Is this feasible? Any lawyers?
Trump Lawyer Disbarment?
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It's pretty clear it was meant to be a representation. What, did these idiots think he just dragged his literal legal documents right there? Like come on.
I think you missed your board
>what are margins
Wtf ? You cant even see the paper.
You only can see the edges of it, since when are edges printed ? gtfo
They expected to find stuff written on the folders, which is a dumber predicament...
i knew they were all blank just looking at them
he's a showman
it's all for show
that's how he does things
but the folder is covering the pages???
>Hey guys, let me just write down this sensitive information pertaining to my multi-billion dollar company on something publicly visible.
How fucking stupid do they think trump is?
>How fucking stupid do they think trump is?
presidents aren't allowed to own multibillion dollar companies, that's the point of the entire stack of paper.
it's not his anymore, unless he's lying.
he's posting blank papers supposedly signing over his business, so it looks like he's lying.
the dude is speeding towards impeachment.
You don't get what I'm saying. The real documents aren't going to be sitting out on a table where there's a risk someone could grab them.
and you don't understand what the American public is saying-
by now these documents and most of the rest of his financials SHOULD ALREADY HAVE BEEN POSTED FOR THE PUBLIC TO SEE.
>I signed my company over to my kids, I swear it!
>believe me guys, I'm totally complying with the law
>no you can't see proof
he's an idiot.
so are you. The documents he's not showing will very possibly come out in court. There's no reason to hide them, they're not his business anymore.
Liberals literally think he was going to bring out the master copy of his presidential and billion dollar business legal forms and pass them around for the press to look at
if you're saying the literal original docs shouldn't be on the table you're really confused.
the originals are filed with a court somewhere. He should be handing out copies of the originals to anyone that wants to read them. They're fucking public records anyways. You can go down to the court and ask for a copy.
>bring out the master copy of his presidential and billion dollar business legal forms and pass them around for the press to look at
he didn't even bring out a copy of a copy.
he brought out blank paper.
he hasn't signed over his businesses, he's going to be impeached if he doesn't.
>Is this feasible?
It is if you use the quantum theory of superposition. In that case it's both signed and blank.
>and you don't understand what the American public is saying-
You rabid lunatics don't represent the people.
>You rabid lunatics don't represent the people.
by a significant majority.
we do.
and if you think republicans are going to let him break the law every day you're in for a surprise.
What part of "prop", don't you understand?
He's obviously already has or is in the process of taking care of these issues.
Go easy on the poor idiot he's obviously suffering from a severe 'muh majority' RUSSIANS breakdown.
I don't think you realize how or why people get impeached.
>He's obviously already has or is in the process of taking care of these issues.
>just take my word for it, guys!
he's required to prove his claims. A prop is one thing, lying and saying it's the real thing doesn't inspire trust. Especially since the real thing is going to be made public anyways if he has it.
Republicans will impeach him for obviously breaking the law.
they have to. They're required by law. They'd rather have his vice president in charge anyways.
How is this different from Hillary having her daughter run the foundation again?
>They're required by law
worked out great for hildawg after breaching top secret protocol
It would be more like Hillary saying her daughter was running the foundation and then showing the documents signing it over to her, but then those documents turn out to be blank and for all we know she never signed it over.
The same protocol Trump breached.
there's no way he'd even get a security clearance with his background. Hillary at least got the clearance before fucking it up.
>being this booty-blasted
Shouldn't you be jacking off to the thought of sniffing Hillary's soiled Depends or something?
I'm not worried about trump and I'm even less worried about Hillary.
you guys shouldn't be excusing his crimes, it'll just cost you in the long run. Those businesses aren't his to run anymore. He has to let them go.
the claim by members of the intelligence community that he visited hookers in Russia is enough to prevent him, even without additional evidence.
actually presidents are allowed to do that.
He hasn't committed any crimes, you fucking cuck.
They're still his businesses, whether you like it or not, laws or not.
>the claim by members of the intelligence community that he visited hookers in Russia is enough to prevent him, even without additional evidence.
>A made up claim about pissing hookers in a hotel room is enough to stop the leader of the most powerful country on earth from getting secret clearance in the country that he leads
Yea ok bud
That's a folder.
>by now these documents and most of the rest of his financials SHOULD ALREADY HAVE BEEN POSTED FOR THE PUBLIC TO SEE.
he already filed his financials you retard.
anything past that and hes not legally required to do and he would be stupid to show you everything as well.
Really user? The edge is blank, the whole page must be blank?
