
> christ cucks
> can't form coherent strategy
> tricked by fucking balloons
> will be defeated in no times
> humanism master race
> knew how to target weak point
> can work together like a pros
> created elaborate ruse to win
I am with a side that isn't retarded.
God id bullshit and does not exist, so man.
Literally reddÃt, kill yourself.
You showed them, Christian brother!
you found that while browsing DA for furfag porn, fedorafaggot
The only way you could find Jesus in modern time. Personally, I thing that it is an inspiring spirituality.