are the events currently happening in Syrian an example of a new wave of "post-leninst" socialist movements or just an "upgrade" of the old cold war guerrillas (PKK, Naxalites, FARC..)
Syria and the International Socialism
Rojava is the first revolutionary socialist movement since the Cold War. As such, it's pretty far divorced from the model of Soviet authoritarian bureaucracy.
Democratic confederalism has Leninist trappings, but by nature avoids the trap of authoritarianism by keeping power decentralized. Of course, the problem with this system is that it's hard to enact nation-wide changes.
I'd guess that across the 21st century, we're going to see more and more third-world socialist movements following Ocalan's model.
no you stupid LARPing faggot. Its Russia and America fighting for their interests in a key part of the middle east and more specifically, their naval position in the Mediterranean and oil production.
either ISIS (backed by America) or Assad (backed by Russia) will win. all the other meme armies are irrelevant
>Backed by America
Oh fuck off
Our preferred barbaric Jihadis are the Free Syrian Army... although we've distanced ourselves from them in favor of the Kurdish socialist forces.
He said all meme armies are irrelevant. FSA and the >Kurdish >state are meme armies
>either ISIS (backed by America)
He obviously meant Israel, calm down
ISIS isn't backed by America. They're directly counter to American interests.
The problem is that our close ties to Saudi Arabia prevent us from depriving ISIS of Saudi donations.
none of them are socialist
Assad: statist
ISIS: fundamentalist
Free Syria: bourgeois
>their naval position in the Mediterranean
mostly irrelevant to the US
>and oil production.
Entirely irrelevant to both factions
>either ISIS (backed by America
congratulations, you fell for the memes.
>all the other meme armies are irrelevant
On the contrary, ISIS are finished and have absolutely zero chance of ever controlling anything, where as the various opposition factions and the SDF have the potential to influence the post-war situation in Syria immensely.
>Free Syria: bourgeois
hurr, durr.
Also he's talking about the Rojava-Northern Syria project which is independent of every one of the factions you mentioned and who promote socialist practices without (as of yet) legally enforcing them.
>are the events currently happening in Syrian an example of a new wave of "post-leninst" socialist movements or just an "upgrade" of the old cold war guerrillas (PKK, Naxalites, FARC..)
The government of their territories has proven to be very different so far. Let's see how it plays out.
Assuming Turkey doesn't destroy them that is.
>America literally just bombed an Assad soldier held stronghold that allowed ISIS to take it the middle of a ceasefire for humanitarian aid missions
>DUDE OBAMA A GOOD BOY, HE AINT BACKING THEM AT ALL! Never mind that when bitch to the UN every time Russia dares to actually bomb them!
Every faction in Syria is a meme army. The SDF and FSA are far more relevant to the future of Syria than ISIS, which will have absolutely no place in shaping the country besides the odd car-bombing.
If America and ISIS were allies, why would we allow our proxy army the YPG destroy all ISIS presence in northern Syria?
Why would we let our puppet government in Iraq capture every Iraqi ISIS stronghold they could can?
>America literally just bombed an Assad soldier held stronghold that allowed ISIS to take it over.
ISIS didn't take it over you dumb fuck.
>in the middle of a ceasefire for humanitarian aid missions
ISIS has never been involved in a ceasefire in Syria, and humanitarian aid missions do not go to ISIS territory. Any aid to Deir ez-Zaur comes from the air. The bombing was most likely an accident.
He obviously isn't, if you had the mental capacity of anything above a 12 year old you'd see this.
>Never mind that when bitch to the UN every time Russia dares to actually bomb them!
You're just making shit up you stupid faggot. That sounds like something you'd like to hear so you just say it.
He's talking about the YPG of Rojava you dumb fuck
Please just spend 10 minutes reading about the conflict before posting
It probably was. Besides you concentrated on the most irrelevant part of my comment and ignored the thorough BTFOing I gave you.
I don't understand why people feel the need to comment on topics they know literally nothing about.
Doesn't matter who wins, Syria will be a shithole for the next couple of lifetimes
A slip of the tongue and a RT link. You'll have to do better than that. Even a cursory glance at what the US is doing in Syria and Iraq disproves the notion that the US supports ISIS.
What are you talking about? I directly refered to Rojava in my post.
>Free Syria: bourgeois
Do I really need to explain that your most heartfelt beliefs are just bourgeois memes and not real?
ypg is just kck operating in northern syria under the name of ypg, so they are just an upgrade to pkk with open western backing
it will not last for too long, they literally have no allies locally except for israel which will choose turkey everytime. western powers are just using them as a front in this syria war, afterwards they will be sacrificed to turkey for their continued alliance
Saudi Arabia is pretty much funding them and the US is allied with them.
FSA aren't bourgeois, just classcucked proles serving Islamist-Neoliberal goals
Rojava and FSA are mortal enemies my nigga....
kys you memelord, the Rojava, SMC and FSA are not the same thing.
Free Syria is literally the opposite of Rojava, holy shit
They're far-right Islamists
>I directly refered to Rojava in my post.
>Do I really need to explain that your most heartfelt beliefs are just bourgeois memes and not real?
Do I really need to explain that the Free Syrian Army has little relation to the bourgeois classes of Syria, nor does it have a coherent ideology that could be described as bourgeois.
>ypg is just kck operating in northern syria under the name of ypg, so they are just an upgrade to pkk with open western backing
The KCK is an umbrella group that doesn't exercise direct control over it's members. YPG and PKK are obviously very close and there is a large overlap with fighters, officers etc.
> except for israel
every single time.
>Saudi Arabia is pretty much funding them and the US is allied with them.
