No raptors allowed edition
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No raptors allowed edition
>MEG's updated Pastebin
>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com
>All previous Collages that we know of:
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We are infinite, you are bacteria.
reminder to the op that you forgot a q at the end of the collages
also femturs are the best
cora is CUTE, she deserves your manuals
>No raptors allowed
>start thread not only with a raptor, but a raptor without her glasses on
I'm on to your bullshit, OP.
butts in space
sometimes uncalled-for pink butts
Butterface butterface nobody loves you for anything other then your ass.
xth for we could have had this instead of fade to black
nigga u gay
Trying to make the worst possible Ryder I can for my bad end playthrough.
How'd I do?
The game runs like ass on consoles and they even did the old "unload areas when not in them" to the fucking Tempest.
How do you even Ansel in cutscenes?
P-please give it back Scott, that manual is very precious to me.
She looks like a granny with tumblr hair.
There are NO good looking female humans in this game.
Jesus haploid christ user
You have fulfilled your objective
How long will Vetrafags remain dominant?
Turians are the most NatSoc race though. They are meritocratic and militaristic as fuck.
Quarians fucked-up because they abandoned traditionalism. Turians kept theirs, and now have the biggest military and a council seat. They one downside is that the (((volus))) control a lot of their economy - but that's similar to Weimar Germany, I guess.
There are worse hair options
Until Lexi is bangable.
The only way this could sound more retarded is if she started citing individual pages.
>tfw can't appreciate this because default Scott
Maybe Bioware will add this in. Kinda weird this happens during fade to black
Her voice actor is naked in everything.
thank u brave for someone finally saying @ this
>mfw asari adept melee build on gold
Wow, this is easy.
>being this low-test
next you'll be saying you don't like long thick cocks on women
Let's see how the thread starts out
right off the fucking back raptorfags
Cancer that should be shot
great job /meg/ ignore the fact that the game is FUCKING CRACKED AND WE CAN PLAY IT FOR FREE
How long until we get another quarian straight f LI
the only way that cancer will stop is if another consumes it
This could also hamperit
>messing around with ansel
>turn up contrast
>it shows all the little detail on Vetra's face
>all those scars
shit girl imo ugly as hell
If she grew out her hair and had blue or green eyes, you mean
fund it
She does though
>tfw no asari mistress
mfw I was right and she did put her self out to truckers for crack
>not wanting to kiss her scars while laying in bed and telling her how much you love her
She does.
>doing reyes missions
>only dialogue options are gay banter, gay banter or gay banter that leads to gay sex
The fuck is this shit, I'm trying to play as a by the books autist character who only comes out of his shell to have by the books autist love with Cora and the game wont let me because le bioware stock character #5 charming bisexual rogue with a spanish accent XD
damn did ralph actually get BTFO or did he give up
In her emails, she cites specific passages and pages.
He seems to be a dayposter, we'll know tomorrow for sure.
I remember that guy. He's the guy that deleted the Russian Ambassador in Turkey on live TV.
>make a black ryder for new playthrough
>mfw nerdy fucking white-boy voice coming out of his mouth
Haha holy shit how do people play with nigryders
Or just get scarred during her merc days.
The ambassador was obviously a Peebeemancer.
That voice doesn't fit default Scott either desu
Actually, I checked Sid too. Same face texture.
Way to go Bioware.
I'm posting it because I can. Fuck all ya'll.
Forget remnant architects, the kett archon, or Director Addison's ridiculous demands. The hardest part about living in Andromeda was the day to day life with your sister, Sara Ryder. She could raise hell in a gunfight, or survive Palaven wilderness with nothing but a flimsy stick—but interacting with others? That was the real struggle.
“The shuttle's going to arrive any minute now..” Buckling on your watch, you glanced at the curtain that divided her side of the room from yours. Despite everything she did in Meridian, people still scared her. And parties definitely scared her. But, being sister to the great Pathfinder, there were some things she was expected to do—and tagging along to social events was one of them.
“I can't the clasp of this dress done.” She sighs exasperatedly. “Can you help me?” Wordlessly, you sweep back the curtain, and catch her pale white back peeking from behind the wraps of a dark, crimson dress. Drinking in her frame, from those delicate heels toeing of a side slit that would have run too far for your father's comfort, you catch her eye as she glances at you over her shoulder, hair drawn up in a bun.
“I'm here.” You take a few steps in, and attempt to tug up the zipper. “It's stuck.”
“Tug harder.”
“I'm trying! Did you gain weight in cryo-sleep?” You give a final, anguished pull, and the zipper flies up, squeezing a soft, sharp exhalation out of Sara.
“I'm just wondering where Vetra found this dress. Do I really have to come to this event?” She looks at you with those soft, pleading eyes, and for a moment, you want to give in. But before you can concede, a soft note signals from the door, and you grab her hand.
