>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>used up 34 orbs getting my titty ninja
>can do the remaining Lunatic quests and get 8 more
>will wind up with 347 and with the daily it'd be 348
Now please IS, don't add my daughterus to the game till next year, let me save up till Christmas.
Why aren't you plowing Nowi's tight loli dragonpussy RIGHT NOW???
ez game lads
Easy. Way too easy.
I mean, I guess the fact that I was using Kagero + Nino + Dancer trivialized things a bit but still
Anyways, how good is he as a unit?
Henry made this map so easy.
so what's the plan for Navarre GHB?
>use the last of my orbs
>roll Kagero
>she's neutral
Is she still usable or am I fucked?
When are they adding Navarre's wife Feena?
I love takumi!
I like Hana
I want Navarre to CUM inside me!
>roll Kagero banner
>get -Atk/+Def Minerva and -Spd/+Res Ninian
Navarre level 40 stats anywhere?
I've been so raped up the ass by bad IV's that I feel relieved whenever I get a neutral IV unit
>their team
>multiple merged units up to +10, all 5*, an assload with Fury and other bullshit
>my team
>a rag tag bunch of 5* with no merges, only one Fury user with a bonus 4* unit
Nice, epic, I love it.
Male myrmidons without pants when?
Can someone help me justice choosing the Nohrian side in Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest?
The Hoshido Nihongo people are really nice and so far the Nohrian side seems really evil. But that Camilla...
Worst mage, worst train.
I'm not skilled in battle. I find it all barbaric and terrifying. I'd rather stay in the castle.
>Is she still usable
she'll still rape infantry units no problem
Why aren't you? Instead you want me too.
Sounds fishy if you ask me.
Cute paladin
>Roll for a grey unit
>get a green unit and a blue unit instead
das it mane
Nohr has lil sis, go with Nohr.
I recall navarre being a worse version of ogma in fe3, is he also outclassed in the ds games?
Hidari does some nice titty monsters, good art all around.
3ds version of heroes when?
It wouldn't be the first mobage to get a port.
Comfiest siege ever.
>STR 0
As opposed to one of my RD runs where Rhys got 15 STR by level 12.
I'm gunning for Effie too and when Ninian showed up I just completed the whole roll.
He's a bad Karel and Lyn.
Overall I'd say he's okay.
>when thats Dorcas
Most of the characters in your Nohr party are pretty nice, it's just everyone else that's evil, if that helps.
How is she not usable? She doesn't have an Attack bane
>spend 30 orbs on the titty ninja banner
>pull 5 star jeorge
got a 4-star reinhardt out of it though so i'm not too bummed out about it
Meta reasons
>Conquest is so much fucking fun
>One of the best games in the series by a landslide
Story reasons
>your siblings completely fall into despair and idiocy in your absence
>you break Camilla, Leo, and Xander's hearts, and Elise is torn in two
>Corrin is stupid and would obviously return to dragondad who tried to kill him
she's fine enjoy her
Is she still the best?
>tfw when all your units are +res/-att
Consider yourself lucky
>People you grew up with
>People you didn't, who claim you are related to them when you aren't.
Literally no reason to side with Hoshido aside from your mom, you never knew.
Also the Nohrians aren't evil, just Garon and his lackeys.
>raven tome user
Cuckquest makes it a point that your party are good guys and everyone else is ebil.
Fair enough, I do the same thing as well. Although it has never worked out for me. I think I'll just go die in the corner over there now.
Okay, who in the Echoes cast is getting mindbroken the hardest?
>You are precious to me, and I swear to protect you.
Can someone tell me what she meant by this?
Are these supposed to be attractive, mature women? They look like teenagers with embarrassingly huge knockers pasted on, and there's also the fact that they have the exact same face, only at different angles. Eyes, lips, nose, even the way the hair is parted. Only difference is the armor and the hair color.
And people think this is good female design. Jesus, we had it so good with Kozaki, and now we get this shit.
>is he also outclassed in the ds games?
Considering Myrmidon is a class in the remakes, it separates him so he can work something out, unless you wanna use Samto or Radd.
I'm going through the same problem. My team is still in its starting stages of inheritance and I'm going against people with decked out full inherited units. This is dumb.
>want Navarre just for Desperation so I can give it to Nino since rolling a Shanna is impossible for me
>he needs to be 5* to learn it
You useless fuqboi
40 orbs and no Kagero tho
What is that expression trying to convey?
>you will never roll a second Takumi to run an Arena defense team with two Takumis and two dancers and call it Endgame
Elisedies if you pick hoshido.