Members of the Saudi royal family are almost certainly funding them but the Saudi government themselves are not. The Saudis have their own proxies in Syria, most notably Jaish al-Islam. Besides, the Saudis have been cracking down on foreign funding, Qatar is probably a bigger concern in relation to Syria.
>They're far-right Islamists
No they aren't, your being just as reductionist as him.
The "FSA" is a brand that applies to fuckloads of militae of various sizes with little to no coordination between them. Some of them are Islamist, some are tribal, some are gangsters and smugglers, some are literally part of Rojava.
>implying the Syrian rebels form one cohesive group with a shared ideology
Why are lefty/pol/ neckbeards so cringy?
>muh kurdish feminit empowered waifu ooga booga
There are plenty of kurdish "refugees" in my country and they are all disgusting
>this kills the socialist
cant wait till rojava inevitably [COLAPSES] :^)
Hello Mehmet
I am not a t*rk. I just like making fun of larping sovietboo commie neckbeards
Rojava are not separatist. Their constitution explicitly states that they intend to be an autonomous commune within the Syrian state. Rojava commies are technically Assadist
fucking classcuck those are brave revolutionaries fash they dont even look that ugly cuck
Back to your containment board you cringy autist neckbeard. Also leftypol is satire you retarded fuck did you actually fall for that?
stay blinded by the porkies classcuck, they just want you to think those people are ugly so people don't side with them
its not a beauty contest cuck those people are fighting for your rights against the porkies and you still side against them what a fucking cuck
Fucking kill yourself, you utter mong.
Cringing intensifies. Those retarded ugly mongoloid manchildren useful idiots are fighting to flood my country with violent double digit IQ groids and force tranny crossdressing monster abominations in the same bathroom as my 4 year old niece. Kill yourself autistic memeing commie neckbeard.
Also stop regurgitating your cringy memes you pathetic sperg
>want a genuine discussion about confederalism and its implementation in Rojava
>find nothing but low grade shitposting
Another reminder to never post during American hours.
The vast majority want Syrian society to be more Islamic, though
im done arguing with you classcuck, you're too cucked beyond belief
the porkies want you to hate migrants because htey're rich white racists just fuck you cuck fuck i cant believe how fucking cucked you are for the porkies
>want a genuine discussion about confederalism and its implementation in Rojava
You just wanted to circlejerk with other autistic leftist permavirgin neckbeards about muh kursdish waifu.
Nobody can be this autistic. I am pretty sure you are trolling me now. Stop wasting my time asshole
I'm a national syndicalist you stupid stormcuck, I'm just able to talk about stuff without judging them outright, something you're clearly incapable of.
Pic related.
>I'm a national syndicalist
The autist you are quoting is from lefty/pol/ not real /pol/
nuffin personel kiddo
*teleports behind you*
*unsheats dick*
>tumblr filename
>leftypol is satire
lmao alright son
they both use cuck a lot
>tumblr filename.
You dumb nigger
Socialists don't say "YES MORE REFUGEES"
Capitalist politicians do that to gain a cheap workforce and improve national PR
How dense do you have to be not to not realise that's a right winger mocking the left?
>implying it is not
Did you actually fall for the meme?
>please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.
This thread deserves to be gassed or moved to /pol/.
Are the Rojava kurds even socialist? Have they even created a functional infrastructure for their "nation"?
Seems more like the old story where they just relocate the local syriacs/arabs and grab as much land as they can.
DESU posting on /pol/ should just give you a 12-hour lock from posting on any other board
So many problems would be avoided that way
Very problematic world. Does your jewish trans*anarcha feminst LGBTQQQA+ polyamorous comrade know you are using such racist exclusionary terms on Veeky Forums?
Not just /pol/, all of the high traffic boards. /int/, /r9k/, /mu/, /v/, /b/.
Industry is held communally, managed by local councils
It's illegal for an individual or for-profit corporation to take control of public property
That would explain the falling out with team Barzani
Yes, /pol/ doesn't act as a containment board. It only attracts underage newfags from reddit.
not an argument trumplets
nah just /pol/ senpai
those other boards are cancer but they're self-contained cancer
>what you think you look like
>what you really look like
>It's another episode where weirdos and genetic failures from r/communism come to Veeky Forums and whine about /pol/
Nice try commie kid. I'm voting for Gary Johnson.
/int/ is anything but self contained.
25 year rule asshole.
just because your post mentions history in it doesn't make it history
dumb fucking classcuck just fuck off ok cuck there isn't anything wrong with posting on reddit it's the least classcucked site on the internet
>I'm voting for Gary Johnson
Wow you are just as bad as those commie neckbeards from reddit
huh interesting idea
{autism intensifies}
Nice job being politically illiterate, I like it.
Gary Johnson is a meh candiate, but the fact he's not a sociopath like the other 3 makes him instantly more qualified than them.
No, you're a baiting faggot from r/The_Donald.
You have your anime loving alt-right followers on twitter so why do you come here?
>Why would someone play two sides of a field?
Because then you always win.
holy shit reddit is cringy
>That would explain the falling out with team Barzani
Also the fact that Barzani is in Erdogan's pocket
Pretty sure he is just a regular autistic leftcuck neckbeard probably underage. Doesn't seem like a false flag to me. Those sperglords really talk like that.
the alt right is a bunch of fucking classcucks who are cucked by porkies, drumpf is a racist porky cuck and those fucking cucks just blindly ffollow him
Yeah, sure
Right. /r/the_donald is probably the biggest feeder to Veeky Forums
how is that thread relevant?
fuck off porky cucks how about you actually give an arguement instead of spouting such unintellectual drivel
I guess you are right it was all a ruse abandon thread. Go back talking about your hairy feminist pure virginal kurd waifus I am out
You sure got me xD
This is going to be a karma jackpot on r/Veeky Forums!
this is false-flagging
Nobody from leftypol is this stupid