Why aren't you rich Veeky Forums?
Why aren't you rich Veeky Forums?
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I will be of trumpcoins, soon my friend...
not yet... not yet my friend...
define "rich"
It's rigged
Memecoins aren't going to help you my friend. Being on the track to investment banking is.
Are you retarded? Rich means wealthy.
Not even close to good enough. Define it. Are you talking about income or net worth? And if so, how much of each? What's the cutoff?
What about debt?
This is a complicated and slippery definition, so think about it before your next response.
t. philo degree poorfag NEET
i was born poor, in a poor third world shithole
Riiiiight, keep thinking that, meng...
it's a work in progress, but anyone boasting about how easy it is either lying and got his wealth handed to him or got one in a million lucky.
the survivors bias is strong in the rich that give advice. they forget about all their fallen comrade easily.
because money can't buy happiness :^)
obviously because money is happiness.
I am.
>no you're not
I have a six figure income.
>that's not rich
I have seven figures in the bank.
>prove it
>that's shopped
How about this then?
>you loser, you hang out on Veeky Forums
Waiting for my parents to pass away to get that 1,5Mio $
Because I'm black
Fuck your stupid ass excuses
Ultimately this. I'm Hispanic and these crackers are definitely keeping me down.
Idk why I'm not rich. I ask this myself. And I wonder. WTF OP, why am I not rich? God dammit.
Because I made a mistake and lost my money on the stock market :-(
no job and in college.
one day.
I'm still waiting for your definition
>I think im smart
jews arent white user
I am.
Because I have student loans and I also bought a car.
I can afford the car and all, but the payment eats into my money every month.
Long story short, my retardation.
I think I will be once I graduate. 6 figures is average in seattle for software engineers. Currently I'm living in my parents mobile home that seems its about to fall apart so 6 figures is a lot of money to me.
Because I don't have a steady source of income and wasn't born with wealthy parents to give me $200,000 when I graduated high school.
The most money I've ever had to my name at one time was $2000. I have a part time job but I'm struggling to find steady work that pays more than what I'm making now but I don't know how to do it. So far I've managed to stay at my goal of not letting my funds get below $500 at any time but fuck, I'm 23 and I feel like I should somehow be making so much more but I'm just completely clueless.
>6 figures is average in seattle for software engineers
Lol good luck with that. A buddy of mine moved to the area and any job that's not with a major company is ~$50k/yr starting.
It's a buyer's market over there. There are shitloads of people looking for entry level jobs.
t. pic related
The first 50 seconds of this video youtu.be
To me, rich means to live freely and do what pleases you (by your own standards) without having to worry about anything. So yeah, kinda relative...
For me, it'll be awesome to make enough money so I can read/study/play the whole day with enough food in the fridge till the end of times.
Then your friend is shit. Sorry but most people aren't earning that low as an entry level software engineer.
Most entry level software positions pay 50k or less. You've been memed.
Well that's not what the data shows
All I'm saying is that programming is the go to hobby for unemployed losers. You're really going to have to stand out if you want 6 figures.
Fucking women
Both meanings
Well I'm pursuing a CS degree for 1 and also plan graduating with an internship.
thats why i don't even bother anymore.
lol is that your criteria for making six figures?
I graduated with a CS degree with three internships and I'm pulling 61k with my first job.
But I guess you gotta account for cost of living. I'll check that.
Holy fucking shit, that's equivalent of 105k in Seattle proper. 85k in Everett.
Well I guess you fucking proved me wrong. Best of luck, dude.
Lol. Thanks. U2.
You're in for a rude awakening, but don't get discouraged.
This board makes it tough on millionaire day traders who drive Ferraris, that's for sure.
the actually wealthy people I've seen here rent real estate or code malware or own legit businesses.
oh and there's that martin skrellington dude that's going to prison. I guess he might be a day trader?
I did terribly at uni...ended with a bachelor of science and a shit GPA and currently stack at a retail store working full time...
What the fuck do I do.
I know you're saying that you're wealthy, but are you really claiming to know what all other wealthy people here do?
Because that would be beyond impressive, given that this is an anonymous forum.
That faggot isn't rich, he just pretends that he is. If he really is rich then he wouldn't be hanging out with his sister all day because he would be getting lots of pussy.
Learn trade and make own business
I am rich in soul.
>are you really claiming to know what all other wealthy people here do?
I'm rich
>prove it
posts proof
>how did you get that?!?
tell them
see, it's not that complicated. I've never seen anyone here post proof they're rich and then not tell how they got it.
>are you really claiming to know what all other wealthy people here do?
Well, are you?
>I've never seen anyone here post proof they're rich and then not tell how they got it.
I have.
See? It's not that complicated.
>I have.
because you're not intelligent enough to decipher a tax return doesn't mean others suffer the same handicap.
Maybe you could stop gargling on that cock and state that the only form of proof you find acceptable is a tax return.
