W-we are going to get them back one day... r-right Veeky Forums?
But OP, you don't do anything.
Kill yourself you retarded LARPer.
One day we will retake them.
This is not history
We have the only one that really matters. If Orthocucks, Copts and Syriacs want their Sees back they can get them themselves the lazy cunts
The Pope of Alexandria sits in Cairo now and the Patriarch of Antioch sits in Damascus.
>giving the Bishop of Rome alone power over Western, Central and Northern Europe
The Pentarchy was a mistake
Carthage, Cordoba, and Trier should also have been patriarchates. Carthage would cover Africa, Tripolitania, and Mauretania, Cordoba would cover all of Hispania, and Trier would cover all Gallia and Britannia. Rome would continue to cover Italia, Rhaetia, Noricum, Dalmatia, and Pannonia. Constantinople would be extended to cover all of Thracia, Dardania, Macedonia, and Greece. New patriarchates would be added to cover Germania, Dacia, and so on as needed.
I'm fighting on the internet
>dat pic
Antioch is north of Jerusalem, you mong
But user, we already have one, but its naming is wrong.
To be fair, the country itself is also named wrong.
Only since 1925. You are right though, Romania should be named Wallachia.
No, it should be named Dacia.
Wallachia only denotes part of the country. Romania is a romaboo-tier. Dacia is the only name that fits both the region well, as well as the population.
I suppose. Even the Romans themselves called the area Dacia. It's quite arrogant for the people of that area to claim the name of Rome.
I agree, it is arrogant for us to do so. I blame the Transylvanian School.
To explain.
In the late 18th and early 19th centuries the romanian national identity was still under development. As such, there were a couple of schools of how to proceed as to move it towards a more unified nationality - by this point this was becoming a bit of an idea among romanians. The first way this manifested tended to be around literature circles, which wanted to promote original content by romanians (as opposed to blatantly ripping off frenchmen and tacking your name on it; unfortunately happened a lot).
The first of these appeared in Moldavia and was called Dacia Literară - see how it refers to the region as Dacia? Well, this seems to have been the general idea of it at the time; that it was "Dacia", not "Romania", but it was still a fuzzy idea that hadn't materialized in the modern world, and as such prone to influence.
And then the Transylvanians go full on sperg with the Transylvanian School. These were basically people who wanted to emancipate romanians in the Austro-Hungarian Empire (who had more limited rights compared to hungarians and such). Instead of being level-headed about it, they tried going full on WE ! WUZ! ROMANS! AND SHEEEEEEEIT! on them trying to outdo their prestige... they even went to great lengths to dissociate themselves from the "barbarian" dacians. Fucking Transylvanians I tell you.
They were so butthurt about this and so dedicated to wewuzing their way into emancipation that it caught on in Wallachia and Moldavia by the time of the unification, and as such the country ended up being called the "Romanian Principalities".
>It's quite arrogant for the people of that area to claim the name of Rome.
Eastern latins all call themselves rumân, and have done so for a long time(medievals italians pretty surprised by this, though the found the language obviously corrupted). There were some ideas to call it Dacia, but at the time, nationalism was all the rage, and saw that name as a symbol of common identity, so they called themselves "land of rumâns".
In romanian, roman and român denote different things.
The Greeks did the same thing during the Byzantine period, but now they call themselves Hellenes. For the reasons the user above you said, the Romanians went full retard.
>Transylvanian School.
Dude is right. Those guys were greek-catholics(one of the reasons the uniate idea caught on was because they were promised right if they got into communion with Rome, but that never truly happened) that decided to emancipate romanians.
Thing is, the fags were kinda richer than the rest, and a bit zealous about their history and national identity, because of hungarians contesting both.
And what happens when you have people that were more in contact with Rome(and a part of their identity is tied to Rome in the first place) and got to be the guys in charge of making propaganda?
Well, they sure helped with emancipation(which cathoboos never stop reminding everyone), but they a lot of times went full retard about it, with lots of WE WUZISMS and tying to add exclusively latin words, and their failed ideas sound super cringy nowadays.
The Roman identity of the Greeks were more of a political one, they were Roman citizens of Greek ethnicity, and they knew that
Not all of them.
There were movements against this crap(which sometimes went full retard in the opposite direction "durr hurr, why should we call a necktie by a french foreign name? Let's literally call it neck-tie". Note: neck-tie sounds atrocious in romance languages), and they helped negate the worst of the first group's excesses.
Actually, i mixed them.
Neck-tie is still Transylvanian school retardism, alongside nose-whipper(handkerchief) and onto-the-wall-scratchers(matches).
Their opponents were like WE WUZ NEVER ROMANS. DACIA FTW, just as embarassing.