Be Mexican

>Be Mexican
>Computer Engineer
>Recruiter wants me to go atlanta to be a codemonkey with SQL
>they will get me the TN VISA
>70,000 pesos + a shitton of benefits
>that´s huge in Mexico, its like the executive manager salary with 20 years of experience
>70,000 MXN monthly are, 3,200 USD *12 = 38,400 USD yearly
>Find out that's actually poverty in the USA

Fuck my shit up senpai, at least i can get married somewhere and make america great again... right Veeky Forums?

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>38,400 USD yearly
That's not poverty level. Especially for Atlanta. You will probably have to live on the south side.

Also, you have to go back.

Stay in Mexico and make Mexico great again, doofus. That kind of mentality is why Mexico is a shithole in the first place. As a fellow spic, the wall will be the best thing that's ever happened to Mexico.

Foreigners always look at the income levels here and think they are super high and they will get rich. What they don't realize is everything here is also expensive as hell. Also, the taxes can eat 20 to 30 percent of your paycheck.

>>Find out that's actually poverty in the USA

Niggers in US welfare lines and soup kitchens wear air Jordans, talk on their iPhones, and are wearing gold fucking chains. IN THE FUCKING CHURCH KITCHEN MEAL LINE.

American niggers aren't poor. They're just lazy & entitled.

Allright so i need to go north then

I have tried for several years, user, sorry i failed you

topkek thats why i started this thread my logic says that if they are trying to "outsource" something then the salary might be something that the average software joe in america wouldnt take, that makes sense

topkek tfw Americas poverty is actually middle class in mexico

It's actually the same if you compare it to lifestyle in Mexico vs USA

This too. But you work in IT so it's safe to assume you're gutless

i kind of aggre, a salary of that kind of position in mexico goes around 14,000 to 17,000 pesos monthly, thats good enough to live by yourself with some luxury every month, mexico is cheap as fuck

I live in Atlanta. That's not a very good salary, it's doable, but won't be fun.

My buddy here does similar work and makes $70k a year.

I would negotiate.

But hey coming here is better than Mexico I think.

Wew and I thought 15,000 pesos were miserable.

Are you at cdmx? I'm going back there once I have a great salaried position

Mexico gets some bad rep from all the bullshit that keeps happening but if you turn off the news, its quite comfortable, until you cant go anywhere because people is protesting in all directions because "who the fuck knows"

yea i live there, however i dont pay rent so everything is easier, where are you now?

Monterrey. It's a boring shithole except for some nice areas. Which are still boring. A manlet city

>i dont pay rent

Did you buy or do you live with your parents?

How do executive managers with 20 yrs experience live on $32k USD a year in Mexico? Where do they live?

I want to know if violent cartel stories are exaggerated to keep frugal Americans out

,000 MXN monthly are, 3,200 USD *12 = 38,400 USD yearly
>>Find out that's actually poverty in the USA
yes, pretty much

you are a just cheap whore and you are undervaluing the market with your faggotry

your are going to earn the same as a mcdonalds cashier. fuck this country. hope trump send all those h1bs back.

still with parents, they have several properties in durango, cuernavaca and CDMX, so they dont give a fuck and prices in CDMX are expensive as fuck, even in shit areas i was thinking on going to guadalajara since they say there's a technological cluster there, i have some relatives in Monterrey, but im still thinking about where to go next

because 1 dollar = 22 pesos, that's why, managers usually get around 30k MXN monthly that's, 16,363 USD per year, executives can get up to 60k monthly, above that it's really rare to see at least they are not that public, i like to think that 60k pesos monthly is the equivalent to 100k yearly in the USA

topkek, thats why i started this thread, I might go in take out the cash and lower your wages some more user, thanks.

>mfw I am a SQL code monkey making $55k/yr and I see that Mexicans are being imported to take my jobs


If u dont full stack u are a dumbshit

qué triste la historia de tu vida

did you faggots know that one of the richest persons in the world is mexican?
from wikipedia,
>From 2010 to 2013, Slim was ranked as the richest person in the world.

do you know why? because after the US practically destroyed the mexican industry and agricultural market, by imposing neoliberalism and convenient (for the US) trade deals, Slim bought lots and lots of state companies for cheap (much like it happened everywhere in the 90s, many corrupt politicians sold public companies for cheap to corrupt businessmen with the promise of improving the economic status of their govts...)

es la maldición de latinoamérica, tenemos políticos que defienden intereses foráneos, gobiernos corruptos, partidos políticos mafiosos, capitalistas a los que no les importa un carajo su gente, y gente MUY ignorante de la historia de sus paises.

I've heard GDL is pretty good as it is.

Monterrey is a clusterfuck unless you're a trust fund babby. Game is fucking rigged brah

We Need a Pinochet. Also yeah, Lopez Portillo fucked us bad. But Gortari revived us for the post mortem rape

That's why NAFTA is looked down upon in the rust belt because all manufacturing went to Mexico and the agriculture came to the US, so Mexican workers came to the US, while factories moved to Mexico, and never came back

>do you know why? because after the US practically destroyed the mexican industry and agricultural market, by imposing neoliberalism and convenient (for the US) trade deals, Slim bought lots and lots of state companies for cheap (much like it happened everywhere in the 90s, many corrupt politicians sold public companies for cheap to corrupt businessmen with the promise of improving the economic status of their govts...)
so hes the reason mexicans get paid 8 dollars a day, neat.