See? it's not complicated.
>Maybe you could stop gargling on that cock and state that the only form of proof you find acceptable is a tax return.
because that's not what I said or what I meant.
did your delicate feelings get hurt?
poor little guy.
>that's not what I said or what I meant.
It's pretty clear.
I said I've seen proof of people's wealth that didn't involve details of how they made it, and you stated I wasn't intelligent enough to decipher a tax return.
I understand you dropped the ball, but please, try to pull your head out of your ass and listen.
you know what I'm talking about, Matthew.
you're the only one that's ever posted a tax return and didn't give any info on how you got your money.
but since it was all capital gains and you're only 12 years old it was easy to see that you inherited rental properties.
or posted your dad's taxes.
Holy shit, you really are delusional.
Not everyone on this board are people you know personally, genius.
And it sounds like you have a serious persecution complex going. I'd get that checked out, because untreated, it could lead to some really nasty side effects down the road.
Oh, and say hi to "Matthew", mkay?
>code malware
i have news for you user people that actually code malware for a living don't fucking brag about it publicly.
because I throw my money away on rent
I am.
I did all of this myself. Right now if I became unemployed I could survive almost indefinitely with a maintaining lifestyle. I guess thats close to retirement for broje faggots. But I'm only 30. So for the next 30 years I will be growing this pie and increasing ny life quality when I decide I don't want to work anymore.
In other news, both my parents and my wifes parents are upper middle class. So when they flake we're going to be sitting on a mountain of cash.
I can do / work wherever / whatever I want.
How does that feel broke niggers?
well you either throw money away on rent or throw a little bit less money away on a mortgage and maintenance of a home.
Its easy you lazy faggot:
>Find nearest lab in your major field.
>Volunteer to help for free on days off from stacking store. (Gear roster to allow working week for lab work / if labs rejects you finx one that wont)
>Via connections do your honours year (they will take you over high GPA students coz you have proven work ethic)
> attain 1st class honours through hard work.
> Continue on into science career
Starting salary = ~60K a year. You just need to stop being a lazy shelf stacking neckbeard NEET-like lazy broke faggot.
i think it's quite clear that he's just a rich loser...
Exactly the same situation here.. Bought Audi A3, was happy with it for a few months.. Now I'm seriously regitting putting so much money in a degrading asset....
>tfw richer than 90% of your age group
>tfw your age group is such broke ass losers that having a net worth makes you better than 60% of your peers
i'd rather be black than a millennial at this point
>Are you retarded?
Are you retarded?
Rich =\= Wealth you moron.
Read a book, jeez.
TIL i am rich :)
I make 70k a year with a high school diploma at 21, but I work 80 hours a week. I'm working on getting a sedan so I can drive for Uber part time. I'm also drawing up plans for a small vending machine buisness. With my job and Uber I will be working over 100 hours a week. And I absolutely love the grind. I honestly love this part of my life where I am literally digging my money out of the mud.
I think I am well off. I have two off days per week. Some of you will say hurr Durr you're ruining your life. You should be working 40 hours max. And I tell them all the time that overtime 1.5 is where you make your money. I'm not ruining my life, I'm building it.
and then you get a heart attack at 30 and die
I earn about 15k of various online shops each month. I wouldn't consider myself rich but I have enough to get by without problems. So far too lazy to improve my income further. I rather use my time to procastinate and learn skills that allow me to even more procastinate. Current goal for 2017: pilots licence. Always had a dream of flying around the world in a flying boat.
>tfw when studying in one of the top 20 unis in the world for the formation of billionaires
I honestly don't know what I am going to do with that much money.
I doubt it. Is that your excuse for not trying your hardest?
can you teach me these skills?
let me help you young laddy
dont be losers/quiters/victims
what are you confused about?
What kind of hobby would you suggest then?
which shithole?
it aint rigged
it only seems rigged to people that cant work and who are not smart
i might be, depends on how u define it op
Alright, I guess
Some men just can't live in a world of working for every cent, I guess. The ambition just doesn't come to them naturally.
>Roleplaying as a tough guy
They're giving it to charity.
You've got a shitty attitude, that's your problem.
You assume it's someone else's problem.
>wagecuck thinks he will become rich by wagecucking and "investing"
Data comes from an aggregate of available jobs reflective of a specific database.
he uses his sister for views you aspie
they are making millions on youtube while you wagecuck, thats it at the end of the day
What anime is this
Pls help
True, blacks have less average QI than whites. Less probability to succeed
Looks like golden boy.
it seems that there are almost equally successful and non successful plebs on here. why not help eachother out
dunno how
You're a tough guy?
Nah, I don't believe you.
Post proof.
You have to start with a source of income
it was a joke, I have a low gpa though so I know for a fact I will not go to a good college and therefor not be rich.
what's warren buffets iq? or trumps? pretty average is good enough for success if you master your emotions.