Ravenborn edition
Ravenborn edition
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>there are "people" who unironically think anything after feral flare was the worst thing to happen to jungle
I guess they forgot feral flare also gave flat hp on hit when it first released
Xth for getting cute birb pregnant
comfy bfs~
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets
its been a while
renekton helps
Your point is???
Stacking mechanics have zero business in the jungle, countless times to attempt to make this work ending in failure should be a giant fucking clue. And yet they still released this bitch to terrorize the game.
>You didn't know how to counter senpai
Because THERE WAS NO FUCKING COUNTER to Kindred you inbred mongoloid, why else would she be permabanned in SoloQ/Pro Play. She was a RANGED junglers with MELEE tier base stats with a 70% slow with ONE rank in E and could 1v1 laners at almost any point of the game. Did I mention her stupidly healthy early clears? She was what Graves is now on fucking steroids, like that one Riot dev said that bitch had to be put into the dirt or else Melee junglers would become obsolete..
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb give you a hug if you asked nicely
would lamb give you a fug if you asked nicely
i played her for the first time in a bot game earlier, i really like her kit. i think i'm gonna have to work on my runes and masteries before i take her into a real game, though.
nice taste
Rakan is literally the funny black guy from an action movie
>Riot has progressed from not only rehasing kits but also rehashing visuals AND lore now
For what reason
>Conqueror Karma has no panties
>shes clean shaven
xth for getting impregnated by charming birb
>still comparing kindred's wimpy ass bork stacks to feral fucking flare
fuck off s6 babby
>tfw you play against an actually competent team with your own competent team and win and no one is a fucking asshole.
A genuinely good game of League of Legends seems to be so rare now-a-days.
check your privilege CIS Ionian scum. Do you have any idea what oppression Vostayans had to go through? Like I cant even right now... get out my face before I stab you idiot.
anybody who thinks ff was the worst thing to happen to the jungle wasn't around for xin's launch
t.seven year player
>clean shaven
ah yes
i remember when his wall lasted longer than two fucking seconds
Why do you guys hate the new champs? Their lines together are fine.
Worst thing to happen to jungle was the beginning of the game
the jungle was literally unplayable for months and months after that
>tfw Rakan will NEVER get a standalone skin that isn't shared by Xayah and vice versa
>tfw the inevitability of more duo and eventually ensemble champs
>tfw all part of Riot's plan to court new players by coaxing current players to get their friends to play as the other half of their duo etc
Also Rakan and Xayah actually don't look like they have very much synergy. Rakan wants an ADC with huge burst and or AoE wombo-combo to take full advantage of his AoE lockdown OR he wants a highly mobile ADC who can follow him into engagements or when he roams which he'll clearly excel at. The bonus interactions with each other feel like Riot went "oh fuck we made a couple that doesn't gel together well, add in some bonus interactions between ONLY them".
Xth for Katarina
best girl
well now she won't shunpo into your arms
it's on cooldown for six years
>he wants an adc with aoe burst
Have you seen her ad scaling?
Bot/Mid player trying out jungle played at few games yesterday as Fiddle and just got Sej
Why can't I gank properly? I wait till the lane is pushed... am I just not good enough?
with a tag like "the charmer" I honestly wasn't expecting Rakan to be so obnoxious
is that what charms the wimminz these days? I've lost touch with what people are attracted to due to me being a loser permavirgin
because they arent characters, theyre symbols of riots vision of progress next to taliyah
the thing that gives them the most character is the fact that theyre a couple, alone theyre literally worse than rammus
What is release Xin and Juggernaut Skarner who to this day still holds with WR record of 65%
Ok, Drawfag here again, popping in real quick to ask for some more advice on the Mundo Mindbreak picture.
1. I'm doin all mundo skins. Purple,Green,the Red orc one, and Orange for the wrestler.
2. I have a rough sketch of a pose but i might scrap it and do another. I have 3 in mind
First: Mundo is lifting/holding up Xayah from behind by her legs basically ready to drop that ass or pussy down on his massive dick.
Second: Xayah with an Ahegao face, facing (you) with Mundo slammin that from behind with shots of the action in the corners like a doujin.
Third: Rough BJ with her eyes rolling into the back of her head.
