>Warhammer II
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Old Ones:
Kids these days, they want stuff with PIZZAZZ
>muh calligraphy
Kids fucking HATE calligraphy! OK??
Here's a compilation of what people LOVE these days, and directions CA should take their flagship Total Wars series
So are you guys hyped for Total War: China?
FIFA cooking TW when?
>there will be a Snikch assassin hero in your lifeime
truly the best timeline
>Southlands added
>Leak confirms that Tomb Kings are DLC 8
>EGX dev said that the "Southlands are a mixture of jungle and desert".
I would be hyped for Genghis Khan with minicampaign set only in China
nigga, stop implying
everyone knows tehyR'e actually loyal, only Rogal 'Dumbo' Dorn and his buttboys couldn't figure it out, and girlyman was too butthurt to admit it.
>wake up
>Call of Warhammer BotET 1.5 not out yet
haha my favourite frog from reddit
Ancient Empires when?
>Grey Seer thanquol with Hand of Vecteek
>you and your kind
>Leak confirms that Tomb Kings are DLC 8
Got a link or image of the leak?
I wonder what the chapter master of the crimson consuls would have to say about this.
>Infinite Warfare
And zero replay value.
>Battlefield 1
What the fuck, why call it 1? Isn't it like the eight or something?
>Skyrim Special Edition
Special Ed Edition more like it.
>Fifa again
What the fuck is wrong with these Brits, don't they have soccer on the telly?
It's just a good solid game
Posting modern 40K lore should be a bannable offense.
But without them interfering the Siege of Terra could have been lifted?
they couldn't have a got a more basic character wrong than they did with mazdamundi.
I wanted to play as Ogres and every battle crashed after 5s. It turns out that big units are crashing battles on some pc. They said they probably fixed this in 1.5. I don't want to play Divide and Conquer or Stainless Steel again in med2...
How many years have people been saying that now?
Probably since it started being true.
who are you quoting
I really want to play Ogres but I'm waiting 1.5 for that, I tried them once but they are very unfinished and don't have many units
Also I don't get why they gave Maneaters that appearance but all other ogres look very different. Don't all ogres look the same?
wonder if they give skavens a verminlord
Maybe in warhammer 3 when daemons release? There's just so many unknowns with skaven since they had soem of the most bizarre units and mechanics. Will the screaming bell have 13 different effects? Does warp lightning jump to multiple units? Does the Hell Pit Abomination get back up after dying?
it's time to beg
Someone get me Elf or Beastmen pls
i am so fucking poor
>whiners whining on Veeky Forums
I don't know. I'm interested in this setting only after TW:W, so i'm not warhammer nerd. And all i know is that some of Ogres mutated/evolved into Yeti. For me it seems that Maneaters are just dressed like faction they serve/served which is cool, but maybe i'm missing something
Not all Ogres look the same, and some might be mixed race as well. Maneaters are just mercs who pick up style tips from the factiosn they serve. Yhetis aren't Ogres though (least they weren't in 7th), they lived in the mountains of mourn before the ogres came and the Ogres summon them by blowing horns and they ride the avalanches down to battle. You might be thinking of Gorgers though.
I just realized that this general hasn't helped me with anything other than a couple of mod recommendations.
it's a general, not a support desk!
I only play dorfs
I also only use ranged units
Is it working out?
Any comments on how i can improve it? pls no bully
What do you need help with?
Nothing right now, but thanks.
So i started VH campaign without Darth mod and it's fun so far.
Why do we hate it, again?
ultra-bad ai and unresponsive units
also, it appears to switch your game to Polish
Empire is either my favorite or second favorite TW, it's a hard call, but fuck man. France is literally TWO provinces.
Gameplay, the open field battles are amazing. Napoopan does them better, but Napoopan also doesn't let me fight fucking Mughals, Indians, or watch as a foreign power suddenly undergoes a bloody revolution.
It's a game that does a lot of small things great in a way no game before or after has done (I think it's also the only TW that had legitimate 3-4 player coop during a beta test too), but has some major fuckups in the core gameplay. I can't remember if it was addressed in a patch or in Darthmod but originally the AI, for whatever reason, would just never try to actually invade England. So if you played them you were free to do whatever the fuck you wanted.
tl;dr Fun, experimental, but very flawed.
