KOREA edition
Based mods, keep on BTFOing lulufag pls
KOREA edition
Based mods, keep on BTFOing lulufag pls
Other urls found in this thread:
shit thread
Crazy is cute
First for korea will throw at worlds and NA wins
For all the top laners in lolg
How does this make you feel?
I love my husband Trundle and I will commission lots of gay lewds of him!
I love it mayne
fuck this general
This is why we can't have nice things.
this need to be a real skin and i'll gladly ditch pantheon to main zed
god do i love men with thick thighs
so how many memes the new champions will have in their kit?
Wouldnt that impregnate her?
comfy bfs~
shitpost responsibly
>lulu fag and lissandra fag both trying so hard to be op
I don't understand.
>mods delete threads randomly
>waifufags go on autist rampage and make 10 threads
should I be surprised?
>all other threads purged
and peace returns to the lolg kingdom
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb give you a hug if you asked nicely
would lamb give you a fug if you asked nicely
more people need to draw lamb's butt, i'm runnin out of non-explicit stuff
>mods deleting other threads and cucking lulufag
holy shit mods if you're reading you you're based as hell
keep it up
fucking kek
Draven is so awesome!
How do I beat Asgore in Undertale??!!
That's the point.
>mods favored a thread that was posted before bump limit instead of picking the legit (non-lulu) one
mods confirmed for INCONSEQUENTIAL!
Why not ask that in an undertale thread, friend
But but she is not ready to start a family!
create an analogy for your main. one for a good main one for a bad main
any food analogy posts are accepted
>the mods deleted your thread that was posted more than 50 posts before the bump limit
unironically kill yourself you autist
What you talking about mods can't read they go by the pictures if you really want to praise them send them hotpockets
Dragonpussy > Humanpussy > Yordlepussy
We all agree on this right?
so, do you think that Riot's gonna retcon the Shumira crew to be Vastaya that moved to Shumira all that time ago?
Susan, Tons-of-fun and Azir are all kinda animal people too. If Ahri's furry enough to be this new race, they should be.
because the undertale general is scary and unknown
draven is a bottom! A BOTTOM!
you have to actually fight him, no mercy, no talk.
How do you report bought accounts? I just played a flex game with 2 season 6 diamonds and in season 7 they're both Plat 5 with sub 45% winrates.
I checked 1 account and it was diamond for 5 seasons and then can't get out of plat 5? Nah dog.
It was flex so I didn't care tooooo much but still. Not cool.
Literally watched you guys have this exact same exchange in three different threads now, maybe four I didnt catch one before it got deleted. Really just going through the motions at this point though huh?
Fucking nut up then
>tfw im pretty sure I caused that insanity
well I think Im just going to do that during lulu OPs only, sorry about that friends
here are the unfinished results for the day
next time janitor apps open i'll apply for vg and if i'm lucky i'll purge lulufag from lolg, ban on sight
wish me luck lolg
what happened in this picture? c9 beat skt at worlds with these meme champs?
im just now realizing that my "cc'd" state in that webm was long as shit and that was actually a bug since youre cc'd til you land on the ground again. it was at least 2 times longer than it should have been
nigga can you read
i meant the OTHER one. one that wasn't even posted by me, but by all means should be the legit successor. I can admit a fair defeat.
But this is just unfair to everyone.
either way, this is what happens when you start pointless threadwars instead of just accepting the new OP
if this series of events didn't show you what /lolg/ is truly one the worst generasl i don't know what will
Shurima got ascended 2.5 years ago, it'd be weird if they changed their lore again
why is the new lore so fucking garbage
old lore made a cosy easy to understand setting with interesting backstories, the new one reads like an overthought fanfic
archetypes exist for a reason nigs
say if i was already as BIG as Sona,what would /lolg/ anons request me to wear and post pictures of? all hypothetically of course
I'm a creature of habit.
really? thats why i died so many times trying to talk to him.....
Botabu I wanna fuck your yordle OC into submission
Because they hired Anthony Burch
They're just ascended, because they were born humans. Vastayas are born vastayas. There's at least, 4 races of furry people in runeterra.
the ascendeds, (azir, renekton, nasus)
vastaya, (ahri, maybe rengar and nidalee?)
mutants (twitch, warwick)
and even more, dunno if volibear's race are considerated vastayas.
