/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1392

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass GUIDE for EOPs

>Schedule for April:
4/1 - 4/9 - Table for Six
4/10 - 4/15 - All Four Celestials (Renewal)
4/16 - 4/21 - Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
4/16 - 4/21 - The Inner Light (Mary Event; Rerun and Renewal)
4/22 - 4/29 - Guild War (Fire)
4/30 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event
4/1 - 4/8 - Anime Special (200 Crystals a Day, Increased Pendant Gain/Cap)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>the state of gbf

Hello, when is the ETA of the next rerun? Is it 12 hours?



post Nios

Thanks to the Beserker who came.

thanks for the vice user and for the rainbow

>Change unknown race to primal because muh future medusa-tezcat synergy

>Release dirt shiva

hmm really makes me think

Quick, which crew in the pastebin should I join?



Exhentai is full of shitty books, but these, which are easily accessible arent?


Based gao team saving every fragile user from destruction.

Have one with her brother

none of then



just pay your 1 usd to get each
or are you too unwilling to spend on anything besides gacha?


Post fire damage

>reminded me to buy distinctions
You're a good friend user!

Are you retarded and illiterate?

Rethorical question, dont bother answering, Your pathetic grammar already told me the answer, seanig

C-choco bar?

Get a jap credit card, buy them, scan them

Be an hero

>joining a crew

Chococats or cowfags

So if I run Anila with Yuel their buffs would stack together right?
Is a team of Anila/Yuel/Magisa good? I'm currently running Anila/Magisa/Aoidos.

If you are a newshittier and need help join Fleet or Toot if you are above rank 101 join none of them

wuv wuv

That team is fine, it's not the best thing in the world but it works fine

Definitely run Yuel over Aoidos if she's 100

>. Your
Besides these, it might be better for you to use 'gave' instead of 'told'. One doesn't really 'tell answers', after all.

Die Korbo

13m meme damage with yuisis and siete

I don't even have Yuel, just want to ask since I want a target for my next ticket

You first pal.

What class is that?

Yuisis isn't meme.
She is my cutest wife.

this is bait, do not reply to it

Fire ""Damage""

What am I doing wrong gbfg?

This is with mist + armor break I + Yuel's abi 4

Your fucking skill levels, probably.

Use shivas call and pretend your old low numbers don't exist.

Who is strongest granblue?

My mommy Dorkte is the strongest.

Everything is SL10/15 though

where the FUCK do i get mayonnaise bowls


lol fire

Those are bigger numbers than what I can do

If you can hit 200k with your auto you're strong enough.


my numbers are way more depressingly lower

I'm going to pat this poster's head and call her a good girl.

You do a little more than me and my grid isn't finished, we just need fingers and +'s user.

Can whale fire hit cap turn 1 without zoi or shiva?
Someone said so once

I want this poster's ID right now!

user...I have fingers

>yesterday someone posted a chev grid doing 200k autos on celeste and people were complaining
Are you all expecting 1 million autos every time the big orange button is pressed?

I thought they globally capped single hit damage to 10m after that Dark Sarunan fiasco.

>tfw can only auto for 50k

Post grid

Oh, sumanai.

Is there any whale weapon that's worth the choco bars? Especially Fire and Dark.
Also what do I use those chocobars on outside of whale weapons and chev swords?

No, that's the skill damage cap.

if dark can do it why can't i

I thinks it's because Siete special skill to double the cap I could be wrong

Crimson Fingers


Gae Bolg

Durandal if you absolutely are crazy about playing Varuna Water to its extreme

you reaalize that one was shitposting right? that guy had 260k autos and 30k hp, this one has 200k autos and like 9k hp

Anybody up for a creed room?


Isn't the auto cap like 250k anyway?

I'll come leech ;)



Good girl.

Holy fuck, gold moon weapons.
I'm never getting those, aren't I?

>do freezie for bowls
>now im out of squid kebabs
what now

You can surprise ticket those right?

Do the boar fight.

ticket them


Silly user.

kill Korwa's husband.

I'd rather ticket a character that I need,

>her buffs are for normal modifier instead of elemental modifier
What difference does it make?

No idea
My grid is kind of a mess though I'm using berserker

Rated L for lewd.

>all these people with agni fire grid
>tfw still on magna with no agni

They only stack additively with normal weapons so they get much, much worse with Agni grids.

Why is Leviathan called SNEK when he's not a snake?

cute doggo

Who will be an hero and buy and scan the Sen doujinshi?



What if I'm using a Magna grid?


Post your favorite character and whatever you're listening to!


Creed room here, 28367 take turns hosting?

Is it Senposting hour!?

Doggofriends soon.


Which one?

Just use shiva and pretend your element is strong.

Does her support skill still works if i put her on the back?