Why haven't you purchased a Corvette™ yet Veeky Forums?

Why haven't you purchased a Corvetteā„¢ yet Veeky Forums?

>3x more warranty than any other supercar
>Faster than GT-R for half price
>Pulls more G's than a million dollar Porsche 918
>Looks as good or better than [insert latest model] Ferrari, Porsche, Aston Martin
>Delicious FI variably timed V8 power
>Honda-Civic-tier 37 MPG
>Dat sweet exhaust note perfection
>Starts at only $50k

By far the best performance value in automotive history ever. cue assmad.


>faster than the GTR

lmfao the delusion

>Prezo is still ashamed of his tripcode

I am sorry I caused you that complex buddy

Probably because Veeky Forums works at Taco Bell.

Please don't respond to shitpost threads. Just report as many posts as you can and move on.

All threads on Veeky Forums are shitpost threads.

hello autoib


see, there is no shaming in posting under that name, even with your posting history

don't let people damage your self-steem prezo

deep self projection there kid

I don't drop my name to shitpost, since my posting history is of top quality

lel. remember that retard who kept saying everyone is leaving Veeky Forums because of the shitposting. lmao. imagine being that autistic.

there are tons of autists in this board

case in point

I want something that can actually compete

makes you think

Jokes on you faggot I work at walmart

yeah. cars like the GT and Corvette should be left to the euros

we webm now.

Don't get me wrong, they're decent cars for the price, but rwd a shit.

>Top quality
Sure thing bud