"Kill yourself. Like this." - A. Scalia
>the master copy of his presidential and billion dollar business legal form
I found the idiot. "Master copy"? Kek.
Trump is a dictator, bigot, and political disaster, and is well on his way to making America the third most relevant country in the world behind Germany and China. But to answer the question, no the lawyer cannot be disbarred for participating in a prop charade designed to fool the ignorant white voters who believe every lie the Cheeto Benito tells them.
Why did trump claim to show his business papers if that's such a bad idea?
>I found the idiot. "Master copy"? Kek.
>dictator, bigot, and political disaster
Show proof for each of these claims.
There is literally digital and audio evidence that shillery is racist and planned to start a war had she been elected.
No such evidence exists for Trump.
>Drumpf supporter
>confronted with facts
>"b-b-b-but Hillary"
Every time.
Enjoy your no healthcare, no job, no safety net, no wage growth, no fun, shitty rural redneck life, retard. Enjoy it right up until Pence locks you up for being the brother-fucking faggot we all know you are.
Meanwhile, you dumbasses made me more wealth in the last 2 months than I made in the prior 12. Good job, moron: you made the 1% even more elite and made the 99% even more pleb. Some of us were even willing to help punks like you, but not anymore. The mood of the country has changed, and you don't get anymore free guberment cheese, Cleetus.
It's 2am, and you're a faggot.
>There is literally digital and audio evidence that shillery is racist and planned to start a war had she been elected.
what schizophrenics actually believe
So why is Hillary always brought up when criticizing Trump even though she's irrelevant now?
Shills need to learn to COPE even more than butt/nocoiners
>presidents aren't allowed to own multibillion dollar companies
>By 3-5 million illegal votes in CA and NY where voter ID is illegal and the NYC Chair of the Board of Commissions is on camera admitting Dems bus people to multiple voting stations.
You're the American Citizen minority and you know it.
>presidents aren't allowed to own multibillion dollar companies
t.high school dropout
I guess you didn't take a class on the U.S. Government.
>he hasn't signed over his businesses, he's going to be impeached if he doesn't.
He can only be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors while in office. Pray tell, what high crimes or misdemeanors?
>he's required to prove his claims.
What law is that?
Careful with that edge lad
What law is he breaking?
Theres no law against a president owning a business
What are folders
Just because something "SHOULD" or "SHOULDN'T" happen doesn't mean it HAS TO or CAN'T happen.
or they could just, you know, change the law.
>or they could just, you know, change the law.
yes, that's the other option. The law that needs changing is the Constitution of the United States though.
It would require a constitutional amendment. They can't pass one by themselves and there's no way Democrats would go along with it.
at worst he would put his business into a blind trust, just like jimmy carter. honestly, congress won't start impeachment unless there's some serious blood in the water. This also wouldn't be a problem if the presidency wasn't still in fucking cold war nuke the world mode.
>at worst he would put his business into a blind trust
yes, that's what he's been told to do.
instead he's supposedly signing it over to his kids which isn't going to be legal. Apparently he hasn't even done that yet.
and what would that achieve? just a close friend managing a large organization without any direction, because that would be illegal? I don't see a situation where he loses the office, or even his business.
>Such an unprecedented, ongoing linkage of a president with a commercial operation is regarded as potentially unethical and may even be illegal.
read MAY, not IS.
the ownership itself isn't illegal, it becomes unconstitutional if money from foreign heads of state goes to him, or if he profits directly from his own policy decisions.
similar to if Hillary got elected and kept her foundation- it would immediately become unconstitutional the instant a foreign power or political supporter donated to the thing.
Republicans are the ones forcing Trump to divest himself of his businesses. There's no reason to think they're going to go easy on him. Even if they let him slide, they're going to be out of power in 2 years.
>Republicans are..
Good, about time congress did something fucking right. Sadly they're probably just trying to reign him in instead of re balancing the federal balance of power. But he will fight to hold onto it or make a fuckload money losing it.
>or make a fuckload money losing it.
I would personally go that route, because if he sells the whole thing he'll still be sitting on billions, and there's no problem with him owning billions in cash or other assets that aren't affected by his policies.
I'm a man of free time and a vehicle. And income. If I go to my local district court can I just grab a copy of that and post it . WHat would I need to do
you have to find the court he filed with and then pay a certain price per page. My district court charges 0.10 per page.
If he actually filed it the documents will become public in the next few weeks anyways. Most likely he hasn't filed. He's a liar. Both sides know that.