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/vsg/ vscape general - vidyascape
eyy das bretty gub
somebody owes me a hefty sum of cash ?
pls discuss the game
or shitpost
or post lewds
post A N Y T H I N G
Post current progress.
99s coming soon to a server near you!
samurai lol
Threadly reminder Darango got his brother killed.
>swimming near a dam
dt, legends, roving elves, primate panic, 2 rfd subquests
last thread died before i made it home to save this so heres a bump with image again.
also thanks for using me in the OP user
a quest
Is it worth playing this again if none of my friends play and I'm not a member?
Unless you clicked on the wrong general, you do not pay for membership here.
when's the next big update to vscape
what's the next big update to vscape
what would it be
what could it be
moar quests?
"Hurty3" was allegedly caught using a script to buy feathers by this guy. I urge a mod to at least look into all HurtyX accounts.
A player in the past was reprimanded for this (and he was not even scripting, just having a bunch of shop accounts).
Stfu retard mod wannabe, no one gives a shit about shop buying scripts and you're a massive idiot for buying 10 the normal way. You got outplayed and lost your feathers to a winner, stop the qq and step up
Mods only care if it becomes an abusive problem. Catching him once isn't enough, it's more when they so it days or weeks on end.
Or if the mod is bored and wants to meme. Either way using a script to buy feathers isn't that big of a deal, i bet 90% of oldfags use some sort of script.
Personally, i use scripts all the time, and exploits whenever I find them.
I'm looking forward to seeing this discussion develop further...
Mods only care if you influence the market through legit ways.
Then take away those ways by making the items you were buying untradeable.
t. The real mineman
muh beuty, ow
fuck you
nah fuck you furhead
nth for our guy
o-oh gosh mister fire giant what are we going to do on the bed?
tfw wasn't using a script and she bad is assmad I buy feathers faster than him.
found the fastest agil xp in game
just set an auto-clicker up on the falador wall shortcut. 99 here i come
>steel axe
>still get full inv of logs in no time
this feels wrong
nice dragon chain and inefficient oak log cutting location
gosh you're cute :)
Lorelei is very cute! I want to tongue punch her fart box!
uh oh its that time again, time for extrememe shitposting and thread bumping
bro i will mess you up in-game
If he was hurt and you were Kurt, then who was hurt when Kurt was hurt? asking for a friend
What quests should be added next
Hey you :^)
Just me again! *bumps you*
Hehe, so whatcha doing tonight cutie? Just chillin? That's cooool :)
I wanna hang out again sometime soon, so maybe you should respond to this post! That would be nice :)
Let me know what you think! I'll just be waitin here, hurryy:))
I want to smell your farts lol
hi ; )
nice reddit spacing you fucking mongoloid
what if he did it on purpose to meme on you son?
ironic memeing straight out of reddit, well done
0-2 desert treasure
3-9 play something else
please please something else
how did the furries find us
>admins are a "bear" and a "frog"
how could this happen to me?
evens - get restful sleep
odds - suffer 30min more of rc/fletching/playing runescape
Great Brain Robbery
Slug Menace
Fairy Tail both parts.
These are the correct opinions that people should have.
suffer always
>99 fishing but still fishing
>fishing sharks ever
>fishing sharks in one of the worst locations
>female character/dskirt
kill yourself
7 decides what i grind to 99 without stopping
Fremennik Isles
Lunar Diplomacy
Fairy Tale 1
just kill yourself desu
hey i didn't mean that sorry
Frem Isles
Fairy Tale 1&2
Lunar Dimplomacy
Slug Menace
fuck off just do strength aayyyy
Yeah I'm not doing strength lol
Next 7 decides
i bet animosity is cute :3
youd lose that bet
>not doing strength
do strength
something that isnt strength
strength bump
Who also thinks Pajeet is the coolest player in /v/scape?
Selling stuff.
Robin 12m
All guthix pages, Sara 1/3. Zam 1/3/4
Also selling magic logs, whips
Buying: Oaks, Vestment Robes
Best spot to train attack and str from 60 to 70?
Haunted Mine, Hand in the sand, the Vampire quests
Zam 1, Sara 3 gone.