Still number one husbando edition
Still number one husbando edition
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>live long enough to see tfw no gf being relevant on league of legends
best time line
Fuck this game.
It keeps making me more retarded than I already am, always stressed from RNG matchmaking.
Fuck it.
That's not how you spell Gangplank
No lewds, only christian things
Ready to play Xayan in the mid lane and Rakan in the jungle, like they are supposed to be played?
>tfw job
>tfw bf
>tfw disposable income and great life
>suddenly trash at LoL and my beautiful main
what should I do lolg, tempted to become a single neet again in order to get plat with best guy again
best bird
>tfw people actually want to change singed passive
>actually want to nerf his dark seal build
Literal retarded niggers
>Post Yfw Cosmic Yi turns into a comet when he ults.
>Rakan ganks are actually good
>He has no clears or sustain for jungle
Just be bard support and roam a lot
any tips to play aatrox? what should i build in him?
The passive is not the same as the ult.
GP is weak! WEAK!
>tfw no bf
Also fuck, I'm exhausted. I wanted to play some Kled games tonight, but all I can do is sleep and/or shitpost on /lolg/.
i heard you are a tranny? any truth to that or are you just a regular fag?
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb give you a hug if you asked nicely
would lamb give you a fug if you asked nicely
kindred's free this week so i can play my waifu before i get the ip for her, which is rad
my only problem is rakan looks cool so either i've gotta play a shit ton or choose one to get first
>save my file and some of my file name
I'm flattered
Uh yeah? 75-100 hp is solid plus through righteous glory you keep another 75 hp
>tfw brand new comfy bfs~ art made today
what a good day
>yi is literally only capable of getting good skins or assassin master yi
what a great champ
he is a faggot who couldn't get to plat ON LAN and kept crying about how his teams kept holding him back and how everyone that gave him advice was a retard and nothing was his fault
Rakan's clear is bad. Really bad. Just keep roaming mid and tilt their shitty ahri or whatever they have.
Xayah has a pretty solid clear for an ADC, but pretty terrible ganks I'd bet. Then again, people play Twitch jungle.
but is he cute
Look up boxerpete, tryndamere 1 trick masters but he was playing a LOT of Astrid recently
his whole kit is horrendously outdated, him and pantheon could use a rework just to make their kit more up to date.
Wait for Kindred to become a champion again
Cutest monsters!
Singed is fine. I hope he doesn't get changed for another 4 years minimum.
Hey lolg, I just drove by myself for the first time today... I was so scared I started crying halfway there ;_; driving is so scary
I love Sona by the way
is the booty not worth suffering for?
what if Gangplank was an anime?
>tfw drive 300 miles a day for work
How old r u
Boy or girl who am I kidding
Xayah has to be an A-tier thighs...anyone else think so?
Graves is the weak one. c: You're just jelly we're canon.
this games a chore and im unmotivated to play it more than like 2 times a month
how do i pull the plug
what am i in for lolg
fucking pbe is literally unplayable right now
>Malphite ult on a basic ability
Can Rakan solo lane at least?
>birb girl is literally more fertile than shyvana and with good looks to boot
how can the half breed even compete?
just ward it lol
your either really underage or non-american
either way git out
she looks like it, yeah
kinda like azir's but a bit less, so i'd say a is fine
there's a decent delay on rakan's
I'd be more concerned about the Teemo honestly
>okay what if we made the new support so fucking gay that if he touched you you fell in love with him and that's his ultimate
Graves is not weak at all, despite Riot trying to hard to gut him.
>average sonafag
alright alright i'm sorry stop crying user, driving is like league and you'll get better with time and practice
you can do it we believe in you
>new urgot is likely going to be a dawngate rehash
mark my fucking words
>tfw Rek'sai has STILL never once received a buff in her history
Lee 2.0 indeed
Thanks bro
>What if we made a support so fucking gay everyone around him turned invincible because of how truly outrageous he was
I'm a girl
if you have an energized weapon and spellblade, he is stuck in a crawling position
they might have fixed this, but i havent seen otherwise
same with how sion doesnt do anything except reset his idle animation when you use tiamat or ravenous hydra
he just stands there, idle, but you reset his idle
Did any Dawngate characters have shotgun knees?
>Add 2 champions who synergize "perfect" with each other
>2 new bans in the system wasted
>Add another 2 champions that are a Top/JG duo
>4 bans in the system wasted
this is absolutely fucked, next there will be a ginyu force type of deal where all 5 champions synergize with each other
I'm a grill and I just turned 20. I'm really timid and generally a useless person. I used to be able to walk or bike to school and work but now I'm forced to drive and it terrifies me. I wish I wasn't this way.
Sorry for blog, I was just super scared and wanted to be comforted. I'll excuse myself now.
