VoG Release Soon
VoG Release Soon
Other urls found in this thread:
VoG releases at reset or in the morning?
Bungo hasn't said a word
VoG hype
What's your Loadout for VoG?
Tower Defense/Oracles:
>[Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]
Burning Eye
>Who cares it's PVE
>Who cares it's PVE
>Who cares it's PVE
The gun that gets the job done.
>Tower Defense/Oracles:
t. joff
Joff wishes he could be so nonchalant about his PVE loadout. Little shit probably meticulously combs over it before every raid to make sure he has the most "meta" guns possible for each encounter so he doesn't embarass himself yet again and then does so anyways.
infinite hammers
>Who cares it's PVE
it's what i've been telling people who ask for years
Pretty sure infinite supers got fixed with the latest patch
sike nigga you thought
So I just did the challenge raid from the director but it's showing I can receive raid gear/unknown rewards.
Does that mean I can run CE one more time and get more gear etc?
>joff "i only have NLB's and I don't have that app i just used" 99
He gets his strats from destiny youtube videos.
>I'm getting my car inspected right now.
is your car ever not getting fixed?
I wish, the raid so far has been fucking stingy as hell with armour.
>strats from youtube videos.
for the zeta cauldron yes
I had to rush to get my toon ready so its whatever I have on hand.
>He gets his strats from destiny youtube videos
But I thought Datto was /ourguy/
Tower Defense/Oracles:
>Cryptic Dragon
>PC+1 or either Saladin's Vigil or Ether Nova
>Sleeper or Raze Lighter/Dark Drinker
>Event Horizon
real thread
Anyone rolling a last minute Crota raid?
I have yet to do one since I barely booted up destiny again yesterday.
Hahahhaha just give up already
Keystone up until I get another primary
Quantiplasm and LDR unless I get the VoG shotty/sniper
>wage cucking at reset for the first time in months
>best raid
Thanks MattWReddit
Any boners want to get the "Sing the Iron Song" achievement?
Any boners wanna do Nightfalls? I gotta squeeze in three today.
super bad ll361 down for whatever
You down for FUCKING OFF!?
Literally who
Cool. 2/3 for Nightfalls.
hell ya i'll fuck em all off
what the hell how is that still a meme, wasn't that from like way early in vanilla destiny?
Memes never die.
but they do acquire a certain dankness
Yep, not even a stroke could get you down
I hate working 2 pm to 10 pm. Too late to raid because sleep and no one raids at 9 am when I get up. Fuck.
>being a wage cuck
Nice meme
t. Jamal "Welfare coon" Youngblood
Welfare is a meme.
>inb4 another "no armor drops" raid
anyone notice these weird drop rates
1/3 for Nightfall
>staying up tonight to do raid
>even though I have school tomorrow
Feels good being /devilish/
>there are people in this thread who decided to use their degree for a wage slave job instead of for journalism and getting those delious CPMs
>these are the same people who are too stupid to contact local buisness around your area and get paid for managing their social media accounts
Nice meme my dude
post ebin tower finds
any other low light levels here?
>contact local buisness around your area and get paid for managing their social media accounts
that seems kind of dumb, doubt you'll get paid over minimum wage
>tfw 370
Just kill me
i'm still at 348.
Gonna try out daily hard strike
>mfw making 6 figs working from home for Amazon managing AWS infrastructures in my underwear
Truly, the life famalam.
NF anyone?
I'm down
What time does the revised VoG go live tomorrow?
post moments of triumph
>Trup's presidency.
>Implying Welfare still exists.
Sounds like y'all got the case of fagotitis.
How will he support his rural fanbase?
i'm just grinding strikes for engrams. ll361 if you want to bumble thru stuff
>a bunch of literally whos
>deaths durinng intro
>can't get past vosik
fellow Low level scubs add me.
plus 390 light fags may not apply
Okay so what's new with the vault of glass? And they're going to announce shit about 2 at E3, right?
The D2 gameplay will actually be revealed in a stream by Bungie in May.
We'll probably just get a little more info at E3, but I'm guessing the majority of information will be released on the stream.
I'll raid oncemore so I can get to 350 light
Makes sense. They're releasing by the end of the year, so I mean... might be cool. Can't wait.
Wait, so in the middle of the night? That's silly.
Shit I am right out of motes. What's the best way to farm 'em?
Why the fuck would it not be at reset?
You'd have to be a complete retard to not notice things mostly happen at reset. Iron Banner being the exception.
Dang, fast run. Thanks for tagging along!
Also was my mic not working? Couldn't hear either of you
grind out strikes with vanguard rep booster
It's just weird, since most raids would be launched at their own special times during the day.
Friendly reminder that Colt steals Chalices
Anyone else hope Bungie reverses the gear pyramid with D2?
They spent nearly three years going with the whole "A lot of different pieces early on, and only a few at max level, because at max level you want to specialize." But these last few updates it feels like they've finally realized that people don't give a fuck about the starter gear and wanna vary it up when they hit max level.
Just look at vanilla, we had something like three purple armor sets per class at level 20, (Only one being able to get you to light level 30) Where we spent all our time. And something like twelve different sets per class at level 10, something that would become obsolete in about four hours of playtime.
couldn't find my mic desu. thanks
shitter trials
I'm drowning in fusion rifles, for the love of god, please help me.
>77 Wizard: Performance Bonus, Enhanced Battery/Rifled/AP Rounds, Kneepads
>Ex Astris: Unflinching/Icarus, Perfect Balance/Coils, Rangefinder
>Each New Day: Unflinching/Underdog, Smallbore/Rifled, Rangefinder
>Branded Lord: Hammer Forged/Braced, Sling/Coils, Unflinching/EYe of the Storm
>The Waiting: Enhanced Battery/Hipfire, Perfect Balance, Kneepads, Hot Swap
>Thesan FR4: Hot Swap, QUickdraw/Hand-Laid Stock, Rangefinder/Danger Close
>Thesan FR4: Replenish, Coils/Braced Frame, Rangefinder/Exhumed
Please help my family is buried in fusion rifles I haven't seen my son in three days.
Shard them all, nobody gives a fuck about you or your wife's son.
I kind of know that feel.
Almost every single special exotic I get is a Plan C.
I have at least 5 now from just this week.
>Branded Lord
for fun
>Thesan FR4: Replenish, Coils/Braced Frame, Rangefinder/Exhumed
>I'm trying to feed my kids
>You'd think they'd want money in this economy
>How come you ran out of chicken?
>I wanted to eat.
What the fuck is wrong with these niggers? Is it so difficult to comprehend that maybe, just maybe, this fucking restaurant didn't want to run out and it just fucking happened out of their control?
I worked in a kroger for like five years and I heard this shit all the fucking time, every time there was a shortage. "You'd think they'd want my money." Like nigger nobody gives a fuck about your money, you think we just called the wearhouse and said hey, there are gonna be some niggers that want to eat this so don't send any?
i need more angles of this
i deleted the post because mayyybe not the best place to discuss subhumans :^)
>can't use quotation marks