Historically accurate tanks never edition
>Where can I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Don't be a leaf and join the Veeky Forums channel in-game.
Historically accurate tanks never edition
>Where can I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Don't be a leaf and join the Veeky Forums channel in-game.
Other urls found in this thread:
first for Charioteer is hot pile of shit
Reminder that the Centurion Action X is the most aesthetic tank in the PC version of the game.
Everyone is welcome and recommended to add me to their mute/block/ignore list. :^)
what do you mean by "historically accurate" ?
the tank with the 128mm gun is the sturer emil
Fifth for War Gaming rigs the game.
pzmoe what up doe
Seventh for
>Who gives a fuck, it's fun
>it's fun to be cucked out of a victory
Why is a disbanded clan in the op?
PLSGO is just dead
>going for the 'just flank' memes
>already dead
Next time make the OP a fucking tank
>tfw AWOO disbanding soon
Lmao what?
Keep dreaming salty bitch.
You weren't supposed to take that post seriously; I was only trying to stimulate thread activity. I'm not going to disband AWOO. Why would I?
You're just a salty loser.
god Jetto is a faggot
>It's another `enemy team has nothing but purples, blues, and a couple green tier WN8 players, while my team is nothing but red and yellows episode`
This is why I track blues and purples on my team. Fuck this unbalanced matchmaking bullshit. WG knows exactly what they're doing and they do that nigger shit on purpose.
>start tilting
>take a break
>feel good
see you tomorrow fags
>start tilting
>play for four more hours
>it's absolute hell for two hours but then I run out of feelings and start playing at twice the level at which I typically do
>decide to conclude my session after surpassing my target wn8
not sure if I made the right choice, not sure if I should have stopped when I did, but I'm going to sleep
What do you guys do when a stock grind is dropping your stats?
Suffer through it and bounce your WN8 and K/D back later or slow the grind down and play other tanks. I'm too close to dark green to start tumbling down now
>What do you guys do when a stock grind is dropping your stats?
goy up and spend gold on free xp.
Why the fuck should I care about stats?
I have 300 tanks each with different crew and I have trained every single one of them, never using gold for instant 100%, only 75% silver.
WR 52%
This is Nathaniel_Horatio_Nutmeg, and I have an official message for all AWOO members.
If you are the color blue or higher, you are welcome to join PLSGO, include Veeky Forums in your application.
Thank you.
This is Kays_Big_Burger, and i have an official message for all /wotg/ members.
My daki is stained.
Thank you.
tfw nobody to club seals with at tier 3 for endless hours
Posting my stats here I hope I don't trigger anyone from a certain clan.
cromwell padder lol
Just know that your stats will come up again
>awoo is such a failure they cant even hit the image limit in a Veeky Forums thread
Wargaming gave me exclusive missions and an xp bonus for my trouble, so we know they agree that I'm being unfairly persecuted.
too busy spamming benis in discord
why aren't you guys getting your "free" premium time? (Less than 10 minutes a day playing WoWp)
Playing 10 mins of WoT is already a waste
What's that little icon next to 150?
The tokens icon, what he's using to buy the premium time
bullshit 10 minutes.
You'll be spending hours just to earn those tokens you retard.
>trying to Q with my tetrarch
>3 minutes in Q
ded game
you can only earn a certain amount of tokens per day and a lot of the stuff is so easy you can be done with it pretty quickly.
>Weekend Specials
>Apr. 7-13: WoT 6th Anniversary Specials
Anyone knows what's gonna happen here?
tank sales, mutant going up in the store again
oh man look hes mad because hes not as good as me what a surprise
>WoT anniversary
If you expect anything with how last year went I'd suggest you hang yourself now.
What happened last year? 50% discount in prem tanks?
Wonder if the E25 will be for sale?
Everything 50% as usual
never again until next christmas
you get a terrible t2-5 premium tank for free and there's sales, as per usual
Don't listen to the rest.
- Discounts 50% - 30% like OnTrack but for every single line. This is confirmed.
a blog post and the sale of the new
T-14 B, Ram II B, and M4 Improved B bundle!
aaaaaaaaa if I knew this I wouldn't have just bought my T8
>Apr. 7-13:
he asked where, which means he wants to know where it was confirmed
THANK YOU for not being retarded
You all idiots realize the Anniversary sales are a exact same duplicate every single year, right?
but I am retarded
Prove it. What were they last year?
>Play T8 Cuck Td
>Get PMs after every few games
Weren't there talks of goyim being able to sell prems for discounts on purchasing new ones? Or did I just make that up during a drunksession?
>start tanking
>RED WN8; anger intensifies
>start drinking the good stuff
>[memory gap]
>check stats in the morning: darkblu wn8
Being a unicum is gonna be expensive, but I gotta do it, famille. Please try to understand, luv.
Why does wargaming hate light tanks? Is it because they play TD's and SPG's almost exclusively?
fuck off lukefas
So that's a no?
just got the chayfee.
what am I in for?
best tier V scout
I've heard that as well, like half the prem's value in gold goes towards an equal tier or lower prem's cost.
Yeah. Were they just talks or is there an ETA 'sides SOON?
Oh shit I remember now, it was being tested on RU, so it depends on how things go there. I hope it gets added though, I have no use for the IS6 anymore.
I really like this sort of game.
But I fucking hate this specific game.
The server-based movement controls (meaning if you lag, your tank goes derpderpderp down a fucking cliff or fully out into the open, etc) really kill a lot of the fun and the balance here is simply awful. Also the autistic grind is depressing.
Is there a World of Tanks like game (tank battles, mouse aim keyboard movement) that's faster paced and has less RNG / weird shit in it? Like spotting. I'd love if all the enemy tanks were always visible but had no UI overlay, meaning you'd actually have to spot them IRL to see them if they were hiding vs just waiting for your client to render the guy 40 feet away. Disappearing tanks are sad. It'd be way more fun if the shots had a sort of distance nerfing so people shooting tanks from super far away never penetrated
>tfw to smart to be purple
Italian tanks when?
>tfw two smart to be red
>open common test
>see garage
>b..but muh tier VII
not sure if like
Cause people like me suck in them. Therfore i hate them and prioritize killing them
you need to grind to tier 8 to get tokens fast tho
and the grind just feels as bad as in wot
How much effort it takes daily at minimum to get 150 tokens?
Which is better, Charioteer or Conway?
100 times more than two hours of flipping burgers will get you
>come back to /wotg/ after not playing for a while
>it's all yellows and oranges inanely shitposting at each other
wow, what happened?
>came back a while ago
>tried to start conversation about tanks and strategies or ingame related topics
>get ignored
>AWOOO shitter and clan banter everywhere
this shit general can die and stay dead for what I care
ded clan, ded game, ded thread
I want to complete the arty missions but I hate this vehicle class, can anyone recommend me good arties to shoot for to do the missions?
murican m44
The american arty line is goat. Make sure you spam that heat in your tier 5 and 6 before the next patch.
So why are autoloaders fair again?
life isn't fair
>have a wot related dream
>it devolves into a dream about driving a tank and some girl shouting at me for being a coward and not being manly enough
If I want to play arty, which nation is the most recommended / fun to play arty with?
arty is going to be way less fun after this patch because high tier damage got nerfed a shitload.
>arty is going to be way less fun
Hopefully that means less scrublords playing arty and ruining random battles. I'm not optimistic about that happening, though.