Cosmic Reaver Master Yi
>7.7. Patch Notes
>Xayah & Rakan
Cosmic Reaver Master Yi
>7.7. Patch Notes
>Xayah & Rakan
comfy bfs~
>let's rub our guns together
Mating Press.
Xayah has a cute penis
>Riot makins skins for old champs with shit animations
It's like getting a brand new set of wheels for the car that's been sitting in a garage untouched for 20 years and leaving it there for another 20.
You'd think Riot would make skins for newly reworked champions to capitalize on the interest but no, the second you get reworked you get zero skins. At least Shen has a sub zero and a scorpion skin.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
you know, for somebody who hates humans, human nature, etc. Xayah has a weird obsession with shopping and manufactured goods.
>Not using all caps
Crazy is cute and tight
*blocks your path*
nothing personnel kid
*wins worlds again*
>TWO Lee Sin dashes, can also be used on the same ally twice
>Dash also heals both you and an ally if you land Q first
>mini-Malphite ult
>Damages and charms any enemies just for TOUCHING them during your ult that gives you 50% movespeed
Yes she is emo. She says she hates everything because she thinks it's cool.
so lolg are you the same bodytype as your main?
I wish I was a girl
girls are gross tho
Not even the same gender.
Sounds like my gf
>Not "Eggplant mode"
if I main Yorick
But I wanna be a NEET girl with no friends so I can touch myself excessively
is there an inbetween term for ottermode and builtfat? I'm not as swole as builtfat (yet) but i'm also not as skinny as ottermode because I refuse to fix my diet
Put on a skirt and you are
You got that right.
put a skirt on and you can be MY girl~
well I'm not even that good with Camille I barely play her, but with Teemo.
Man, with Teemo, that nothing beats that satisfaction.
I don't even care if I lose the game. Its all about make you feel as miserable as humanly possible in lanephase, and make columbine look like a fucking joke next to it.
Listening to those new champion dialogues is like stumbling on Zoe Quinn's sex tape. fucking hideous.
I-is this how it really works?
>twn be a Cosmic Reaver Mordekaiser skin
>bodily functions and nature is gross
You remind me of that 'do women actually poop?"
regular people wont consider you a girl, but I can make you feel like one cutie
>no cosmic Reaver Morde
>no Dark Star Morde
>no Dread Nova Morde
>VGU will probably look like shit, go full gay ass bara mode, and remove YOU ONLY HAVE TO CLICK ONCE FOOL
As long as you're okay with me wearing a skirt too.
No and posting anime girls doesn't make you cute either.
I'm kinda scared for the VGU, even if it's good they're either going to drop the passive or the ult if not both.
>No pic related
>Jealous because he can't be a cute girl (male) like us
Don't listen to him user
>Tobias in Masters
this is fucked up
>I'm kinda scared for the VGU
I'm convinced his VGU will either be GOAT or WOAT.
>even if it's good they're either going to drop the passive or the ult if not both
This is EXACTLY how I feel. If they were removing one and I had to choose, I'd probably choose to keep his passive, but I can totally see Riot going "Well his passive was just too unhealthy and oppressive for us to be able to balance, so here's a brand new passive that is gimmicky and unfun"
I already know they'll drop the ult.
I'm okay if they drop Morde's current specific passive IF the new kit manages to keep the general playstyle his current passive fosters.
Morde's kit is basically 4 extremely basic and fucking boring abilities which synthesize into a fairly unique playstyle because of his passive. They can do ANYTHING with the kit they want, even make Morde a full AD weird ass carry top laner like GP and Fiora, so long as they keep his general playstyle for skirmishes and laning.
>Tobias trolls back to D5
It's like clockwork you guys are fucking gullible
>leveling smurf in bots
>pick Singed
>proxy multiple lanes
>get flamed to shit
>don't say a thing
>report them
>feedback the next day
So, is Xayah going to be good?
Will she be bot or is she going to be better elswhere?
Her kit seems weird but fun.
>posting anime girls doesn't make you cute either
how can one user be so wrong?
Xayah is shit.
Her kit looks fun (it actually doesn't her E looks fun and everything else fails to live up to it) but isn't very strong.
She won't be good bot but will be even worse everywhere else.
Like we are any better?
