Why am I attracted to birdlizards edition
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Why am I attracted to birdlizards edition
>MEG's updated Pastebin
>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com
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Cora is cute!
I want to be Vorn's friend
You're missing a q at the end of that collage link.
Your ending is canon.
oy veyyyy
SAM, scan that butt.
Mattock or the Halberd?
>Peebee calls you a buster at the end of the game
>Reyes actually had a pretty decent romance for a fling
I am kinda sad he is still classified as such.
is there any way to check how many Character Re-specs I have in multiplayer?
They'll change their tune after mac gets axed.
You can't craft a Halberd, so Mattock. According to Ian the automatic fire/laser slug mods are bugged and we should be seeing them soon. So you might be able to make a great harrier soon.
She is!
Why can't they just add MP guns to SP?
Do we really have to wait for some modder to fix this issue?
reminder that if you aren't romancing vetra as scott or jaal as sara that you're playing the game wrong.
>several tiers that improve on a shit gun
>one fucking tier but it doesn't suck for it
>She is hideous!
when did you realize that Reyes was the Charlatan
both of them are boring
Best sister, GO
It was pretty obvious, at least to me.
Someone post the copy pasta about how Vetraposting and femturposting in general always starts off ironic but progressively becomes more and more genuine.
As soon as the sleazebag cunt started contacting Ryder. Is this your first BioWare game?
So typically in RPG's the supporting character's arcs teach them something important, or grant them closure in some way.
What does Vetra learn? What is her character arc?
what is the lore behind the face paint on turians? and why is vetra and sid's so different?
Trick question. Sara is best sister.
>women will all go lesbo for nazi space raptors and blueberries
"their putting something in the water that's turning the space birds gay"
No sorry user but that's not how it works
No user it's always serious, just cloaked in irony
Supposedly it has to do with birthplace.
nth for drinks
Pretty obvious from the get go with me.Smuggler with his own side room at a seedy underworld bar?
Honestly, I am actually liking his fling a bit more then Jaal's romance...I am not sure why.
I wouldn't take such pride in being able to predict Andromeda's story, user
ask that about ANY character in mea you will be hard pressed to find one
Then, that means the characters are a shit.
If a character doesn't grow our regress in any way, they aren't a character.
>No user it's always serious, just cloaked in irony
Not for me. Was genuinely just posting about wanting to fuck a raptor just to annoy people. But as it went on and as I actually played the game I started to think "Hmmm, she does have a nice personality... and I like tall women... and that's a supportive waist..." , which then morphed into "is she warm in bed? does she like it when you rub her thighs?", until finally the line between ironic femturposting and genuine femturposting basically became non-existent.
I just stumbled into the Collective's base
Was I meant to or have I fucked something up?
>doesn't revive player he's standing over for the entire duration of bleedout timer
>is alive but doesn't extract
How do people this braindead even manage to install and boot up the game?
The weapon balance in this game is really just painful.
>All the pistols except for the Carnifex are shit
>Assault rifles are a useless master-of-none weapon class that's beaten out by SMG's for sustained rapid fire and by Sniper Rifles for accurate fire
>90% of the unique and interesting looking weapon mods actually make the gun they're used on worse
Cora learns how to be a mentor to the Asari pathfinder/trainee and that if she wants her dreams she needs to actually go and get them.
Liam learns that he's a fuck up and cannot push what he wants.
Drack, I guess maybe learns that there's more he can do than just fight and die?
That's all I got. Cora's really the only one that has a good character arc, and even then you need to get rid of the Asari pathfinder for it to really fit.
>all this dialogue that gets interrupted by mission progression or other dialogue
Annoying desu. I have to stop moving whenever someone speaks up
I know that feel.
I did that, everything was fine.
What other weapons are unique to MP?
I have when devs do this shit, give me them in SP you cunts.
Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually Vetra. She's busy tending to what's left of her cloaca. So she survived our fuck on Kadara. She's not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your cock wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire Turian is dying because you lacked the girth to win. The legend of Ryder needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your cucking. -Liam
>What does Vetra learn?
Mainly she can't shelter her sister forever from her work, and that she needs to rethink their relationship as sisters and a pseudo surrogate parent now that they're both adults.
To be fair, P2P might be showing their actions wildly out of synch relative to you.
Vetra has some minor bullshit about learning to respect Sid's independence.
>drinking with your ears
that's unhealthy
>Not Jaal
>Previously @BioWare (ME3, Omega, ME:A) now @Ubisoft
RIP Drack
We got a partial extraction and the guy bled out.
>You are blocked from following @annlemay and viewing @annlemay's Tweets.
Halberd is in sp but only rank 1 for whatever reason.
What did you do?
Characters didn't really have an arc in ME1 either. I think these game are designed to be trilogies.
Also Vetra's arc only really comes full circle in romance. She's someone that is used to people depending on her and her conclusion is being able to relax and depend on somebody.
Except even this is not actually addressed, it's just logical, plus some side dialogues.
>Then, that means the characters are a shit.
100% correct
>If a character doesn't grow our regress in any way, they aren't a character.