>We Need a Pinochet
lol, you retard don't know shit. pinochet was the one that sold this country to the US for cheap.

what we need is to get the russians (or the cubans...) drop some H bombs all over the US

Too late for that. Hillary Cunton could have prompted it

Where can I move in Mexico with my USDs to not get robbed and live like a rich king?

Garza Garcia

it's all a big circus m8
presidents aren't really powerful, in the US they've been controlled by big capitalists through shady "security" forces (the military-industrial complex) for a long time.

in the US and elsewhere, as said by some commie some 100+ years ago, capitalists control the state, they practically own it. states are a good screen to appease people

the reason is, all the people involved in these deals/policies don't care about you or me, they care about the money, and by that I mean, the money they'll get under the desk, and the money their masters will make

look at pinochet, for example. a corrupt military man, stole millions of dollars, sold drugs, helped the US get a lot more power in latin america...

Dropping H bombs on the USA won't get rid of the bad people in Mexico my dude. You gotta own up to your society's problem.

that depends how many USDs are we talking about, with at least 3, or 4 million pesos you can buy a house in a really nice zone, Mexico city is probably the safest in the entire country, since most of the government central offices are here, there are lots of foreign people living in polanco, because their USD are worth a lot here, you could start looking there, also if your skin is white low income people usually treat you as a god king.

You better have a way to keep the USD coming tho or you will end up living in 3rd world poverty, (capitalism hard mode) instead of 1st world poverty (Ez mode)

K I'm going. Suddenly I have enough to retire now if $30k USD / yr is living rich. Fuck this frugal living shit here. Surprised there aren't more threads about emigrating

you should start one, also, how much do you have? so we can give you some feedback about cost of living here

no, but it will stop the US from influencing/giving our corrupt politicians and capitalists more money and power
if china replaced the US, no one probably would give a fuck, because the chinese are too far from us, in cultural terms, and physically

go to south america instead. I don't really know mexico, but chile/argentina/peru/bolivia seem far more secure and stable to me...

About $100k USD. That's 2m pesos I'm a God to the brown manlets. They'll probably want to worship me but I'll remind them to be good Catholics

i would save at least twice before thinking on moving to mexico, also by the time you do that the dollar will probably end up being around 27-30 pesos,

Thats pretty close to the median household income in the US t.b.h. a comfy wage dont listen to the trolls that claim to make 300k a year and get 8000 dollar meals. Youll be upper middle class in the south especially as a single guy

Mcdonalds cashiers make barely 15k a year you fucking moron. Not everyone needs to spend $200 a night on craft beers to be happy

Alright Veeky Forums you got me. I'd give that shit a like if I could. It gave me a real Lol moment.

Good on you OP for getting out of a shitty country and into a still shitty but slightly less shitty one.

Also, as you probably figured out, you are being massively underpaid for the job you are about to get. Expect to get a lot of shit from your coworkers that you are no doubt being hired to eventually replace, but learn all you can from them. Make an anchor baby and then start looking to get hired for what you are really worth.

This is, of course, assuming you aren't an absolutely trash programmer, which many mexicans and indians are, in which case you are probably worth about what you are going to be paid.

>take out the cash and lower your wages some more user, thanks.

let me remind you all of your expenses are going to be in dollars. even living in a dirty shithole neighborhood (you will) is going to be difficult to save something with that salary.
h1bs have a shitty life, I had met many of them. if they dont suck enough dick they send them home. you are their bitch, are you complaining about something? yeah sure, let me call la migra.
can you work this weekend user? no, ok...

Well I've been down there many times. There's some special aspects of Mexico I like a lot. But overall I still think life here is better.

The homes
The roads
The hospitals
The electrical and plumbing
Not needing a lot of security with a nice home

Thats no sign of wealth, shoes are probably fake or bought like iPhone on high risk credit, gold chain is at best gold plated or rather gold coloured.

If you have slightly more than the average person in a poor area you hide that stuff. If you show of you get stabbed, robbed or both.

Thats as stupid as some hood rat posting a big wad of $1 dollar notes ($32 total) and a at best $100 gun on facebook to show off that he has "made it".

>stay in this shithole with us!

No thanks. I'm leaving this fucking place in a few years. You can stay for all I care. I want a better life.

Hey guys what should I know in order to be job ready in SQL?

I said I knew it and I got a job.......

Only SQL?

You should at least learn Tableau while you're at it. Otherwise, study hard during the honeymoon period and are going to overlook what you fuck up.

You know, what you do when you get any IT job.

Listen up guys
>mexican intellectual

You've already posted this shit in /pol/.


Honestly if all you know is SQL you are not that valuable as a programmer in the US. There are kids in high schools who can and will do that work for as much or cheaper.