>tfw finally get a Hector
>People you didn't
Gee I wonder why
>who claim you are related to them
But you are through your mom
>you never knew
Gee I wonder why
big fat soft gameplay
Is there a list of FE characters in Heroes? It's mobage garbage so I'm not really wanting to play it but I might make an exception.
>Lunatic Navarre completed with Marth, Ursula, Nino, Abel
I just used my standard arena offense team.
Did everyone bitch at them when Ursula's GHB was too hard? This was super fucking easy.
You should get a trip kozaki-user
Tell me more about entirely non-sexual bare legs, please.
Ursula was pretty damn tough, it has only gotten easier since then.
Hector doesn't care about stats, he still rapes everyone.
>I've been doing flower arrangements from whatever I can find in this world. Here's my latest creation. What do you think of it? Ah. It looks like something from a hellscape? Well, I appreciate your honesty. Curious to think how I'd have never been able to work with these flowers had I not come to this world. In a way, you have played a large part in the creation of this flower arrangement. I can thank you for many things, and most of all, that every one of us remains safe. So I vow to keep you safe, no matter what dread events come to pass,Summoner
There has to be brainwashing, why else would she be so happy about being told her work was dogshit?
>spend 100 orbs
>pull only colorless
>still no Kagero
Fuck Heroes, I'm going to go play Echoes instead
Hi, i am Triangle Adept Robin. Fuck you.
The only unit that can pose a threat to him is the axeman, but he's easy to blast away
This shit is pretty fun to play with
Did Fire Emblem become too Anime?
>beat GHB
>rolled last orbs for Kagero and got two with -Spd
>need arena feathers to upgrade palla for the gauntlet
Welp, back to Echoes.
>Mathilda: 40/50/45/55/45/40/4
Paladins are pretty rad.
I've been using neutral Kagero since day 1. I rerolled like a dozen times for her and settled for a neutral tittyninjawife. She's very much usable. She actually has nice res and not too much of a paper defense. Her speed allows her to not be doubled by most things, so she lives through any mage without a brave effect and can usually take a a single melee hit and live with 5 or less hp.
I have moonbow, drawback, deathblow3, and escaperoute3 on her. All ninja-themed skills. She destroys absolutely every infantry, including dragons.
Why do all pegasus knights wear those stupid slutty garters and suspenders? It makes them look really trashy, like street hookers, and it doesn't help that most of them don't wear panties either.
My Kagero is +def -res and she still shits on every infantry on Arena. I slapped life and death 2 on her and she can kill fliers/cavs just fine if she doubles them.
>80 orbs
>No Kagero
I guess I had it coming considering I got Camilla bunny and Hinoka
It just went back to its roots.
she's secure in the knowledge that she's just surrounded by plebs who don't get art
I've already got a level 40 nino Kagero and level 34 Olvia. Who should my 4th be?
>Be a woman
>Everyone lies to you and tells you you are perfect
>An actual man shows up and is able to tell you the truth without sugarcoating it, allowing you to grow as a person
Or she could just like being treated like shit, I hear it's a thing.
"God I wish I was with Chrom right now."
Fire Emblem was always anime.
>Bargain Bin Camilla
>good art
Ok that's great then. I was just kinda worried because I've never rolled a neutral before and that she wanted a specific thing to be great more. Thanks.
Also those tits are so fucking beautiful goddamn.
If bare legs are sexual, then a girl walking down the street in shorts probably makes you faint with excitement.
that combo sounds pretty good actually. Warding blow would help with the -res and the +def would stop her from getting killed by literally any melee attack.
>loli pandering from the very first game
you tell me
>lost a 3* Navarre GBH
all because I forgot to reequip Draw Back for Nino
>But you are through your mom
Except you're not. They're not her kids. You share 0 blood with them.
She's better than Camilla, I like her hair and clothes more than Camillas.
My main couldn't get her with 185 orbs and now I am sitting at a 5% rate up. I am crying inside. At least I got the Sakura to nearly complete the Hoshido family. I'll just let the banner fly and just cry inside.
My alt however has pulled her 4* version. My alt looks to be promising between Linde, Kagero, Eirika, and Ninian.
That's my wife
+spd - def
Still usable or should i try for another?
Because being a peg knight is suicide so they gave to seduce a man that is well off and leave that brigade.
user warding blow and life and death are both A slots.
>Everyone lies to you and tells you you are perfect
Nah, everyone rags on her art except for Orochi and Odin.
>Still trying to meme this.
>absolutely no sex appeal in this image, no siree
>I'm not gay, nope, FE is a series for fujos