>TLDR: How do I get a coworker fired/ to work more
I have reports showing: >Employee A completes 10 tasks in 40 hours a week. >Employee B completes 20 tasks in 20 hours a week, they're part time
So Employee A literally works at 25% the pace of Employee B. >PROBLEM: Employee A is their managers buddy, and the manager lets Employee A get away with anything.
So do I try to confront my boss about this with the quantifiable evidence (reports), OR write some grandiose email to HR about nepotism and time-theft and attach the reports for them to draw their own conclusions?
>BONUS: Employee C and D also regularly perform at 2-3x the efficiency of Employee A, and would both corroborate my concerns of time theft. Employee A can be documented on reports and cameras clocking in at 730am, but not working until after 11am. Also, stopping work in the afternoon and not clocking out until the evening.
Noah Murphy
Why would you want to make someone homeless user? Hit on a girl you liked at work?
Thomas Taylor
the thing you don't realize is that the less productive employee is still profitable, meaning the excess done by the more productive employee is just a bonus.
also firing the less productive employee doesn't mean they'll be replaced with a more productive one. Usually you'll get a less productive one, and when you figure up the cost of firing one and hiring/training someone to replace them there's no way it's more profitable to fire them. In fact the less productive employee is likely to be promoted to a supervisory position where productivity doesn't matter, while the more productive employee will be passed up for promotion because they're too valuable in their production to lose.
your best bet is not to worry about what other people do. And if you insist on doing more work than others you should consider going into contracting or consulting where you'll be paid by how much you produce rather than how long it takes you to produce it.
Noah Martinez
I would love to not worry about what others do - and typically don't. But Employee A spends all that extra down time literally finding shit to do so that she can try to delegate to the rest of us. She's lateral to me in organization, but due to her relationship with my boss she's like manager surrogate.
She relishes in creating work, and they trying to get someone else to do it.
Brandon Taylor
Matthew Baker
yep, she's going to be your boss soon enough.
sorry, corporate culture encourages mediocre workers that delegate to others. She's got upper management written all over her.
this is why I went into business for myself. If I were you I'd find a different job, but it'll be the same shit. But at least you won't know how lame your managers are so you'll respect them and think they earned the position.
Luke Smith
If I were to involve HR and prove nepotism, collusion, time-theft on my managers and Employees As part... Its literally me and three other employers vs this bitch and our boss. Are they gonna clean house? Or is HR getting multiple corroborated reports going to get shit changed?
Lincoln Sullivan
you'll likely get fired so I would find another job first and then save the bitching for your exit interview.
Bentley Cook
Employee a is stupid and obviously needs the job.
Start a company full of japanese and honorary.
Austin Turner
They can fire you for whistle-blowing? What about all that "anonymous ethics reporting" and "no retaliation" in the code of conduct?
Luke Gutierrez
you won't be fired for whistleblowing. they'll find another reason.
Adrian Brooks
What is an exit interview
Christopher Phillips
when you quit and HR sits you down to ask why.
William Scott
They did that before, 6 months ago Employee X was fired for doing something once (and being honest) that Employee A got away with multiple times (deceptively). Hypocrisy, collusion - I can prove it and other employees will back me up.
I won't be easily fired, I could get anyone there fired if I really wanted to. Sue one of them....
Aaron Price
>I could get anyone there fired if I really wanted to. Sue one of them.... but you won't and they know it.
Hunter Cruz
I mean if you really could get anyone fired you'd have gotten rid of your manager and his pet and we wouldn't be reading this thread.
you're lying to yourself and others. Let's work with reality, not your fantasy.
Elijah King
I think you need to try to work better with your future boss, user. Have you considered the employee's knee skills? Clearly, you aren't seeing the big picture the same way your current boss sees it.
Jordan Brooks
Can confirm, though i've worked factory jobs that have machine that literally tell you how well you're performing in giant red and green squares that you compare with other people. I was doing the best hands down, best team communication and whatever.
I complained briefly to ER and tried to get my problem with the floor settled so people can perform even better.
Next day coming into work at night, >i go to swipe my card, >Beep beep. *red light* >security flags me down and asks to see my card. >Takes it and says, sorry user, I thought you were a pretty good guy, but the company thought you were doing poorly. >Realize bitch at HR took offense that i insinuated it was at a higher levels fault despite everyone having agreed to what the issue was.
Christopher Wood
This lol
Buy kneepads LARPfag
Leo Barnes
I'm on my way out either way, the fucked doesn't stop at middle management, whole company is fucked.
BUT I like the other three guys I word with. When I leave, it will be a shit show regardless of how I leave. So I might as well go out swinging?
I also only have 2 weeks of evidence (reports are scrubbed weekly), and feel like I need a full month for it to be substantial time-theft evidence.
Juan Garcia
>C and D also regularly perform at 2-3x the efficiency of Employee A There's you answer.
Write an anonymous email containing the stats and the nepotism from a throwaway emailadress to HR and CC the boss.
It works best if C&D are not big buddies who will believe eachother more than you, but it is very important that you always deny it was you who send the mail, in a realistic way.
Adrian Gutierrez
Why don't you point this out to employees A, C and D and collude to do as much work as employee B?
Nathan Garcia
Why would you do that? What is there to gain? Do you get a promotion? You might get the managers friend fired, but then you will be stuck with worse and worse things to do and you will have a shitty time there is nothing to gain
Brayden Campbell
Why do you care?
Jace Hall
America fucking sucks if you're the kind of coworker you get there, op.
Fuckin he'll, why do you care? This is a job not "teacher, teeacherrrrr, she's looking at my assssiiiiigggnnnnmmmmeeeennnnttt"
Brandon Perez
You are doing this all wrong
People are underperforming and getting away with it, that sets a precident, that means you can slack off as long as you do more than the underperformers.
t. factory worker who underperforms on purpose because the bar is set so low that my moderate-efficient gear is hyper-super-S-level-efficient compared to the collegues that scrape the bottom