Fighting Games General /fgg/
Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
what now goober?
Aw shit, I need to give those a shot. Have any gotten a PC release?
It's 2v2 BECAUSE the roster is smaller, though.
cummy white
reminder that daigo will never play goobies again
I need my sweet cherry Pie.
>tokido will never play kof again
That was a good doujin.
How many hours are needed to get good at a fighting game
i wanna sleep but i dont cause i cant play fighting games in my sleep
i need her
nvm googled it, looks like Steam only has some offshoot/revamp that sounds like a far cry from regular NG in technical composition. Lame. Some funny user reviews though
>You start fighting the main boss right at the beginning of the game and you fight him the whole game. The main boss is the camera which is garbage your view is constantly awkward and off. The last time I was beaten this bad by a camera I was drunk in a back alley in New Orleans refusing to give up my wallet and Nikon.
Good riddance
obv dudley
Play Karnov's and pick Ray. Challenge people on fightcade and show off your newly found pro zoning and fundamentals skills.
Depends on the game and what you mean by good
It's not much though
>to answer your question, look the cpt finals
okay let's look
nuckledu has been a rising star since he was like 14
ricki has been mediocre in sfv but had one good, lucky tournaments, it happens in any game
>people like daigo and tokido got outdid by fucking dr ray and kbrad
if you watched both of those matches you would see tokido get completely outplayed by dr ray who has btw placed very high in sf4 at evo and daigo be a fucking idiot getting hit by wakeup dps into super, which in season 1 was a stupidly good option for cammy since it was mostly safe on block and did like 50% on hit. daigo should have expected it but he doesn't train hard any more and has consistently mediocre results because of it
>fucking kbrad
kbrad was also good in sf4 anyway, that's what got him into EG to begin with. cammy is top tier in sfv so it's no surprise he can have good tournaments every now and then
>and wolfkrone is doing great in eleague
likewise krone was one of if not the best viper players at one point in sf4. laura is extremely viable now so he's does well with her, not a surprise, the kid is talented
it's no fluke and it's not random, all of the people winning in sfv have been good for a long time
>actually putting this much thought into a reply to dank
water u doin
debunking his points while i take a 10 minute break from persona
10/10 cummy
How the fuck does Maximum Impact work?
How come we never get a KI picture in OP?
no sniffs
game has prolly more players itt than skullgirls but guess who gets more ops
It's stuck on a dead console and shit os
heres a sniff
why people complaining about having to guess in sfv? don't you had to guess in SF games for the past 25 years?
You didn't have to guess in every situation in past SF games like you have to guess in SFV.
Unless you're talking about SF3.
I need you Pai-san
yeah I mean sf3. you can't even anti air every time cuz that boy might parry and now you're eating a full stack of damage.
Where is the Infinite news reeeeeee
Plays like Tekken.
Fuck no it doesn't, the fuck outta here with that bullshit.
killer instinct I meant
It's coming April 11.
So its shit then?
more or less
Why do mahvel players play the shitty ps4 version based on the shitty ps3 version?
Killing time.
you know what, /fgg/? I realized something.
I spend an inordinate amount of time shitposting/watching streams.
I calculated my average week and I realized that I spend around 9 hours a day watching Twitch and shitposting on Veeky Forums.
I could be using that time to get good at fighting games.
>9 hours a day
Get a job desu.
>actually holding on to my post from a week ago
Holy fucking shit Capcucks are pathetic.
What is on the 11th bruh
The soonest we're getting info is E3 then EVO then San Diego Comic Con then New York Comic Con then release hopefully.
Mvci news my man.
25k is still a lot compared to his other videos. baiken will definitely bring in a surge of players whether you like it or not.
Give me the deets, b. We talking characters, game modes, dick pics?
All I know is we'll get something related to mvci. Now whetherit's another Ono tweet, actual info and trailers or a date in which they want us to watch out for.
I think this game needs her.
Another twiggy blonde slut, for what purpose.
