Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Reminder that only retarded dudebros play sfv.
Reminder that SFV is not a fighting game.
play footsies
Nice footsies.
At least is not the inflated player count post.
kemono fighting when??
This one will probably get deleted.
Reminder that retarded dudebros are the main audience of fighting games.
And they don't play sfv, not until arcade mode.
Talk to me about the Sim - Balrog matchup, Broski.
What the fuck am I supposed to do as Sim?
but is the retarded dudebro count inflated
>make a post saying i'm new to fighting games
>everyone assumes i'm talking about sfv
When you play Skullgirls.
What is the appeal of Skullgirls?
Most of the replies were talking about fundamental shit that would apply to any fighting game.
A mix between gay and fur
What are the chances of Capcom holding a press conference for MvC:I showing off the latest build before E3? I need this game.
The game is cancelled
Unofficial word on the street is that it's on the back burner/canceled.
So pretty fucking low.
>implying they've made any gameplay
Expect a release date in early 2019.
Capcom is way too small and poor to hold a press conference. But then again they are dumb enough to waste money on a big show with nothing to show.
Has anyone ever played this? It's actually pretty fun, and the controls aren't bad considering it's on the 3ds.
Now that Daigo has switched to Guile, is Alex Valle the best Ryu player in the world?
I keep reading this but I still can't see a valid source for it.
I mean, if it was even remotely true it would've been reported by many already.
This is a viable tactic against le wigly pigly hindu dindu of marvel gameplay
Should it be a viable tactic though?
Guys is it worth it to get an arcade stick?
Madcatz TES+ probably, but I just don't know since I haven't tried one yet.
What game do you want to play?
Modern fighting games are better and better about just using pads and hitboxes were always better
I heard Madcatz has filed for Bankruptcy.
I heard their most recent sticks have PCB issues that cause some input lag.
Go for Hori, Razer Panthera or the Qanba sticks if you really want to get a good stick.
stop hitting buttons
Everything, mostly goobers and jive.
Laura players have a special place in hell.
lmao where'd that nigga learn foreshortening
>mfw gootecks shilled sticks for years and now says hitbox > pad > stick
Pls help.
Even if her scaling is stupid that birdie was just mashing all day like all birdie, both braindead characters desu.
I wanted to get a hitbox anyway, it's just too expensive in EU, it comes down to 265 euros. Assembling one myself is a hassle, I could do the electrical stuff since I'm an engineer, but I couldn't fucking drill a hole in a shoebox straight if I wanted.
I'll just stick to my DS4 I guess.
This is why you shouldn't let GG players balance a Street Fighter.
>Silent buttons
But why? Those loud ass noises are what convinced me to play on a stick.
>but I couldn't fucking drill a hole in a shoebox straight if I wanted
Man up, the ladies like the handyman skills.
I plan to build my own as well when I get the free time and disposable income.
You gonna go with the 90euro brook universal ripoff pcb?
Buy a Razer pad instead goy err I mean friend!
Can I ask as a relative newblood to the whole fighting game thing, what is the 'point' of stick/pad/box?
Like, what do they do other the other things? What does a stick do that a pad can't?
It's worth it if you play the games and enjoy them. There will be an adjustment period with the stick where you'll probably be absolute ass if you've not played with one for very long before. You might feel like you wasted your money and want to return it but through practice you will get better.
I find it much easier to execute moves on a stick over pad so I can recommend a stick no problem. For $150 you can get a good stick which does PS3/4 and PC which isn't a bad price compared to other game peripherals like racing wheels or flight sticks. You can use your arcade stick for old emu too and fightcade.
After trying both I now think that pad is superior, hitbox has an issue with going from downback to qcf fast you get diagonals and in tournaments with pressure you get that a lot, imo only get a hitbox if you play gief.
It's mostly preference.
Pad is for people who want to be comfortable
Keyboard/Hitbox is for people who want the best possible input device for the genre
Sticks are for retarded mouthbreathers that fall for every scam or asians that actually play a ton in arcades
It's one of the candidates, but not sure.
More SF chars should have air throws, air blocking, air teching, and ground dashes/movement options desu
its a rough matchup, you have to constantly use and to keep dash punches in check and if he's in once be VERY careful trying to tech because one shimmy is the game
fortunately its gonna be easier in april because the new is fantastic for putting a stop to ex dash straight and ex dash low in neutral, and forces balrog to earn his way in a bit more legitimately
floating is also a good option too, just be wary that he can do the up punch thing so mixup your float timings and movement
>he didn't grow up playing fighting games in the arcade
Your childhood must have sucked.
Not that guy but we wasted our cash on Time Crisis instead since we only had Tekken.
I migrated from a pad to a stick because most fighters have more than four buttons, and hitting the triggers wasn't as quick as I wanted.
