Rakan and Xayah Edition
Old: Eyosongive.us
7.7 Patch Notes
7.8 PBE
Rakan and Xayah Edition
Old: Eyosongive.us
7.7 Patch Notes
7.8 PBE
Crazy is cute
first for wasting 2 bans on these fuckers
wish me luck in my promos boys
>Rakan and Xayah get Cosmic Reaver skins at launch
xth for put me on suicide watch
I want to cum inside bird ahri and have half bird kids
we believe in you user
Crazy is tight
>Xayah is a marksmen with an assassins kit
>Is also a bird
>Will literally make everyone forget about Quinn
fuck Quinn
isn't that valor's bird?
>finally a girl champion
>ugly and with a bf
Cute girl champion never
but quinn isn't a bird silly user, that's valor
>implying anyone, even riot, remembers quinn now
What champion pisses you off the most?
So is Rakan the guy?
>Passive - Visionary
>ABSOLUTE ZERO +250 maximum damage (Rank 4: 1375 maximum damage)
This thread was made first. This is the correct one.
>go in underleveled with half HP
>die like a bitch
Looks fine to me.
How good at sex is LeBlanc?
> the first thing people tell you about Darius is that you should not long trade with him
> do that
holy shit q effect looks weak af
its about which one is linked first, but use this one anyway, i fucked up the link in mine because i was HYPED
sadly I cant delete my thread in here so we have to wait for mods
She's a virgin. After seducing men she lets them fuck an illusion. She has never actually seen a penis before.
>Skins for champions already over-represented in solo queue giving even more incentive for children to shitpick them in my games
Literally going to drop the game for a month when the Hasagi and Feedbitch skins come out, fuck Riot.
Is that a Tyler 1 reference?
>We heard you like mobility champs
I'm just gonna pick Renekton top every game.
you look weak af
xth for Syndra
sooo what kind of bird is he female champ?
x Zed!
A cute one!
>both are 6
dumb or just retarded???
The kind that submits to the emperor imgur.com
That would mean the clone they fuck is also a virgin. People would figure that out.
LeBlanc acts way too sexual to be a virgin
Blind. I saw an 8.
The new ADC starter skin is a cosmic skin
Yi's skin looks retarded.
The skins for the new champs are alright though.
Am I looking at the Universe stuff right or are they adding an entire race of furries into league?
Yes, they are adding an entire race of furries to League, and retconning some of the old beast-man champions into it.
Ahri and Rengar are now confirmed to be vastaya, for example.
Yes, they can throw all the furry champs into it that didn't start off human (Azir, Renekton, Nasus, Elise)/cosmic embodiment of death (Kindred)so they don't have to make a brand new race whenever they want another beast champion
A harpy.
>Lux's R cooldown is reduced if she kills someone
>Lux's high cooldowns
kill yourself gently.
i haven't read anything about the new champs, what roles are they?
That's fucking god tier. I'm hyped.
>that ult
finally i can be immune to the effects of ahri's charm by being so fucking gay holy shit
but nor iot will probably make this gay man attracted to arhi's charm somehow
It's 2 champs
merge threads you fucks
this one more active
when did they do this last time? like 2011?
why do people go titty hydra on renekton if you can't animation cancel with that?
I think it was Khazix and Rengar last time but even then their release was spread a bit.
I think this is the first time too champs are released simultainiously
Also all I can think of with these two is this song.
Animation cancelling isn't the be all end all for what items you build on rene. Also I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure titty hydra is the only hydra that does break w animation, assuming that's what you're talking about.
Is Morgana mid still good? She seems so fucking foolproof as a character. Any Q past lane phase minutes is basically a won teamfight.
It's very consistent and safe. You need 45% cdr to be useful though and she pairs well with a support like zyra.
If you have say a leona, you could be lacking in damage when it comes to teamfights.
>Lover's leap
waifufags AND husbandofags btfo
>the lux change went through
uhh lolbabs
Cute bird girl + lulu lane
>shaco nerfs
not like this senpais
>My reaction to these new champions:
>no Cosmic Reaver Wu Kong
Wow rood.
Why does Kong get left out whenever Yi gets skins
The boy is a full tank toplaner, the girl will be a mid for a month before being nerfed into oblivion
Can Braum W to an ally champion in the last 0.25 seconds before a recall and jump back to base?
I could really use some Leona hotness
Which is real thread you faggots? You have THREE FUCKING GENERALS IN CATALOG
>Rito took SEVEN (7) years to add a highlights tab
>OW had it from day one
>the new champions are a cuck and a faggot
sure do love this fun and inclusive direction riot are taknig haha
feels good knowing we will literally never see a big titted anime qt ever again
>we will never get another sexy monster champion
>just lolis with hats
Why are crazy girls always the tightest
Too bad all of the new cosmic reaver skins look like hot trash though.
>hey instead of fixing ashe's ult hitbox lets just make someone who can avoid it in full
Trundle is thick and I love him!
do you think he would get fat if he used his ult on a fat guy haha
>literally ahri 2 boogaloo
>we will never get a qt again
The boy is actually a fucking support with EVERY SUPPORT SKILL. Like, he's pretty much busted.
The girl is a ranged talon meant to be played as ADC.
They're supposed to be played as a bot together for maximum bullshit.
Phreak referenced Tyler's YOU HAVE NO MANA on the new champ's stream, He is growing on riot and will eventually be unbanned.
>deadly plumage will additionaly cast on rakan at no extra cost
>30%as speed buff and double hit for both xayah and rakan.
comfy bfs~
also fuck sjws and fuck the champion design team
only the skins team is based
>strong independent hunger games rogue freedom fighter
Thats because tyler1 is fucking hilarious to watch when he isn't raging like a little bitch.
Who do you want see rakan get cucked by? :3
You. Bwoooong. Now.
Aside from sandnigger all previous female champs have been visually pleasing.
Not to mention the most popular jungle streamers are toxic cunts.
I wanna fuck your OC
There's absolutely nothing wrong with Jayce being in the meta and he has never at any point been cancer
Wasn't K6 always played mid in the beginning? What's stopping him now from going there?
I want to see Xayah getting cucked by Azir.