What girls in V are twiggy?
that's ten times less than your original claim though
I agree.
He is honestly mentally ill
But you're a retard too
lol yeah I'm pretty done with fgg
there's literally no reason to ever come here
no one plays games, even when I offer to money match
it's fucking cesspit
american fgg had like six good players, and they're all gone because this place is a fucking hell hole
donnie, bobcat, demonik, fucking even gman and jojo don't post here anymore
Nice meta post doug.
It is what you made of american /fgg/, blame yourself
I don't even think Doug was here when that was originally posted
Bobcat-Plays OW almost full time now
gman-Plays others games
jojo-Most likely still play sfxt to this day
I am doug
I didn't ask?
but that's why sf3 is the best
he "might" parry but so can you
yea but that's my name though
demonik used to occasionally lobby snipe in xrdr but can't since no one makes lobbies, gman is getting into shooters since his locals is dying/dead and is on some amateur ow team and is playing csgo lately (but will still xrdr if asked), jojo doesn't play online much but he goes to locals to mash dp and get bopped in xrdr and I catch him like once every 2 months for games.
That shit post should be updated TibbleBibbleHibble
what about the others?
Last time I saw Demonik he would just play with people who were in the discord. Especially now that he plays pc rev. I'll give you gman and jojo since I haven't played online with them in a minute. Also that shit post would be updated if we had five Americans who constantly were here to play people.
Not my fault nobody plays the games I want to play.
idk, i never really played with donnie or bobcat.
uh, mystic, hbr? (does he play people?), pisss, reno, cwheezy, arson. i only know sf4/xrd players and trips, fightcade players and sfv players are lost on me.
Mystic is fulltime discord now, same with pisss, reno, chweezy and arson haven't been seen in the longest. HBR doesn't play anyone.
What games do you want to play?
You cant parry in the middle of a move you dingus
If you've been parried you're shit outta luck so dont bother anti airing and play a character who's fast enough to not get parried in neutral
SF3 is fucking garbage, there was no thought put into how parries work and they single handedly decide the tier list and shit on solid fundamentals.
There's no fucking risk to air parrying and the risk reward for ground parrying is so stupidly skewed in favour of parries that playing a slower character is not worth the trouble at even mid level play.
kof version 2 patch notes
RIP universal health
odds: go to combo breaker
evens: save money and don't go
oof I do not like that
Where's the cheapest place to get KoF14 for a US player?
>Universal health gone in KoF
We'll see how it pans out but universal health was one of the things I always liked about KoF
>niversal health was one of the things I always liked about KoF
Yeah its pretty obvious to see why they've done it (Make Chang not garbage, nerf Leona without taking away any tools or fun stuff) but in my gut I don't like it very much.
Leona's far punches and did get nerfed but she got back her invincible v-slasher
we'll see I guess
>Yfw female characters will never have 1100 stamina
>tfw they nerf your batteries main poke
>nerf some other shit too for fun and then give 50 less health
>wasn't even crazy good. good, but not crazy good
14 was my first, but kof really hates defensive play huh? whatever, no matter what, king is still fun, they can't nerf that.
it says chin gained invulnerability on gouran enhou
what move is that
>but kof really hates defensive play huh?
Dude XIV is literally like the most defensive KoF has ever been to the point where defensive play is the dominant style. SNK is addressing what is commonly seen as a problem.
also i like how they gave chang another 5000 buffs including 200 more health and he's probably still Z tier
why are you poking with st.d and not st.c or b
>love heart buffs
I wish Aris actually streamed fighting games, I really want to watch his streams.
ps. sc2 sucks
Can't wait dude. His streams will be great.
give Chang a reliable crossup DM setup
Because that shit is hilarious
>Everyone I play or want to play got mad buffs
Loving this patch
When's this gay king of fighters shit on PC
Who the fuck knows
SNK sells mostly to japanese. And Japs hate Pc's
is leona ded?
the fagboy times three?