>ultra-bad ai
It's so much worse in comparsion to other TW? I played only few turns so far.
Is this Darth mod fixing those issues? I won't lose much if i have to start new campaign.
Yeah, I thought about Gorgers,
So where do you go to find 1.4? I've looked at their ModDB page but all they have is 1.01? I feel like I might be missing something.
Fortress battles are bugged as fuck. But for all it's issues it's still one of my favourite TW games because it offers so much in terms of scope and variety.
I'd still reccomend darthmod if only for immersion alone, get the smoke and sound mods elsewhere if you don't want the whole package
Polandfag detected
I don't like to use mods for my first playthrough unless game is unplayable without them (like Vampire, but i played Kotor 2 without restoration). I like to enjoy game in vanilla state first and then install mods. So unless Empire is unplayable beacause of bugs or AI i don't want all of those other features from Darth (like units) for now.
I will try it in my second campaign, tho.
fugg I can't wait to exterminate Nagarythe shits with shadow warriors.
Is Alith Anar the biggest edgelord the High Elves have?
probably, he could even almost pass for delf with all that edge he's got
It's weird because the basic ogre unit aka "Ogre" are the same race as the Maneaters right? But look at the screenshot posted by that user, see how some ogre icons look like models made up from scratch? The maneaters instead have icons that are the standard ogre appearance
Not sure what you mean but the only versions out there are 1.01 and a beta of the 1.5, which only a few testers are playing as far as I know
>they said it was gonna be just a few more days for 1.5 release
>just a little more they said
Units aside it does balance things differently so that fighting russia and austria is not the same, so you might want to check it out eventually. You also can remove fort battles, which you should as they're pretty much broken.
After playing so many years in English ( even my os ), when I look at the polish translations in games its very cringy. Feels like raw translation from google translate.
t.polish winged hussar
Grudgebringer mercenary companies.
>play company of heroes back in the day
>install a mod that makes the germans speak german becuase I understand a bit german and thought it would be cool
>the german voice actors parody their own accents because that's what the english VA's did when voicing germans
It rustled me quite a bit desu.
eltharion before being blinded was pretty edgy, as he himself reasoned after he recovered
That guy over here, empire needs a good melee LL.
Today is the day?!
Yeah, it's kinda sad when you realize that you could've done a better job of translating shit from English than whoever the cheap fucks at CA hired.
*raids Naggarond with 20 good men and nothing personels Malekith in combat*
no, maybe thursday
Do lizardmen have mages that aren't frogs
Skink priests.
so what neat dinosaurs will we be getting?
Not triceratops
Not velociraptors
Nit trex
Not stegadons
OH OK! I see, I see. I thought maybe they stopped updating the page or moved to a site or something.
Ok never mind then will just wait for 1.5, how ever long that might be.
Frogs don't have navels
w..w..what will we be getting then
he just told you
dumb stuttering frogposter
>Archaon's stack destroyed
>he's just by himself
>he runs
>will just wait for 1.5, how ever long that might be
That's right. So have a seat, and get comfortable. We'll both be hollow before you know it.
Hah hah!
I'm going to be dominated by a best elf!
he said what we aren't getting
All praise /pol/toad!
read it again bro
is a stegadon just like Not-HRE is the empire in TWW
I fucking hope so
Holy shit that style. That fucking swagger.
Best looking lord by far.
>didnt level his leadership traits
>didnt use a leadership buff
Your own fault
ah i see cheers, stealin your pic aswell
>gets stabbed if she leans forward
Old friend news today at 3:00 GMT screencap this!
Don't break my heart like this user, I've been waiting to long.
He is the only canonical guy who managed to hurt him though
B..But muh general!
Lore of the Spiral for Empire fucking when?
What does speed buff does exactly? It affects movement speed or attack-speed and movement?
That spell from light wizard.
Has anyone tried removing campaign map hero activities? Is it possible or does it fuck the AI up too much?
Movement speed
So its useless, unless for quick re-positioning or cav speedrun
In his novels, he ran away from several fights that weren't going in his favor.
Why would we need to screencap it? The general isn't going to die in the next two hours.
There have been mods that do that since day 1