>Download the crack
>Your computer starts crashing everything
>Hard Drive has 0mb left
How the fuck am I supposed to install this?
less raptor please, you're nearing talicancer levels
“Just for a bit. I'll be right next to you, the whole time, I promise.” Giving it a light squeeze, you feel her hand fearfully grip yours back, and continue to hold her hand throughout take off. “Alright. How many airborne vessels do you see?”
“Seven.” As old as this game of yours is, the counting calms her, helps her center herself.
“And how many of those are Kodiak models?”
“Three, including the one we're in.”
“And how many people in this shuttle are important to you?”
“One. The Ryder twin in front of me.”
She frowns. “Two. I should value myself more.”
Looking down, you can't help but tap her reassuringly. “No worries. We all miscount, sometimes.”
Before she can reply, the shuttle sets down, and Sara forcefully squeezes your hand.
“I don't know if I'm ready for this.”
You squeeze back, and pull her up. “I am.”
As the doors open to a resounding cheer, you pull her out, and into the heart of the party. Today will be different. You can feel it.
Oh my fucking god I cannot stand ryder's STUPID FUCKING ACCENT
Despite the occasion, the party is remarkably calm—and yet, optimism zaps through the air, like biotics not quite activated. Meridian. The first Golden World, and a mark on the Heleus Cluster that shows that you're here to stay. You shake hands, work the crowd, and politely flit around, Sara never more than a couple steps behind. Occasionally, you take a route to dodge Liam and the champagne bottle he's carrying around in tow. Last time him and Sara met, his idea of helping consisted of thrusting her on stage for a speech and telling her to 'get over it.' No, tonight was to be nice and easy—until Sloane smashed a wine bottle in an Angaran's face.
Without thinking, you let go of Sara's hand, and rushed to the incident, acting the peacemaker. Insults are hurled, the Collective is mentioned, and after a few tense words, the situation seems defused. It's not until you look over your shoulder and realize that Sara is missing that it clicks just what went wrong. Immediately, you scan the crowd, but as they weave and flow throughout the pavilion, all you see is a mass of spiraling colors. No, not now. You can't lose her. Forcing your way through the crowd, you look for Sara frantically. And then, you spot her at the drinks table. Pushing your way past, you bump shoulders more than a little, spilling an Asari's glass, and pissing off a Krogan, but none of that matters. Drawing in closer, you can hear Sara whispering to herself, her hands twitching as she tries to maintain some semblance of control.
“Sara!” Your voice cuts through her counting, as eyes fall upon you, you can see the relief flood her face, and she tightly grabs on to you. “fiveplatesandfourhaveheluesplantmatterandoneisemptyand....”
any of you raptorfriends have any qt/comfy/cheeky suggestions or requests for ScottxVetra drawfagging?
Feeling like making art but don't really have any ideas at the moment. Be my raptor muse /meg/
will also consider lewd if cute
>Peebee and Vetra have been standoffish the entire game
>Peebee even rips on Vetra for how she acts with Sid
>Vetra doesn't even accept Peebee's apology
>Then this happens.
The counting is getting worse. Looking around, you can see more than a few eyes drawing your way, and instinctively, your arms tighten around Sara and draw her closer. No words need to be said. You need an escape. But where?
“HGGNH!” With a mighty roar, you see Drack headbutt another krogan, and start bellowing. “You dare insult clan Nackmor?” Instantly, the crowd turns, and amidst it all, you see Vetra keep on looking your way, raising a finger in the direction of the shuttles. You nod in thanks, and immediately take your sister to a shuttle to escape. The Salarian inside blinks a little at the duress you and your sister give off, but otherwise say nothing as he flies you both back to the Hyperion. Touching down on the landing pad, the halls are empty as you rush her back to the room by SAM's node. As important as family is, you're glad he requested to be turned off for your personal life. Holding Sara by the shoulders, you settle her on the bed, and wrap her in blankets as she continues to count.
She trails off into an incomprehensible blur, and all you can do is support her as she rocks back and forth, lost in her own world. But slowly, the rocking gets softer, and the tantric rituals of numbers get slower, until finally, she stops.
is she drunk?
Vetra and Scott in the rain.
Scott is standing on a step ladder in order to hold an umbrella over Vetra's head.
I want my gums to bleed from how sugary sweet it would be.
Vetra and Ryder sitting on the couches in Ryder's quarters with wine, playing chess.
“How are you doing?”
“I messed up, Ryder. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” As dark as the room is, you can still see her eyes grow crystalline with tears. “First thanksgiving, and then with the Archon, and then---”
You interrupt her before she can start, and pull her close. “It's okay, Sara. It's okay. There'll be another day. How many do we have left this solar year?” As she starts to run numbers through, you kiss her lightly on the head. “Keep on counting. I'll get us some coffee.”
