>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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Faye is _________
Camilla a best!
I'd rather be in this thread to be frank
in need of serious help
Navarre seems like a Selena without triangle adpet to me honestly.
So I guess he could be useful if you really like his character but nothing speacial other couldn't do.
the one who cleans up after.
What's your favorite hair color for Severa's super cute tails? My favorites are white & blue.
Hello anons
I have a +def, -res Subaki that I want to promote when I get 20k feathers again. Are those good IVs for him, or should I roll for a new one and try for a 5* or promote the neutral one instead?
What are some skills that'd do well on him?
I honestly found it very easy to level 4* Hana instead, i might put life and death on him but i dont think its even worth wasting the resources
>Call me Navarre. I'm a mercenary (sic), but I don't cum cheap.
Are you fucking kidding me IS?
what are most cancerous skills I can feed my taco, he already is + atk
IS going too far
Red is the only option
I kinda used him along with some other lvl 1 I wanted to level for fun. But I don't think he'll become a mainstay on my team either. His chibbi looks cool but that's about it imho.
This is my dinosaur pet, Grima. Please say something nice about him.
navarre was easier than edgelord
what team did you guys use to kill him?
Hector, Effie, Marth and Olivia
4* Kagero and Ninian solo'd the map while Minerva and Takumi watched
Who is this cute lizard?
Olivia Cordelia Subaki Tharja
Effie, Lucina, Ninian, Kagero (4 star)
Jaffar, Abel, Lucina, Adult Tiki.
That mohawk like thing is actually exposed bone for a crest-like thing on his back
His upper lip has had the flesh fall away
They're not eyes, they're empty eye sockets#
His trachea is torn open
No one because I can't beat him
How does you Kagero solo the map. My Kagero barely did half their health.
She's +atk and my Ninian has hone attack
She raped the fucking map and no one else even attacked
Where can i find good effie cosplay ?
Just curious...
>winning a match in waifu emblem
lmao, the only reason eph went as far as he did was his bracket was full of boys and he was the cutest
roy water taco anna
Hector, Sharena, Lucina, Olivia.
you don't get an increased chance at 5*s when doing the very first pull of a banner, right?
just asking because last banner i got xander from my very first orb, this time takumi
outside of these i haven't gotten any 5*s in ~200 orbs
i'm guessing this was just a coincidence?
Lucina, Ninian, Ephraim and Spring Chrom.
>Poison Dagger
>Deals bonus damage against infantry units
>Deathly Dagger
>Deals Poison Strike damage after initiating combat
They need to adds more 2nd gens to this game,
I'm adding things in the same folder the compilation was in, so check back in case you want the new stuff too. If anyone can think of anything they want added let me know.
Stahl, Takumi, Linde, Nino
I want to put a baby in Nino!
>a baby
Nino wants twins
Wow, that was fast.
Hector, Azura, Reinhardt and Cecilia.
Coincidence I'm sure
How many babies can I put in this?
>Reddit finally discovering how busted Kagero is
Fuck this banner
>He didn't saw Echoes leaks
How is the support system different from the GBA games?
Got one as well.
None, because she can't get pregnant from anal.
Echoes is shit.
Felicia is the cutest! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! Keeping her safe and making sure she has no worries or troubles! Being there for her always! Holding her soft hand and giving her little kisses on her cheek!
She means everything to me! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!
For the last time, she's NOT a loli buttslut!
>wasting your seed in her butt even though there's some newly fertile loli pussy right in front of you
Fucking Fire Emblem Echoes. English leak when?
Felicia is the cutest! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! Keeping her safe and making sure she has no worries or troubles! Being there for her always! Holding her soft hand and giving her little kisses on her cheek!
She means everything to me! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!
What's the verdict on SoV
Have they made any qol changes over gaiden or is it another shadow dragon with lazy reclassing but actually good graphics.