100% wrong there are static characters after all
thought you meant that the threads start out by ironic vetra posting then raptorfags swoop in
Either way you have my pity for your sickness
if only there was a pill for bioware waifufagging
Probably followed someone she doesn't like. I haven't used my twitter since Dec 2015.
Tali and Wrex were the only characters in the original trilogy actual arcs.
Kek why
>is in SP
Fucking where?
Crafting? Lootbox?
I assume yet another bug.
What about charger tho?
>Not Liara
Oh that wacky PB
>>If a character doesn't grow our regress in any way, they aren't a character.
>100% wrong there are static characters after all
Good point, but I personally find static characters to be a bore.
Last one I enjoyed was The Dude, from The Big Lebowski.
But even then you can say he learned a thing or two. Probably didnt act on it and continued drinking white russians and bowl for the rest of his life, but i digress.
Buy it from the merchant on Kadara.
i want a white russian now
charger is craftable I think
That's how we all start, first we are ironic and just shitposting "I'm going to get free (You)s by making everyone disgusted of me wanting to fuck spaceraptors" but doing that day after day you realize "huh, they do have some features, those are some wide hips" and then your shitposts switch from ironic like wanting to lick their scalps and unironic like talking about rubbing a femturs thighs.
After a while you go delirious and just constantly and constantly generate scenarios involving femturs, whether its beach femturs, c-sec femturs, pirate femturs, really any femtur.
You should've stopped while you could've
So who is the father of Kesh's clutch?
>feminist actually wrote a good character
>feminist leaves the company
I think I got it on Kadara. Bought it from the weapons merchant.
Liara doesn't have an arc, she just becomes a different character between 1 and 2.
Another way of looking at it: Tali overcoming her hatred of the geth and initial inexperience, and Wrex overcoming his cynicism and apathy, both to become diplomats and leaders in addition to soldiers, were both set up in the first game to be trilogy-wide character arcs. How was Liara becoming a crime boss set up as her arc?
Garrus legion and mordin all had arcs and they tried to give liaria an arc (and failed miserably)
some important characters are meant to be static, but they should be as few as possible
well really important characters should be a few as can be
We were told that face paint represented different Turian colonies, then Andromeda came out and gave two sets of family members different facepaint so who the fuck knows at this point.
The lore is fucked, what's new?
Vorn, I think.
It gets offhandedly alluded to in Drack's loyalty mission.
Sweeper is pretty good for power based loadouts. Power booster with a gun that autoloads is nice.
Oh yeah, I forgot about Mordin. His was probably the tightest and most well done. Garrus really doesn't though.
I want to grope her plated tits!
Fair enough, there is still plenty to be said for other characters though.
Could you recommend me some media that has static characters?
I usually see them as more as plot tools that are meant to influence characters with actual arcs.
Any suggestions?
Really? That arc made it seem like Vorn was interested but they hadn't gotten together.
I think you all have good taste in waifus and husbandos.
> I may be young for an Asari, but I have passion, drive and am fascinated with Prothean history / technology. I may be a little naive, but I will do my best to aide you Commander Sheppard.
Turns into...
Well I hope they fix that shit and add some more weapons.
Game has a lot of sniper rifles but lacks in Shotguns/Pistols.
Your waifu is still a shit tho.
I actually kind of like that about Garrus' character, though. I remember reading somewhere in one of the games that Garrus was unlikely to flourish or reach his pull potential while serving with Shepard, because his accomplishments were always overshadowed by Shepards.
I think that really rings true. Garrus COULD be a great character/person. He's just in the shadow of someone better than him.
That's why you should miss on purpose
>make a game with deep lore, but theres plenty room to expand
>no need to break any old lore literally can add to it theres that much room
>proceeds to break it in every fucking way possible
fuck I just saw the posts, talked to vetra in game and was slowly turned into one
can happen to anyone
I still like the reveant
that's not really an arc though, just straight up two different characters
>check her Twitter
>just a bunch of dumb Star Wars shit that has ZERO meaning when it comes to actually making the movie
Yeah, of course.
This. Static characters are meant as a measuring stick for other characters. Gaston from beauty and the beast is an example.
It's a smaller arc from becoming geth jesus and ending abortioncide but it's there
I need that fucking thing for my havoc trooper, she's got good powers but needs a bullet hose to really shine and the Cyclone sucks balls.
That's the point I was trying to make.
I'm sure she was just there as the slightly, nerdy alien romance option in ME1 but they decided to do a face/heel turn with her character and completely fucked it up.
Honestly it feels like they were trying to do the same bullshit story-line they did with Liara in DA, but fucked up the transition into full edge-lord mastermind of a powerful organisation even worse.
Liara was never anything more than a fan service. Her entire species, in fact, but they fixed that with Samara and Aria who were actual characters.
I did like Lair of the Shadow Broker though.
The scene in ME3 where she shows Shepard the black box she will bury for the next cycle.
The scene in ME3 where she and Javik have an argument.
Aaaand... that's it.
And ME2/3 Liara is way more interesting and has way more chemistry with Shepard.
Frankly I'm glad they replaced ME1 Liara.
You gotta realize though, most Asari are like this. In their maiden phase they experiment with the world and their place in it. It's just a thing Asari do.