>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Tharja a best and canon
I'd have kids with Sonya!
Camilla is shit
Who /bestgirl/ here ?
>First fight in the gauntlet
Ideas for my Cammy
Who's the best leader to help other players ?
Ninian DEF+ RES-, Ryoma SPD+ HP-, Julia neutral, Eirika ATK+ DEF- ?
You're joining onee-chan's team right?
Looking for friends for the gauntlet
Quick riposte 3 a decent C for brave axe cherche?
>play a gauntlet battle
>30 minutes of Echoes
>play another battle
>more Echoes
>more gauntlet then enough stamina to train up Kagero some more
>back to Echoes
Max comfy.
Her design is great
Who are you supporting? This may be important
tell me who the fuck is losing reeeee
Just break the wall to the right of Taco from above with Robin, then send in Camilla to trap him for the rest of the battle. Take care of the other two with Cordelia. Ez
Team Cherche!
Everyone has a score of 0, so everyone is losing
Dummy, it updates on the hour.
Breeds black.
On Beruka for now
>inherit just two wings and a hone atk
>every opponent is + with vantage/fury etc
Jesus christ what is wrong with this arena?
>Train up my +Atk/-Res 4* Palla
>Want to give her my shit IV Karel's Wao Dao+
>Decide I want to check on the simulator before I fuse
>Learn that Wao Dao+ is infinitely better on a unit with +Speed
>Learn if I want to make my current Palla good, I need a Brave Sword+ unit
>Don't have any Brave Sword units I don't have to invest 20k feathers in
>I have 11 Pallas, I'll just find a +Speed one and start over
>None of my Pallas are +Speed
what did I do to deserve this
>want Caeda
>have 40 orbs
>got 5* Sophia
Who do I vote for to get the most feathers? A winner or a loser? People say different things here.
I like Hana
What is that
Looks like flags replenish every round
>2 day duration on quests; same as Round Duration so you can blow all your flags for a decent rank every round
A winner for sure
The loser in the first 2 rounds, then winner in final.
Hana's little toes
>first gauntlet battle
>my camilla is right next to Leon
what did they mean by this?
Can't really say since things changed up a bit with flag quests refreshing every round. All you can really do is ride it out and plan for the next gauntlet. I can say one thing though, saving all your flags for the last round is no longer a good idea, but you should save a good amount for it.
>Roll colorless on Kagero banner
>get Virion
>lose a character on your 6th chain arena battle
I gave my +Atk/-Res Palla a Silver Sword+ and Darting Blow, I just wanted her to be a splashable hard hitter since I have no flying memes and Reds are kinda unimpressive aside from Ryoma and Tharja. Eventually I will give her life and death but I guess 100 orbs wasn't enough to pull Minerva in her first banner.
His portrait says it all
>really wanted titty ninja
>ended up with 6 more Virions
never ever again
Not him but I'm imagining it like she's raping you with her throat. Kind of hot tbqh.
Is there something I can give nowi to destroy hector? He is super annoying.
no, submit to Hector
It's where she sucks your dick/you fuck her throat except you're behind her. Just google some images or videos.
Tell me more
Quick Riposte. Watch out for Vantage Hectors though. You're better off letting a red handle him honestly.
>3 Corrins off the Pegasus banner
fucking why? I have so many Femuis now. Fates a shit.
also the hour is up
post points when it updates
You cannot change Nowi's color. Just use a red. Any red, really.
Subaki is the only boy so him.
Cherche bros....
Cordelia - 9,224,367
Cherche - 5,248,245
what skill do wa dao use with?
just Moonblow?
Who Do I use for Navarre?
It's so Close!
Palla 7,099,930
Minerva 10,8333,722
Will this be Ephraim vs. Chrom
We're gonna make it boys
It just started, anything can change.
This is a lost cause though.
>level 1 cheesing still works
>tfw facing lv1 3 star sophie with lv40 5* Marth
You did remember to leave Nee-san at level 1 for the Gauntlet right /feg/?
fucking hell
>tfw want to join Palla but then I remember I don't have her
Go Beruka bros
>enemy skirmish is only 2 Paladins and a Bow Knight
>plant Forsyth with a Horseslayer on a forest tile and auto-win
Nice. Can I not promote any of my people to Bow Knights? That range is really nice.
>Palla is losing
Damn it, I sided with her, at least I'll probably get easy feathers and can switch afterwards.
Mother of god...
camillafags ruin everything
It's a dead heat, come on Subaki
went minerva
Pffffft, sorry kid
*sheaths tits*
What rank are you with that score?
HA it's not even close.
It's after Sniper. I have Leon as one.
>Hinoka has the second highest votes out of everyone
>still only 1/6th of what camilla has
Geez this is worse than last time with Lucina
Gauntlet is such a joke
no april update yet. the matchmaking is still only based on stat totals.
Those Feathers are mine!
I bet it's because her new voice is actually even worse.
So this gauntlet is irrelevant compared to the last? Other one seemed more hype.
Just shut it down.
Cherche, Beruka, or Subaki for maximum feathers?
She has more points than everyone else in the gauntlet combined.
Why do they do this?
Looks like Subaki
>tfw picked Hinoka
Any 1 of you guy is Biorythm for beruka. If so, i'm the rank 2 guy. Forgot the bring beruka on the first round, meaning that i will never claim 1st. Feelsbadman
So wait is echoes out? Can it be played on PC with an emulator? I lost my 3ds.
Well it was the first one, so it was new. Both Gauntlets had obvious winners from the beginning though. Beruka vs. Kanpeki is the match to watch for in this one.
>Unironically using Armours
Why are you so bad at Fire emblem?
i just want feathers
Chrom vs. Ephraim was the only exciting match. Doesn't seem like this one will even have anything approaching it.