>full of sensible advice
>points out that chasing money is retarded
>advises you to pursue careers you are best suited for
I have read dozens of books on business and success. This is the best single book on succeeding in life.
>full of sensible advice
>points out that chasing money is retarded
>advises you to pursue careers you are best suited for
I have read dozens of books on business and success. This is the best single book on succeeding in life.
>I have read dozens of books on business and success. This is the best single book on succeeding in life.
wow... how successful are ya, son?
2 kids, MBA, 200k salary. I work in sales and am in my 30s. Net worth 300-400k USD
John T Reed is successful in a mainstream way, not in a retarded biz way
>Raised by single mother, father was alcoholic
>Army Ranger (he hates the army and quit as soon as he could)
>married 40 years to Harvard MBA
>Harvard MBA himself
>3 sons who are all independent and successful
>In good health at age 70
>self employed since age 32, earns 6 figure income as author
>High net worth
>moderately well known but not famous to the point it is a hassle
This is real success, not trying to be some butt coin neet millionaire who is single, fat with no prospects of finding a good spouse and no meaningful hobbies.
So, what's his deal about money? Genuinely curious.
I'm sure he doesn't say to stay poor, but why is pursuing money retarded? You need your bills paid and to get free of the rat race, no?
He says that setting too high a net worth goal is a bad idea because you either spend too much time or take too much risk accumulating money.
He had a goal in the 80s to have a net worth of $5M and in the process lost over 750k on Texas apartment buildings. He says you need to work up a shopping list (not a wishlist) of things you want to buy, and are prepared to spend your time accumulating money to pay for.
He also points out that for most wealthy people, financial independence comes earlier than many expect. He discourages people from buying ridiculous items like house over 3000sqft, private jets, etc:
Fuck off with this shillery
>2 kids
heh...nice try
I guess I'll need to read it then, I must be missing something.
Not to belittle it, but it does sound super-obvious, like something you'd tell a brand-new lottery winner that has only a 5th grade education. "Don't start buying huge mansions and private jets"
Yeah you really do need to read it. Read the testimonials, worst case you are out 50 bucks but it is a fucking good book.
Much of the advice is less obvious, like the importance of finding an appropriate spouse, deciding where to live, and finding the right career early.
He talks a lot about sobriety (and is a non drinker) because his father was a layabout alcoholic.
The book is applicable for everyone but is most ideal for a high school senior or someone still in college.
Just set a 1 million net worth goal for myself and have been looking at apartment buildings...in texas.
I can guarantee you this is the most useful thread currently active on this dogshit message board. What else are people posting?
>affiliate marketing
>I have $5 how do I make a million by Christmas
>I am the assistant regional manager at a McDonald's in buttfuck nowhere, they are going bankrupt next week
>currency trading
>penny stocks
Those who read the book will thank me.
He got screwed because of the rule change and oil shock that devalued Texas apartments by 1/3 overnight. Because of his leverage he got screwed.
He admits if he had set a less aggressive goal, he would have a higher net worth today.
I actually think Austin and DFW houses/apartment buidling in good locations will be a good buy as California tech companies move over when the pension funds collapse. East Plano looks like a pretty good deal
any pdf copies out there, I might take a glance
Don't think so. He self publishes so that he doesn't have go through the bullshit of bookstores and publishing companies. Makes 100% of profit instead of 2% - 15%.
>$50 for a self-help book giving basic advice that everyone over the age of 25 already knows.
Guess the real money is in writing shitty self-help books.
Thanks OP, I'm officially a writer now.
>mfw this nigga actually thinks shilling his book here will work
just get a real job
Post a pdf download please.
First rule of making money self publishing - make your stuff hard to copy
He has literally written a book on how to self publish how-to books. I have a copy at home