Is the new vastaya female champ going to be waifu-bait?
I honestly have a feeling it could go either way, she could be a failure if a combination of her kit, personality, voice and lore are bad.
Not interested in the vastaya guy, he already looks like he's going to be generic, low-tier trash as far as husbandos go.
>lulufag btfo, liss btfo, comfy lolg-related op
what a good morning this is turning out to be
No yeah I could tell
C9s team in the order they are in spells out KOREA
Graves is better!
And get good to beat him.
>Using my crop
y-you too
lambpussy > yordlepussy > dragonpussy > humanpussy
its okay to do it... just dont fucking spam it kevin
that can't be the only reason
I want to hug our new Vastaya friends!
No, the ascended thing is going to stay
yeah it did the same to me, it was weird actually fighting after spending all the game talking and shit
>c9 beat skt
SKT also had to defeat Flash Wolves so C9 could get to quarters, and FW didn't lose a game to korean teams until that day
makes the pic even better
sounds about right imo
can any champion handle both shyvana and dracozyra at once?
>IRELIA of all champs in the green
nigger she is literally the original queen cancer of top lane
half the problems of that lane stem from her bullshit kit
Post bugs you still abuse
Post bugs in webms
Post things that are flatout broken and abusable
Post that one webm of gnar killing camille at full hp with hob bug
Post that one webm where darius's hook bugged him into a state where he couldnt fight or be targeted
if you know a bug that riot doesnt know about, tell me that bug user. dont worry they cant fix it
tank tops and v-necks, to display your gifts
Sona cosplay, duh.
>Quinn & Valor weeping in the background doomed to be forgotten
Seriously, when I saw the teaser pic my first thought was that it'd be some kind of legendary Quinn skin or something.
Bird based duo being taken by a more literal bird duo.
If you're playing Maokai, when you W to a scuttlecrab it'll stay permanently rooted and you can just auto it to death and pan around the map or something
So when they say she fights for the cause, what cause are they even talking about?
I wanna spend tea time with Lulu!
>bugs you still abuse
Everytime i play Morde.
Don't spam it.
How would a conversation between Lee Sin and Sona go?
I want my invite to Jinxfag and Shyvannafags lewd parties already.
Her kit was bullshit in S2. Now? It's almost standard fare.
You cannot be fucking serious if you think Irelia is remotely as cancerous and Camille and Fiora.
thats nasty
fuck you
im going to do this
his ult right?
I do this
pls no rework pls ;_;
There's only one thing that can save our general now
>thought this was fake because his face look like it was pasted on in paint
Am I the only one?
>breaks a rule
She's a determined bird womyn that fights for the greater good.
He's just some dumb man that helps her by being the muscle so he can get his dick wet.
Brought to you by Anthony Burch.
Is she that cancerous of a pick now though? Seems like a pretty low play rate and not that hard to grasp or play against.
>Post bugs you still abuse
Still makes me laugh
d-don't be lewd user san! treat him to dinner first
no this is the most competent mod ive seen in 5 years on Veeky Forums
mind you ive been here 13 years but thats saying a lot
I like this mod because they actually do their job
Well, i guess i missed some spicy drama.
Anyways, how goes your life, /lolg/?
Morde is very buggy. Nothing about him works right.
I want to sexually abuse Kha'Zix!
based fucking mods actually doing their job for once
When will rito make new Lulu skins?
who is this semen demon?
who the fuck is kevin?
anyway its pretty spammy so im just going to do it in threads with a lulu OP since I hate it when they spam threads just so they can get an early OP
its inherently spammy, I like to make a post then work on an entry while some (you)s are made then post another when ones finished
Ill finish my collection eventually, then Ill polish it by fixing up some of the shitty hearts and different sizings on the smaller champ portraits and then see if there are any additions or edits that need to be made, that shaco one is really bugging me but I really like the sex king one
>nothing about him works right
new champion
OFFICIAL Husbando Ranking list
3.Gangplank (i guess..)
hahh i left the worn dagger behind because i didn't think ill need it, ill have to walk back...
Not one that I abused, but why did this tower spit on me from a mile away and aggro all the minions in lane?