>Will get impregnated just by shooting anywhere near them
>normal fertility
everyone else
>Unable to bear children
juggernaut skarner had a 74% winrate I games ending in 25m or less
>Adc is my least favorite roll but somehow my best
Anyone else know this feel?
man feral flare was the very definition of feast or famine
fuck you
I'm partial to the third.
I want to fertilize Shyvana's eggs and have quarter dragon children with her
Absolutely not, it's awful.
I'm still utterly baffled how that hit live. It was a great lesson for Riot at least to realize that Reddit should have zero fucking input on balance decisions
>waifufags are also illiterates
nothing new here
Pick less mediocre jungle champs
Or on a more useful note, make sure their bushes aren't warded and wait for them to use their escape tools to trade or engage. Some champs are easier to gank for/against than others.
Best husbando!
Best hair!
Best legs!
I beat asgore and flowey and then flowey told me to get a better ending
make it a poll
bj is too vanilla, #2
>Dragon Zyra nowhere on the list
second and third sounds good
>tfw you steal Rakan from that dirty skank
what about release leblanc
she was so bad that riot had to hotfix her only hours after her release
does anyone have that poppy picture where her pig tails get messed up and she looks adorable?
and once again this general has turned into a shitstorm, Im such an idiot for keeping hope in this shithole
Maybe they were going for a "charmer" but in a bird way. Since male birds are obnoxious when they are trying to get some cloacas.
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
I guess jungle is the most advanced thing to do, you have to actually care about the buffs and shit I just want my lane on my own
Which poll site should i use?
>Jarvan gets his old Q hitbox back
There, he's viable again.
watch them getting yet another blood moon/ project skin
I can live with that excuse
riot games is a company of dudebros that hate conflict
its why they try to please SJWs so hard
Skins dont count friend
lulu is the worst yordle, and includes the guys
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
bruh, lesbian vi isnt canon yet
Also forgot to mention im gonna have Rakan crying in the background in each of these. Unless yall don't want that. I'm doin this for (you) /lolg/ it's your picture.
If they actually follow though with revealing a gay champion to match Overcucks then it's probably them.
Basically everyone already puts them together.
Anybody here have a 144Hz monitor? I'm looking into getting one but I'm not sure if it's worth it.
and piss off SJWs by suggesting that every man-faced dyke-looking punk is a lesbian? you gotta think three levels beyond what offends those ham planets
yes thats what we want
>shitting on enemy jg
>get my top ahead
>mid is just mid
>but our lux supp is walking up to blitz
>draven is feeding out his ass
>i can't be everywhere at once
>come bot side to gank
>they engage before i get there because lux hit a q on blitz
Fuck off. Don't think all women have the same taste as your cheerleader wenches
there's one where a hand pulls her strings out, even though she has like clamps
that is exactly what we want
these are the voice actors
do they make a cute couple irl?
oh no, this creature is back
ye where is that one
You know what's going in her, don't you?
I would fuck her
and him too
I'd fuck em both if you're catching what I'm pitching.
So what's the appropriate timing for answering a message? Like not fast enough to imply you don't have anything else to do and are just waiting for the game invitation but not slow enough to imply complete lack of interest.
>Literally Handsome Jack
I think Anthony Burch pulled some fucking strings at Riot.
Ima give it 30 mins, whichever has the most at midnight is what im goin with. I don't have the time in my schedule to work on all of em sadly. Maybe if some other drawfag wants to do the ones that don't get the popular vote?
its not gay unless you are catching
Contest Guy I summon thee!
Great minds think alike, user.
reply when you see it
is this problems autists really have to deal with? how horrible
>not knowing what Veeky Forums is about
fucking newfag
will she be looking down at his dick with a scared look on her face?
this is important
New champs look pretty cool. The support seems fun. Not sure about the ADC. I get the feeling she's underpowered just by looking at her kit and game play videos.
Can Annie give a blowjob while in that suit?
Don't listen to this guy Wait roughly 10 minutes, but if they queue for a game (I'm assuming this is in the context of league), reply 1-2 minutes or so after they queue.
Sorry i should clarify. There will be penetration with the first choice. Either a pained look or Ahegao. It's up to you guys. Unless you guys don't want penetration and just want her being afraid of his massive dick.
you guys don't understand
One supersized waifu please!