Thanks sis
I'm thinking of playing Xayah too. Rakan looks okay to me but not my style
>exploding knees
in what sense, figurative or literal
What state? I live in socal so the traffic is ridiculous and difficult for new drivers
Just keep at it, drive around side streets. After awhile merging onto free ways becomes cake.
>Riot trying hard to gut him
lolwhat he's pretty much never had any serious nerfs since he became the god of the jungle. He's Lee Sin levels of protected.
He lacks that facial hair and THICCCCness I love tho
Uh huh...whatever helps you sleep at night c:
but also post a theme song for each of them
I wanna see that based taste lolg
I understand user.
>tfw the ONLY reason you think Xayah looks fun to play is because of her E, and the rest of her kit is otherwise super boring
>P: AA modifier after casting an ability
>Q: linear pass through harass
>W: AA modifier that procs your other passive AA modifier
>R: 5 of your Qs at once in a cone
E is the only fun unique thing about her and even that's kind of boring because of how restricted you are in terms of feather quantity and feather placement.
why are you impersonating me
Thats what Riot's balanceā¢ team considers gutting :^)
yuh huh
>tfw i'm just excited to duo with my brother since coincidentally he loves Rakan's kit while i loved Xayah's kit
>no faggotry, no erp, just good old brother camaraderie
Aurelion Sol
Texas/Dallas. I don't know what other states are like but I feel like the roads here suck and everyone drives so fast. Lane changing and four ways confuse my brain.
>30 posts early
neck yourself cancer
lol at this aspie spumante shit
bird ahri?
>in game
>jg or supp ganks/helps me out
>say something along the lines of "thanks, my man" or "thanks, bro"
>ackshually I'm a girl
Just gives me more incentive to call them dudebro.
>ywn help Sona to carry her sona's around
If xayah had a different voice would her dialogue be passable or is it fundamentally shit?
fotm shit you abuse to climb out of gold?
I'm cute
Xayah doesn't even look like she synergizes that well with Rakan in terms of their actual playstyle, excluding their exclusive kit interactions of course. his AoE lockdown makes him WAY better suited for laning alongside champs like Miss Fortune or Lucian who have big AoE powerspikes they want their enemies locked down for.
These fucking birbs look like Riot accidentally designed two champs who are supposed to be a couple but actually have poor synergy with each other so they added explicit kit bonuses to playing them together.
>You will never be a footstool for Dragon Queen Shyvana and have her lay eggs with you watching
got one for these new fuckers
>2 champions to ban during release week
so what OP picks will be open for the first week?
>Rekar and Xayah are literally a Soundcloud rapper and his Goth Bitch girlfriend
might be close-ish
exploding knees werent really a thing
that and despite this we had a literal sand man blast you with a flame thrower if you were sanded to make you frozen in glass
we had some cat that could remove terrain and form it into a pathway (imagine the wall between mid tower and wolves just being broken into 2 and removed from existence for a moment)
we had a literal life steal machine that never once had a buff since he got in (
but no, we did not have a character with exploding knees
It's shit. The actor is mediocre. I'd be totally okay with her VA if she wasn't talking about how edgy she is and that she "can't even"
I can't speak for Texas but I know speeding laws are strict there. Again, just keep at it. You're pretty late for learning to drive but that's ok, practice makes perfect. 4 ways are lame yeah, but if you want to play it safe just wait for the other 3 to go (unless I misunderstood, you mean 4 way stop signs?)
>Riot will never be able to make an ADC and Support that work together as well as Leona and Draven
Wow, imagine how much higher your chances of dying in a car accident are than me.
I live and work in the city centre my drivers license is just an ID these days.
>walking to work master race
>laying eggs
uhm she isnt zyra
Being a human footstool is fun for about a minute then it gets really boring.
My ex was really into BDSM.
I actually have a few friends in Dallas and they tell me driving there is fucked. When lane changing just use your mirrors and lean forward a bit, I know they teach you to turn around but that shit's hard for beginners. Four ways are ezpz just let people go one by one based on who got there first.
I agree with the other user's advice to take side lanes and feeders, just keep at it and you'll be good to go in no time.
Xayah has aoe on 4 abiltys, rakan can round up and lock down enemies long enough for xayah to get all quills out before returning them.
They weren't designed to be the best combination, just a strong one.
>xayah has a 100% AD scaling skill on a 6s base cooldown at rank 5
i smell some lethality memes
I'm a good driver so my chances are slim :^)
>tfw driving since 16 and not a single accident or ticket yet and 25
There are a fuck ton of shitty drivers in SoCal it's insane
>Twisted Fate -
>Garen -
>Talon -
>Miss Fortune -
>Gangplank -
>Azir -
>Kayle -
>Karthus -
>Ezreal -
>Jhin -
wish I could drop GP since I dont like playing him anymore but whatever
Thanks a lot anons. I'll work hard and make you proud!