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Who do we replace allu with on faze?


Australia is a continent

australia is a country of dick lovin faggots

Is gambit ELITE?

>named machinegun
>make him awp
How about draken once nip kick him next time get_right goes 2-18?

Just really good cs famalam

Thorin looks like an overgrown child.

acts like one too

is dosia a literal mouth breather?

hes our guy

Fnatic vs Gambit on Inferno.

>this generation doesnt remember that dosia gave everything to save cs
he's literally the reason this game exists today, learn some respect my dudes

should be fun, i like the look of the new inferno



who wins when its our guy vs our guy

we do
but we also lose



How many times has dosia destroyed hobbits boipucci?

what happened to fanatic why are they so bad compared to before

they're still using the old microhacks
not fast enough

olof is going to be bottom fragging

screencap this

they got written into a comeback plotline, they have to go through dark times before theyre allowed to start winning again

I dont personally find the writing this season to be that good but I mean its watchable, better than some matches have been

My boy Krimz.

pros dont fake

but dosia isnt pro

>10 sec defuse
he made the right call

why are people saying snus in twitch?

it's a swedish past time and krimz was using it

krimz paused game to change snus



Dosia looks like the male character in one of those doujins where the artist self inserts as a fat disgusting pervert

dosia drinks redbull like he eats pussy, he goes all out

Do Gambit communicate in Russian? Kazaks learn it as a second language I'd assume?

he literally looks like he needs a breathing apparatus to keep going

The only thing keeping him alive is COUNTER STRIKE: GLOBAL OFFENSIVE

>fnatic outplay themselves by going through ct spawn


god bless

yes yes

Man m0e is doing really good this game

god bless

>He hasn't paid respects to Dosia today
Kid's these days.

>these scarred arms from shooting krokodil

henry is such a faggot

nah hes just british, where youre either a low t effeminate bottom or a permanently drunk 50 iq football hooligan


“Our goal is to build brand affinity with a highly-engaged, dedicated millennial community that shares our core values and are ready for wherever the road takes them. Millennial esports fans have a fierce dedication to the games and its players. We understand and appreciate that kind of passion and it was an easy decision to dedicate ourselves to the esports movement.”

nice buzzwords subaru

they're back

our boys doing them smart plays again

tfw my 45 year old aunt started calling herself a millenial

post dm tracks


Is Fnatic /ourboys/?

yea since forever

slightly less now that reddit likes them but theyve always been our guys and csgog is loyal



try and top that

jesper is becoming uglier by the years
idk how he does it


Okay, pretty new on here, lurking other boards since old times. Fnatic has always been my boys, nice not being alone

it was contentious back when fnatic analed ldlc with the overpass boost and reddit hated them but they were our guys through and through we never wavered

oh my god when did henry cut off his beautiful hair he was so good looking with it

oh my god I want to kill myself

OUR lesbian

he did that a while ago man

NIP more like SHIT amirite????

sweden wtf?

um nip hello???

g2 is the best team in the world

henryg actually getting frustrating at how bad NiP is

>dry peeking on lan when the other team has shox and kennys on a double awp setup
how fucking retarded are nip honestly

It's a classic "NiP comeback on Inferno" script. They paid top dollar for this.




better kick draken next

>nip is gonna keep kicking their 5th until they find someone who can carry their washed up asses
top kek

>talking about the smoke to minipit instead of the smoke that lands on the hay bails to block vision of the apartment rush

henryg wtf are you doing, that smoke is the nuts one

who here bought the veteran coin

I really hope you didnt do this


To be fair though draken played like a retard in a team of retards.

Solo que plays.

They don't look like that though.

When will we have replacement models for each player in the pro teams?
They would be handsome, and simply pretend to be playing the game, while the actual play on their game is streamed from the actual players playing backstage.

How well does csgo run under linux? Building a PC for a family member and due to (((windows))) bullshit I cant get windows 7 right now and am falling back to ubuntu so want to try out aimtux while I'm here.


Why was NiP so bad? Holy shit.

Why does it matter? Just use aimtux.

I need my 200fps tho

>$45 zinc coin

lel you might as well just buy a huge banner saying IM A FUCKING IDIOT


Just use aimtux.

what do you mean you cant get w7? shit is literally free. w10 is also literally free

get right Xd

draken wasn't even good on epsilon after disco left

Windows are jews and make it hard to install on the new generation of CPUs. There is a work around but I'm lazy so I'm giving it to a mate to fix.

And I'm not fucking touching windows 10. You can fuck right off with that shit

>hard to install on the new generation of CPUs.

Are you retarded? Honest question-

Spend 5 minutes on google and you will see the fuckery between windows 7 and kaby lake.

It still works, retard. You just won't get any updates.

Shouldn't this be 9,25€?
Are these fucks joshing me?

too retarded to crop

maybe they take a %cut?