If this wasn't lolg I'd literally have an entire list longer than those posts talking about what men deal with.
Because you're not an anime girl, you're a real life dude behind a monitor who probably looks like shit. I doubt half the people on Veeky Forums even shower regularly
Proper Shyvana biuld?
Not playing Shyvana.
>tfw Fordyce spots
what is and
at least she looks like a fun aram champ
Is there anything worse than having a bad / autofilled jungler? It basically autoloses you the game.
You know the kind, the kind that will show up to a lane after an enemy gank already happened and try to 1v2, only to die
The kind that afk farms yet somehow has less CS than their jungler who's been all over the map the entire game
The kind that never makes an effort to play with vision
The kind whose pathing is so fucking bad they're always in the wrong place at the wrong time 3 levels behind everyone else
The kind that plays a braindead champion like Yi or Kayle and yet somehow fucks up pressing their single button.
Blade of repick a different champ
no bro, this is too good
Waifu of exception heft
I look h*cking adorable friendo you're gonna have to bait harder than that.
>basically a pissed off spirit bound within a large suit of armor
>being a squishy, ad carry
No fucking thank you. I'd much rather they just turn him into an actual juggernaut, which is what he thematically should be.
Honestly if they changed his current passive to shield based on his own %max hp for every spellcast, rather than on damage done by spells, that would be a huge step in the right direction.
But yes, I would like if they kept his current "Oh, you think I'm vulnerable right now? Think again, cocksucker!" playstyle.
Can I main her anyway?
It's not as if the playstyle is inherently unhealthy or imbalanced. Darius and Illaoi both do the same whiplash back from the brink of death with their ults which totally reverses an encounter.
I live for those moments where you're at 30% max hp and the full HP enemy laner engages on you and all you think is "you fucked up real bad"
both of my female mains are anorexic...
>Headhunter Nidalee
>gets executed on first clear
I wish I could trust Riot to match Morde's current playstyle to the very similar "If I manage to get my hands on you, you're fucked" playstyle of all other juggernauts, but I just can't,
I feel the exact same way about Nocturne. I know that he's gonna get at least a Shen-tier VGU one of these days, and I'm so afraid that the result will be so drastically different from the champion that I loved playing.
titty hydra + botrk
That is a dangerously large behind
I've basically got my head in my hands praying we get a Sion and not a Galio.
Not my proudest game
>those feet
tfw no big booty gf to eat out
>been playing a lot of zac lately
it adds up.
>go on /v/ about to make a shitpost thread about the new champions for free (you)s like i usually do
>briefly skim over the catalog
>it's neo/pol/
>the catalog is already filled with cancer
>would just be shitting in a sewer
what the fuck happened to that poor board
>no diving suit body type
What kind of discrimination is this?
Riot is shit at lore and things are probably going to end up p much like image related in the end
Is Vlad worth learning right now
>plat 1 elo
>losing to sona jungle
was the rengar sucking dick early game? what region is this?
Does anybody have the comic where DJ Sona falls ass first on to Elementalist lux and flattens her face?
poses are a little stiff but the colors are really fucking good
is that vlad or david bowie?
>crush as a.sol
Check and check.
No more sugar for me. Just stardust and schadenfreude.
>sona vastaya
>kayle on targon
>lucian in shadow isls
this would suck
I just realized that Elise is in there.
For what purpose?
She is part of the Black Rose as of her lore update
any other unironic Aatrox mains here?
sorry tubby
>Lucian in shadow isles
>Kass/Jax in void
>Kindred in kumungu
>Malphite/Kayle/Morg/Ryze/Bard in targon
>Sona as Vastaya
But why?
>friend says flex is totally legit
>claims his mid plat in flex is almost as good as my welfare diamond
>decide to try flex
What the actual fuck is wrong with the people that play this gamemode? They even had the direct counter and still lost.
>jungler comes to gank
>other jungler just happens to be there too
Every fucking goddamn time
Nidalee lives in Kumungu but is Vastayan, Sona lives in Demacia but was born in Ionia, Soraka is a deity from space, Tahm was confirmed to be a river demon. I doubt Riot changing lore from champions for the sake of populating vastaya
>don't have proper vision control around your lane
>get fuckarooni'd
Sounds about right.
Why not? They changed lore to populate Shurima