Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
59 days left till early 2017
>im just retarded
See shitski? This is why you should stop posting twitter posts on Veeky Forums.
>that alioune reply
goddamn i hate this stupid nigga
>sfv is so shitty he couldn't tell it was all a combo
You will buy my game on May 16th right user?
i dont know how he does it
he manages to crop up on literally every sfv tweet in the comments
>ironic fun
anyone wanna play melee
Why isnt he playing GG? Fuckers spends all of his waking time meming on SFV. These people make no sense.
so when I was playing marvel with my much better friend, I wasnt actually having fun? but ironic fun?
im confused
Sadira's ultimate
The buildup is great but the killing blow could be better.
Sort of upset that there is not pc release i would like to consolidate all my fighting games
but yeah i'll get it on ps4
I'm not a professional gamer, I just play fightans to have fun.
what is the cheapest low delay, 1ms response time monitor, 1080p monitor on the market?
Would be better if it was a stab rather than a slash
lmaoooooooooo this goober beggar
>implying having fun and getting better are mutually exclusive
have you objectively gotten better at fighting games since your late sf4 days
>kept getting CFN invites from some rando that I ignored
>find out today it was ryan hart on an alt
theyre gonna kick you out of the illuminati if you dont get it together man.
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
How would you know its Hart? And what's his CFN.
I nominate Yujiro for T7 guest character
i chatted to him on discord briefly about it
his main is prodigal_son but i think he's trying to keep the alt quiet so i aint gonna spill the beans
>being a little bitch
Everyone knows that's his CFN, he played sets with ISDD on stream with it.
Damn son you lying like a Jew in a bank
this shit is shit
Gotten any pro player nudes yet?
>reading comprehension
Oh, never mind, read that wrong. SPILL THE BEANS CUNT.
which fighting game has the best booty
It's from a porn game Something Unlimited
You can find rips of all pics in this thread somewhere if you want to bother yourself
Yeah I just played some sets with JWong and Daigo on their secret accounts but I can't tell you what they are.
They were free though. Please notice me.
>giggling like a little bitch over some guy that got dropped out of the jungles of africa and into the UK
when you should spend resources for a comeback instead of save them for the next round?
this thread gets cute when it's tsun lmao
dont worry im not leaving you shitheads any time soon
eliza is worst skrubgrill
I beat broski 5-0 the other day.
Why am I not adored by /fgg/?
im unironically not liking sfv anymore
Because it's not nice to bully mentally challenged
can someone post more Mai sniffs?
Thanks in advance.
Doesn't have anywhere near the impact of the other shitpost
kill yourself fagfeels
I'll be playing kara's game.
that game looks unironically fun
Whys that? Want to talk about it.
You misspelled Galetea wrong there
Mike is so bad in V.
What happened?
fuck off peter
I feel pretty bad in V. On a scale of 1 to 10, I've improved to a thats really pushing it.
Those pants are just silly.
>Not playing Grodd's game
I hope my new connection at my parents' house is good enough to play fighting games online. If it is I may even be able to stream some nice games of melty since the speed seems good enough for it.
Can't wait till early 2017 so we can stop linking yellowmotion
how is US>EU in melty?
Moving up on the world.
Proud of you and your graduation Brick.
btw. this was an ironic funpost
If it was her game she would be a unique character on the select screen and not a skin for supergirl. I will still play her sometimes though. I do like that if I know how to play one I also know how to play the other.
It's a really bad game and unless you have chance at winning money at tournaments, I'm not sure why anyone plays.
It's better than a lot of other games EU to EU or US to US, but since melty netcode allows you to play inside your continent with 0 delay most people stick to their continent anyway.
Thanks, reading this post gave me ironic fun.
how long will ironic fun last
>Baiken's version of the IK theme has samishen mixed in
Until people have real fun.
all fighting games are bad games dont joke yourself
why is reddit kappa so mad at sfv?
until you play someone that actually tries and ruins your ironic immersion
Because despite the game being simpler, they realized they still suck at it. That crushing feeling made them go insane.
>tfw want to play Mai and BB but even her longer combos are too long for me
I thought she was supposed to be the Sin of BB.
Who is a character that is hard to pick up, but easy to master?
I'm ready to sub to brick's twitch. I'm already envisioning the shiba emotes
please explain this, i'm out of the loop
talking to you broski
spabrog said he found an ibuki unblockable, then realised it was actually just a combo
Should I use V-Gief or V-Charlie in Alpha 3
Bizarro world Rashid
what now goober?
Guile if you can't into charge
iron fighter 5