Her counting is slow, rhythmic. Try as you might, you could never fully understand it. But that doesn't mean you can't support her, nonetheless. Turning your attention to the family coffee machine, you pour some beans in, and run your fingers along one of the fractures in the shell. Sara used to be a lot worse. She used to throw things at the slightest opportunity, and never interact with anyone except through block toys and stuffed animals. More than once, it took everyone in the family to calm her down. But that was back in the Milky Way. The coffee machine beeps, interrupting your reverie, and you peek over the shelves. “Sara?”
A warm presence leans on your back, and you relax. “There you are. Coffee?”
Sara turns her head, rubbing her her tears into your shirt, but it doesn't matter. She feels safe, so you stay, for a moment both long, and too short, in that pose. Eventually you turn, and talk to her.
“I'm glad you came with us to Andromeda.”
“I am, too.”
“Then that's all that needs to be said.”
“No, it isn't.” Her forehead furrows, and she leans it on your chest.
“There were over 16 billion humans back home. 100,000 of them came to Andromeda. And of all of those, there's only one of them that understands me. And that's you.” With those words, she looks up at your eyes, those ocean-blue pearls ringed by the faint lights in the room. “I love you.”
How did Cerberus manage to scrap the Collector's Base debris when it borders a fucking SMBH?
Apparently we all just came from the bar?
you quit being poor and buy it
You grin easily, and reply. “I love you, too.”
“No, not in that way. Like how...” Her voice trails off, and she draws away. “It's okay if you don't. I just wanted you to know.” Sara shrugs off the blanket, and headed toward the curtain that divided the room. Her shoulders droop in the dress, and you can sense something defeated in her as she paces away, her heels clicking against the floor.
Perhaps that's why you opened your mouth to respond.
“Sara, you're beautiful.”
Once again that glimmer returns to her eyes, and the edges of her mouth tug up. You open up your mouth again, but before you can speak, she dives into you, and the two of you begin to entwine, like ancient vines in those veiled Havarl nights. There are no words to describe what happened that night. Except...
Andromeda Galaxy is 634 years away from the Milky Way. 2.537 million light years from your past. If there was ever a moment to find what you wanted most, to be who you wanted most, than that moment is there. Beginnings may be set in stone. But the future? That is yours alone to decide.
(6/6. Do what you must. I have already won.)
I think someone mentioned this before, but still sounds good. thx
stand by for diabetes, hopefully
>I think someone mentioned this before
It was me!
did anyone do a model swap for the sex scenes to ryder and ryder?
Scott and Vetra cuddling in the Pathfinder's quarters while watching a movie, in a way that emphasizes the 6 inch height difference.
it is mentioned they apparently used an old version of denuvo for ME:A
I enjoyed it.
Only 20k humans came to Andromeda though
Ryder has an accent? He just sounds like a regular white guy
Even the simplest modding is haram in this game.
One trying to teach the other how to cook human/Turian food properly. How well they're actually doing is up to you.
anyone found a non-torrent version yet?
Wow. The developer console in this game is wicked powerful.
Teach us a spell, senpai.
What are the best classes to play?
From ME2 I found Sentinel and Infiltrator to be the most fun.
How does anyone enjoy anything about Cora other than her ass? Her dialogue is more autistic than Sara Ryder. She needs to be spaced, along with all her Asari waifus.
The fuck?
Classes don't matter. Explorer is best profile unless you literally only use one skill tree.
suggestions noted, thnks
Scott trying to be romantic and carry Vetra. He's struggling and parts of her are dragging on the ground, but she appreciates the gesture anyway.
etc etc
How much of a DYEL is Scott? She's only 210 lbs.
The class system is gone fampai. We profiles now.
>throw sticky nade at hydra moving perpendicular to me
>huh, that's weird, I'll lead it even more and spam the rest
>miss with all four
So apparently grenades will autoaim dead center of whatever you're looking at, and it'll make it 100% impossible to hit some targets.
Vanguard. It's always vanguard.
Stack melee damage bonuses and punch bitches to death.
He doesn't look super beefy. He's in decent athletic condition but I don't take him for a power lifter.
Yeah, you literally can change them at will, possibly even in combat (haven't tried). Experiment. Make it work for you. If you fuck up and level something you don't like, respec.
Nazis were against against gender equality and were corrupt as fuck, stop comparing the based space raptors to them
But those fuckers move at like 1cm/hour. It sounds more like you were a victim of lag.
It's more the size that's the problem here.
But seriously though, have you seen the guy?
>Try out Annihilation for the first time
WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS. I am become a walking god of death.
Had to play a bit of the game while doing the crack to make sure things were fine.
How you guys even play this messy piece of shit, holy fuck.
She's like seven feet tall or something. The manlet would have to lift he like Dirty Dancing to keep all of her off the ground.
>The manlet would have to lift he like Dirty Dancing to keep all of her off the ground.
vetra has been known to tango...