Lizards-Skaven and Friends Edition
>Warhammer II
>Steam Groups
>FAQs and General Info
Lizards-Skaven and Friends Edition
>Warhammer II
>Steam Groups
>FAQs and General Info
1st for united /twg/
2nd for history and fantasy are both cool but fantasy is cooler
Cygors are fun. I built an entire army of nothing but Cygore's and spent several battles just chucking rocks at people. This is probably not effective against anyone with a brain, but the Ai just runs in straight lines and loses 90% of their army.
I'm with you my friend.
sounds like the ai takes cygores for granite
got stuck between a rock and a hard place
those poor enemies hit rock bottom
Guys, is this okay comp?
I never played Chaos before.
Should i just stick to chose and knights?
>our homes are in ruin, we need to flee!
>gee, this place looks welcoming
i miss van thunk, /twg/
>Nagash still not announced
It's a doggy dog world m8
You could probably ditch two halberds for more chosen with great weapons
The Warhammer world is actually one big Pangea with an Antarctica/Australia at the bottom?
I regularly get 200+ kills on all my wizards with decent vortex spells in vanilla.
In sieges it can go way higher. It's not about getting lucky it's about learning to make use of magic.
It's also way better than Franz on dealthclaw if you build around it because getting 150 or more kills out of a single vortex spell causes routes like nothing Franz can do, especially if you combo multiple spells/ active abilities.
>Also how does steel faith make the game easy?
Makes economy easier, buffs units in ways they don't need, makes magic OP, makes chaos campaigns trivial.
>they have the same access to wizards.
they can't use them though. I have never been hit by a single vortex spell in Total War warhammer, the AI nearly always uses the point & click spells. OP magic is a huge + for the player compared to AI.
To be fair, Vlad is actually supposed to be one of the nicer Vampires out there.
wind spells > vortex spells
Still better than beastmen or orcs.
Accidentally saved over my Savoy game, so I decided to start a new one as Westphalia. Less than 20 turns in and the campaign is already fucked
>start out building an army to invade low countries for sea access,income, and barracks/artillery
>France declares war on me around turn 10, take alsace lorraine and peace out offering money, they counter offer with a trade agreement and peace so I accept
>around turn 15, ready to invade when Prussia offers me a trade agreement, accept and next turn Prussia declares war on me.
>hadn't bothered to look east of Hanover, do so and find that Prussia is down to just Dresden and Konigsburg, rest had been taken by Austrians.
>decide to delay low countries invasion to take Dreseden, and while I'm attacking Dresden Hannover declares war on Austria and takes Berlin from them. PLC and Ottomemes gangbang Austria so now they're down to like 3 provinces.
To no surprise, Hanover, Italian States, and Bavaria are all fucking Dagestan protectorates. I also really like the Westphalia infantry, they have pretty nice uniforms and stats.
what a clusterfuck
looks fun
What's going on with Vlad's left hand?
Fine, I'll just play vanilla with better AI recruitment so I don't become a shitter used to super gelt.
What`s the best total war game for making mostly bow-using armies?
My boner for bows knowns no limits
Fuck you
Elves in Warhammer are my first thought.
Horsefuckers such as Huns
>not playing Malagor for extra Cygor summon
I just had a slave uprising in Rome II. It caused a full, experienced stack to show up on my doorstep. What triggers this and how is it different from regular rebels?
>Cleansing the Norsemen as VC
>Every battle is my melee blob against their blob while micro'ing against the most annoying shit in the game (skirmish horse archers and stacks of 8 armored chariots PLEASE FUCK OFF)
>At the end of every battle heal back up to full so I can keep going
>If I autoresolve I just lose
>Have fought like 20 stacks of norsemen this way
Please kill me. I just want to make these fuckers go away so I can go get my long victory in peace.
i dunno, maybe slaves
I took about 400 slaves and now a 2500 man stack including horsemen shows up?
Maybe they had friends.
Forgot my pic
I killed all their friends!
Obviously some were away on an errand when you rolled through. Or those 400 incited other slaves that were in the area, maybe you should make an edict forbidding the ancient practice of teaching slaves combat related horsemanship.
>norsca chariot spam
Fuck it, I'm killing everybody now.
Wurrzag is actually pretty fun
I want to be dogberts best friend
The first few turns can be a little rough on legendary but after that he just steamrolls ,
the bonuses he gives to his discount Orcs is nuts,
How do you even use chariots in a snow-covered tundra and forest landscape?
