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Morigesh? That's nothing, ever heard of candleja

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So is Morigesh for bursting singular targets? She doesn't seem to have much wave clear.

does she do a lot of burst damage? a friend of mine said he thinks she'll just be good for securing kills and less for doing the bulk of the damage.

Mark then her q then another mark does a fair whack of damage, which you could then ult for a kill maybe. This was only against bots, haven't used her in pvp yet.

rip ash rip shinbi


Where should you even go and farm with Morigesh? Mid? Jungle?

>because she's a forest spirit

Ash got nerfed. Now it can only slow every two seconds. Still pretty good, imo, but it hurts Twin (and Iggy?) way more.

Mid or jungle

Holy fuck Morigesh is fun

Can a shit tier decade old toaster run this game as smoothly as SMITE?(stable 60 on low)

Maybe, it's free so why don't you test it out? The game can look beautifully but you can turn it down so that it looks like garbage and runs great too

Oh baby the map looks so much better imo

also it's a

>everyone wants to play the new fucking hero day

I've seen how this game can look like garbage and I doubt I can play it like that. The video had animations that looked like low quality sprites from 100 B.C. and a draw distance to match that.

Not planning to play the new hero today but do you guys think Morigesh can be used in the offlane?

I have only played her in PvAI but I do think she may be best in offlane.

The map does look way better, but I'm going to miss the jungle jump pad.

I just played with bots too, I just realized I fucking love her kit and I wasn't a big fan of the mages in this game besides Gideon, who is a bad choice nowadays.
Too bad I probably won't be playing her this week but she's amazing, wanna try her out in a real offlane game.
Too bad they'll probably nerf her, her mark does a good chunk of damage but Reddit is already crying about it.

Who doesn't like free elo day?

>get first pick
>awww yisss time to trial morigesh vs actual players
>draft aborted

If you ever see a guy with the name "Cduron20," fucking dodge.
He's thrown every game I've played with him and acts like a child even if we're losing, matchmaking keeps matching me up with this faggot.
We had a decent team comp but since he was last pick he was made to go support and he started pouting because he didn't get his role, I just fucking dodged.
Last week, this motherfucker keep spamming "Good Job!" every time someone died even though we were winning, and whenever someone did the same thing to him, I remember he typed up in chat, "Do you want to make this a 4v5 motherfucker?"
Our Serath from the same game, who was really nice throughout the game, was complaining how he d/c'd his last game
And two games before that was when I first got matched with this fucker and he threw the game by feeding as Serath Jungle

Report him via email to Epic and play up how you're concerned that this guy's behaviour will turn people away from the game. Fucker will be banned right quick.

I would've done that but I've got no proof that's he done what I said he's done
I'll report him anyways, then report him if I see him again w/ proof

Can't they check his team chat messages?

Dotafag here. Game seems pretty fun, I like playing grim and sevarog. I wanted to ask if there's some newbie shit I should be doing, like maxing mastery on the starter heroes or something else like that to get the most card drops

Not really, you should be getting rain of cards early game anyway. Consider buying mastery for heroes you enjoy and play often, but It's not really required

Thanks dude, that's cool. I'm just kinda spreading out and seeing how I feel about everyone, so it's good to know I'm not stuck in a certain spot.

Playing each character to level 5 gets you 2 card packs, so that will help. Also makes you more familiar with the characters so you know what to expect from them.

Not a problem, if you want someone to play with and help you learn the game my nickname is in 11th line of pastebin

>tfw you just spend five hundred dollars on new games when you could've just played Paragon for free

Why not do both?

man I hate spending money. I avoid buying ps+ by only playing Paragon. just bought the PS humble bundle and persona 5, took a look at my bank account and realized I've spent so much money. I'm furious. I want to sell everything back and only play mobas for the rest of my life

>low hp
>suddenly mori ults me
>oh fuck goodbye world
>dekker stuns the bitch
l m a o

You don't need ps+ to play paragon

Forget this I can't into reading.

So how are people building Morigesh so far? haven't got a chance to play a match yet but i'm curious.

I haven't tried her out but I'm excited to test my deck out with her.
I've got blight, AotW and Hunter's Guile for for the anti-sustain, slow and cc cleanser w/ around 170+ power.
I've also got a couple points in health, I believe more than 700 health and some light mana, around 300 mana.
I've built her for a balance of offense, utility and defense.

My fucking face when Murdock misses the easiest fucking ult in history.

I can't wait to get home from work and shit up a match playing Morigesh for the first time.

It saves all your games as replays by default. Just look for the ones with him in it and send the video codes in.

PTSD as Countess main.
>bouta gut a fools ass

Don't build mana, just use Blood Catalyst. Use the extra points used for mana for power or ability penetration.

How? She is so damn easy to play... Mark, dot, auto, mark, auto, auto etc. You'll be securing bullshit kills left and right. It's great. I love dotting them as they run away denying any health regen for 12 seconds then as they try to teleport home, ult them right as the tele pops and frying their ass right as they land on base.

>Blood Catalyst
It's an intellect card but you're right, she doesn't need to build mana, I tried the deck out and I'm surprised about her little mana she uses.

Oh I haven't even checked her out yet my bad. Assumed if you could build so much mana she'd be Intellect.