Also are supports in? Any japbros want to confirm if they were like Fe 6-8 supports
>no worries or troubles
just play the menu patch
gane has like 3 lines of dialogue
Do I do it?
Effie is ATK+ SPD- Long'qu is ATK+ DEF-
>game has like 3 lines of dialogue
This isn't the original you know.
Yes, do it
Supports are like GBA FE but faster and less tedious, can't say if the supports are good tho can't understand japanese
What's Faye's best class not counting the Again meme?
It is. But since it doesn't have S Supports, elitists who pretend that they aren't elitists will love it.
What is good:
>The OSTs
>The art
What is bad:
>The supports system is crap, but of course retarded users from Reddit will use an excuse like "B-But it's remake? So they didn't even had to that!!" since that would be admiting that they were wrong when they thought that limited supports would mean better writting.
>Canon pairings. If I'm not allowed to choose my pairings than that's fine, but don't force me shit I don't like.
>The history is not that good, even if I admit that this time there was an effort to add lore in it.
>Content locked through DLC again.
>Pointless inclusion of amiibos.
>Map design is just as awful as it was in Gaiden, but apparently that's fine now.
>Only two characters were added and one of them got the Celica/Catria treatment for some reason.
>Wasting best IV Effie on a Lon'qu with meh IVs
+Atk is great but -Def gets you killed at times you could have survived
Just wait on a +Atk -Res.
>having a problem with canon pairings
Fuck off back to tumblr, shipperfag.
I was afraid of this. At least they didn't go the shadow dragon route of 1:1 port by adding some degree of supports
Isn't that the best effie possible
>Canon pairings are a problem
Fuck off. There is nothing wrong with canon pairings. Especially when they are their own characters and not meant to be self-insert bait, like Robin and Corrin were.
>caring about canon pairings
Found the faggot
You aren't wrong on a lot of the other shit though
Give us FE Switch already
Mechanically, Shadows of Valentia is more faithful to Gaiden than Shadow Dragon is to either Shadow Dragon and the Blade of LIght or Mystery of the Emblem Book 1.
>Echoes has TWO Catrias
What team should I use to beat the Navarre map? My Sharena is only around level 33
+Def makes his strongest point better. He's never going to be a hard-hitter, and his B skill makes his speed less than essential, so those are good IVs imo.
I'd be tempted to give him a killer lance and bonfire for counter attacking. Decent candidate for Iote's Shield (but Defence Plus might be better overall).
>Liking to not be able to have your own interpretation of what happened in the future.
>Having to tolerate fanarts of pairings I don't like
I think the majority of the people who like this game are the newer fans. There are a few fans who liked Gaiden apparently but I reckon they are in the minority.
Fuck off
90% of games and 99% of other media (the exceptions being cyoa stuff that is niche) has canon pairings. Do you triggered about them too?
Can't wait for a decent Tellius/Magvel banner so I can reroll.
Why have supports at all if they're short and very limited?
Effie, Nino, Olivia and Subaki
The map design seems to be the same from what I've seen.
How much you wanna bet that Tellius banner will come out after the SoV banner comes, and everyone's orb drained from it+Spring banner?
Not who you replied to, but I'm one of those who enjoyed Gaiden but saw that it needed speeding up, Echoes is an amazing improvement which makes the game on par with the Tellius series in my opinion. Not on par with Thracia though, just because I like games which absolutely hate the player difficulty wise. Echoes so far is good game/10
There's also base conversations.
I just prefer to not have character pairings at all. When it's forced on characters I like with characters I don't like, then it sucks and when we had the option to do that in Fates or Awakening it was weird IMO.
Thank you!
Where can I find the menu patch?
Brom when?
hector tanked and killed ninjas
tharja killed green axe
ephraim killed navarre
easiest ghb yet
>nerf summoning on stronger monsters
Based IS
Go back to tumblr. A series doesn't have to bend to be how you want it. If you don't like something that's extremely common in fiction(Canon pairings), then you can go find something else.