I'll have to try legendary next, I'm doing very hard now
is the warhammer world round?
>spend all your life in a comfy mountain basement fighting and getting drunk
>occasionally sortie out remove green kebab
>fucking AXES
I know they're babby tier ezmode but gdamn I love me some midgets
probably from LotR growing up, the Mines of Moria was always my favorite spoopy sequence and was always a bit sad at those huge, empty mountian fortresses
it's round and flat, just like ours
This fucking house saved my ass
Also killed off a lot of soldiers so I can reduce my expenses :)
forgot pics
if you aren't pausing battles its basically the same thing, with -4 more PO
Obviously it's flat. It's a tabletop
Is the army loss penalty for morale fair?
It does make things a lot quicker, and guarantees a rout rather than dragging out a battle - especially with armies where units are more likely to return to the fight at a decent morale level - but it can also be incredibly frustrating to have to throw away any chance of victory due to losses, even when most of your army was still ready to fight.
If the Warhammer world is like ours, then how do those comets get through the firmament?
I think it was a good move.
Armies fighting to the death, or near enough, really never happened.
If you are using 'fair' as a way to say 'I don't like it', I'm sure there is a mod
It seems like it doesn't trigger until like half of your forces get krumped.
They could make it so units with the "expendable" trait count less to the penalty but I like it as is.
You are a hunter hunting innawood. Suddenly, you get caught in a three way battle between beastmen, orc abd vampire. There is no escape. Who would you surrender to?
You are a Skink laborer in Hexoatl. You have been working for two decades in construction, sometimes using a chisel and hammer to carve reliefs, sometimes directing Kroxigor to split and set stone, sometimes setting up scaffolds, sometimes working in the quarries and mines with the rest of your local barrio of Skinks.
It's a tough life where you have to be on your toes - construction can be very dangerous. You go to the community warehouse after your shift where you get what you need. You sometimes need some tequila, you sometimes need some cocah leaf extract, you sometimes need caffee beans. You spend a lot of time with the Skinks in the barrio, but you've also gone over to the hunters, the artisans and the scribes to talk about stuff and life, and wonder a bit about the Slann Mages and the Old Ones, and when they'll be active again.
You enjoy life.
And then Chaos invades and you're in the middle of a construction gang that's plugging up holes in the outer wall while Saurus cohorts and Chaos marauder/beastmen try to force each other away from the breach while you plug the hole and direct the Kroxigor with the big blocks and tell him to drop it on the enemies and then drop it in the breach but you yourself are dodging blows and arrows and chaos magic bullshit and are wildly flailing in self defense at a bunch of fuck huge warmbloods (relative to you) that want to kill you and sacrifice your soul to the gods of Chaos. The mayhem is tangible. There's a lot of screaming, roaring, chanting and noise. There's a horrible smell everywhere.
You've never thought of yourself as a mighty warrior, or even particularly warlike, but you'd like you think of yourself as inured to some horror.
This is too much. You are sick and tired and just want it all to stop.
When it does stop and the horde is vanquished, you look on the city interior and see lots of destroyed buildings, many of them you proudly worked on.
Half your labor barrio died in combat.
>Makes economy easier,
How do I not suck utter cock at the knife-eared tree-cucks?
Lost King's Glade to Khazrak and his starting beast buddy on turn 8 while I was off fucking up the Broken Nose fuckers and it's so ridiculously expensive to take it back that I'll have to wait 90+ turns to get it back with my income of a whole 42 gold per turn.
Obviously, I have every intention of restarting, but this is just a snippet of the shit that seems to go wrong when I play Wood Elves. I never seem to have these problems when playing other factions, even on harder difficulties, but I always seem to get completely shrekt as Wood Elves despite generally going for a ranged focus (if possible) with my armies anyway.
This is a no-brainer. Only the vamps give you a chance at all. The other alternative is shooting an arrow perfectly straight up and telling them to go fuck themselves as it comes back down and hits you in the head.
Then some humie with a funny hat walks up to you, points at the broken gold statue on the ground and asks "how much?"
This. The downside with vamps is they might torture you, but it's vastly more likely they'll just kill you, with a tiny slice of maybe you're interesting enough to become a vampire or serve them in some way.
Other two will both kill you, only question is how quickly.