Then again, I got my stick for free and there are pads with six buttons on the front (the only bad thing is they've got no joystick) so it's basically a matter of what you're more comfortable with in the end.
The only games I could play in the arcades were Samurai Showdown, SF3, and MVC2.
Imo it's like this:
>stick makes clean button inputs and double tapping/plinking easier
>pad is intuitive and makes movement a bit faster
>hitbox has both positives but is not as intuitive + it's more expensive
In the end it's preference and the skill ceiling is the same for all three.
Time Crisis is tight, though. Can't blame you, specially given that alternative.
>Born in 1996 so I barely know the experience of an arcade
I feel like I missed out...
Thank you.
I was hoping the new move would make it easier.
What about the fireball game?
Do I even throw fireballs in neutral against Balrog?
I was about to say underage get out but people from 1996 are 21
There's nothing intuitive about pad unless you're playing a 2-4 button game with stick commands no more complicated than 236, 623, or charge
ex fireball yes
regular fireball, not really outside of oki setups, he can always just react and ex straight. Play it by ear though, if someone isnt reacting well you can always go for it
also be aware that the fireball invuln frames of balrogs v-skill are not hit invuln, so you can do something like ex fireball and then to make sure he cant try to spin through the fireball
I meant intuitive as in most console players are used to it before they get into fighting games.
In a little under 9 months people born in 2000 can post on Veeky Forums.
implying people don't already do
brick is 17
I played it on console and pc with friends.
Things SFV has added since launch
>bigger tutorial
>character demonstrations
>8 people lobby
>ft2 in ranked
>8 characters
>Big Story mode
>4 new stages and a few alternate stages
We had all kinds of shitty beat em ups and 3D fighters in the arcade here
Most fighters have 4 buttons though.
Right okay so I'm not gonna front and say I picked up a stick for the sake of having one (It was cheap, covers PS3/4/PC and means I have an option for visitor preference) and my pad but the pad certainly feels more natural (I can do challenge mode in BB with it but fumble even basic shit on stick but I've only used it less than the length of a day so probably some bias on that part in the favor of pad) even though it's a 360 controller which is apparently criminal for fighting games.
I keep hearing stuff like stick grows better but no one has explained why. I just wanna know is the difference sizable enough for me to care about using the stick?
>penalty for leavers
>hundreds of new costumes and colors
>faster loading times
Street Fighter and most Capcom fighters have six, and so does KI. Guilty Gear has five. Virtua has three.
The only ones with four buttons are SNK games, Soul Calibur, and kusoge like Tekken or NRS games.
not playing fighting games on stick is like playing quake on a ps4 controller desu
>I keep hearing stuff like stick grows better but no one has explained why
You get more accustomed to it after using it for a while since you're building new motor skills while using it. It's not an instant get better device. You put the time into using it and you'll get better with it. Simple as that.
>even though it's a 360 controller which is apparently criminal for fighting games
It's a good pad but the dpad is a tad weird.
Just don't listen to sticktards. They are all about muh feelings and have no objective reasoning.
>holy shit why is walking so difficult what do you mean one foot after the other.
>This drawings are words? What the fuck are you talking about, this makes no sense!
Do you think like this? No, but in the past you did. Same thing with anything you're not used to, like using a stick
I get that totally. But would I be 'worse' if I put that time in on a pad is my question? I totally get it's gonna make you worse for a time but is it actually worth? Is there actually long term gain or is it just preference? Ya feel?
Not really. Sticks are a meme perpetuated by companies and their shills to get newfags and good goy to buy the equipment to be "the best they can be." They're like Gunnar shades.
You only need a stick if you grew up playing in the arcades. You can git gud with a gamepad too.
how about some desync prevention for cheaters which invalidates a match for shit connections?
Just a little while longer lad
All preference.
would definitely be cool
Some people are gods with gamepads, some people don't unlock their potential until they use a stick. You can speculate all you want about people but you don't know for yourself until you put in some effort with the stick and find out which suits you better. I'd say it takes about a month to start getting over the acclimation period if you play casually.
It's almost like SFV was an early access game and these are all things that should have been there at launch.
I'm this guy and I think it's purely a matter of personal preference. You can get similar results with both given that you put up the effort.
Also, I just realised I got a triple.
List of games that have launched without features like that included from the start
>twisting facts this hard
/pol/ is probably a better board for you
Okay, thank you guys very much. That sounds vaguely sarcastic but it is nice to actually just be told straight instead of "BUY STICK NOOOOOOOOW. GET GUD BUY STICK." which is what a lot of my reading got me. I don't mind either too much right now, I prefer the movement on thumb on the pad but the buttons are eh, inverse for stick. If it's a preference thing I'm gonna stick with stick and then cast judgements once I've got it down pat.