Still I wouldn't build mana on her, as a close range caster she's hard countered by Lt. Belica

They won't do shit lmao in the past 25 days I've abandoned 23 games and counting and nothing happens if you don't do it consecutively. You just get a 24 hour ban if you do which means oh noo no Paragon for a day.


Yeah she's getting nerfed, calling it now

>she's gett nerfed because people can't use actives
Only thing that needs a nerf is Serath

She's probably gonna get nerf'd hard, she's a bit on the OP side but nothing crazy.

>mark ability scaling
Can you cast this on the same target multiple times?


Wow I'm kind of disappointed at how easy she is to play.
And this mark nonsense is pretty badly broken
She has garbage waveclear but that doesn't even matter does it.

At least Countess is still top face to face burst assassin.
Not even worried

Woah wherw the cu kis everyone

>low hp
>suddenly mori ults me
>oh fuck goodbye world
>as the dagger's coming down, Muriel shields me
>then Murdock ults me
>then Kallari ults me
They really wanted me dead.

Morigesh is fun as fuck to play, but god help anyone laning against her early game (especially carries).

Staff of Adamant, Shadow Scroll, Sorcerer's Ward and Ash. Haven't been able to see how effective Ash is yet, but having played her, I suspect it's not much: her abilities are just really good pokes (not unlike sticking needles into a voodoo doll) with a global ult, so there's no real need to chase anyone down.

Her waveclear isn't Countess levels, but it's pretty good if you prioritise your targets: focus on auto-attacking the ranged minions while your minions and the Q eat through the melee portion of the wave.

This is why I love to play her, my first game with her was just bullying the crap out of the enemy Yin, it was hilarious, ended up out-farming her because she refused to get close to the wave.
Too bad I lost because my Crunch fed early game and ended up not taking the afk penalty because he had something pressed up to his controller.

Jesus, what a prick.
I've only played one game with her, midlaning early against a Gadget.
>quite content to be chill and just farm for a while, no need to make this unpleasant
>Gadget starts to throw lv1 mines at me
>mercilessly poke her out of lane

It's hell to play against, but fun as fuck to be the one doing it. Kind of like pre-nerf Aurora, I'd imagine.

Put in with this guy twice tonight: instantly dodged the second one, mind you.

The matchmaking's never going to get fixed, is it?

Check their agora gg to see if they're in a match and then queue up

Holy duck this guy is awful

Anyone down for games? IGN is Agasio

Post your op Morigesh decks


It's a secret


Possibility of incoming nerf is close to 100%. Make the most of her while you can, boys.

I think the main problem is Mark doing way too much damage. The poison making you unable to back is debatable but I'm on the fence about that.

Yeah, Mark is insane
>Serath comes running at me, 1v1
>auto, ult, ded

If I had been playing any other character except maybe Countess, I'd have turned tail and ran as far as I could get.



It doesn't count as poison no.

Grux fags on suicide watch


grux has ascended beyond this plane


>my turn to pick
>have to play jungle
>panic to find character tired of playing sevarog
>wtf is grux?
>friend says they took him out of game
>think he's joking
>accidentally dodge looking for grux

Trust your friends, guy.


what hapend


ty user

>1 day rep boost
That...wasn't worth my time.


Lads, where is everybody?

I hate it when i play like shit with a character I'm good with. Even worse when I get carried to victory.

It's a standard Epic procedure by now, release heroes as overpowered so that people will begin to play and like them and then nerf them right in the next patch.

What the fuck happened guys? Is this some late April Fools joke?

Countess just had her mana costs rebalanced for Monolith, with no other changes iirc.

I understand that people don't know how to build and play Morigesh but I've just been shitting on them in every game with my Sparrow, Twin, Steel, Riktor, and Feng.

>its a plat player on a 10 game winstreak farms jg and lets enemy take base episode


Grux decided he was Metal Gear Solid so he turned into a box. Now he is no more.
Someone screwed up and didn't test him, so he's removed from the game until the next patch.

>same or higher level as the person going solo down a lane and wrecking your tower?
>nah, just gonna stay in the jungle.

Actual G here. Took a quick jaunt around the new map.

The new gray metal they're using everywhere is really bland and harsh and I hope they add more contrast and color (and make the two sides more thematically distinct, as originally intended).

Grass is nice but does it need to be everywhere?

The jungle redesign feels much flatter, which is a real bummer. Trying to emphasize the Amber Link is misguided when the Amber Link itself is not a very interesting system, and it was already prominent enough before. I miss the stair platform on the left side, though I do like how they removed the central crag there and just made it open with a height gap which could make for interesting teamfights.

On the right side, I'll miss the jungle gym of ledges which were never tactically significant but they looked cool, and now it's just flat and circular and lame :(

I'll get used to it but I question the necessity of this streamlining.

When I should start building my own decks?

Immediately and never go back.

All you need are stats, a shadow ward, and maybe a blink. You have those.

the cards are confuse for me, and I don't have enough cards and sadly there is almost no webpages for hero building to try and grasp the idea.


You do have enough cards. Just pile on the stats you want. Make sure you have six cards which total 60 CP when all are completed with upgrades. Starter decks are trash and a liability.

They said it was a work in progress in response to someone saying the two sides looked too similar