Get at least both defensive buildings before you head out. Once you have both your starting garrison will be good enough to handle any beastshit that comes your way throughout the early to mid game.
>Who would you surrender to?
The winner?
Or if I somehow get to pick who I side with, the Vampires. Their response can vary anywhere from just eating me to saying "what the fuck is a civvie doing out here, gtfo," all which are equally bad or better than what the other two would offer.
Did i do good bros?
I was siegeing without any siege contraptions save for few Hellcannons.
no bully pls
Archaon calls a grand Chaos crusade on Middenheim, but it is a simple matter to sneak-skulk right through Empire lands. Unfortunately, we arrive a turn too late, and a full army of Slaanesh worshipers has already been beaten off (which I don't doubt they enjoyed) by the man-things.
Time is short, I will destroy one manling army and then turn to the other. They have many weak archers.
sometimes i really miss the huge variety of units this mod has compared to TWW
kill kill
Charge! Yes! We will sweep them from the field, but...
Closet Dwarf-thing detected
They flee at a surprising speed! We must soon-catch, or the plan will be spoilt.
Aaiigh! One army approaches, the other retreats. I form up most of my force to meet the newcomers. Let the man-thing archers run all they want from slave-bands.
I imagine there's a few dwarf furries out there that get off to the shame of it all.
Hidden gunners begin making short work of their knight-men.
The battle seems somewhat evenly matched: this is most troubling.
With a few expertly placed rear-charges by my Doomflayers, the man-thing army soon crumbles
Victory! For Horned-Rat!
don't bully man-things!
Yes, but in practice nobody is walking through the Chaos Wastes given that they might as well be another dimension.
Gaunt's Ghosts open world, survival, crafting, base building FPS when
Wrong thread, also service in the Imperial Guard does not allow room for open world.
You forgot all the mountains, Norsca is crazy mountainous. I think it probably makes sense for the Warriors of Chaos proper to use chariots given that the Chaos Wastes are pretty open, terrain-wise, when Chaos fuckery like the ground suddenly swallowing you up isn't going on, and given that Norsca is just "low-tier" WoC units that's probably why they got chariots, not for any other particularly good reason.
Stronghold style Karak builder game when
One of the things I dislike about Wurrzag is that he doesn't have access to a Lord comparable to the Night Goblin Warboss that specifically give buffs to Savage Orc Units, and he doesn't give the discount to Savage Orcs to his whole faction like Skarsnik does for Goblins. Other than that, I really like Wurrzag, he's a lot of fun.
>open world, survival, crafting, base building
you forgot early access :^)
I asked about Chaos campaign mods last thread, found one that might be what I'm looking for:
Anyone try this out yet, especially in conjunction with the T4 minor settlements? Compatibility is apparently wonky with mods that "affect building chains", not sure if T4 counts.
[/spoiler]I don't have the game just yet, otherwise I'd have tested it myself.
I tried it, and it's decent. Raze and Revel is also good if you want something even lighter-weight that just keeps the game moving along more quickly.
>I don't have the game just yet, otherwise I'd have tested it myself.
did you opt for physical delivery? lolling @ you're life, physical media nerd
May start with just R&R first, then go full overhaul if I feel it isn't enough. Thanks for the input.
Just haven't bought it on Steam yet, you double nerd; trying to get through a bit of my backlog before I dive headfirst into this.
>you double nerd
what the FUCK bro
cheers pal!
>Getting bored of warham
>Try steel faith
>Makes gelt OP so it's fun for a few fights but I get kind of bored fast
>Try vanilla except with the better AI recruitment mod
>Get the spiciness I'm looking for, game is fun again and fights are harder, enemies actually fielding decent units.
The guy has a few other mods you might like, like agent limiter so that you don't have to deal with too many agents making end turns go slow as they all slowly approach you and take their actions, and also an AI improvement mod so that Greenskins have a better chance of winning the Badlands Bowl and making it so that the AI doesn't retardedly focus only on attacking you, letting other AI factions destroy them.
Despite this, we are easily the best general
As a fan of history and warhammer, this pleases me.
That's a pretty high bar. NOT!!!
THE EMPIRE _______!
>better AI recruitment mod
this one?
*clicks on friendly army*
Yes, already a distinct lack of shit armies and I'm only on turn 30 in an empire campaign.
Saw an orc horde spawn with two giants a turn ago.