
swarzenigger is proof of how retarded amerimongrels are. it's mind boggling how that fuckwad was elected to be the governor of the largest US state.

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He's Austrian

a state full of liberals too

yeah, and amerimongrels, not austrians, voted for him.

>200,000 people die in the US from air pollution per year
I've never seen this stat backed up, is it just "someone had a lung issue that shortened their lifespan by any amount, we're gonna assume that national air pollution caused it"?


You forgot the biggest thing, he's a major reason why the Hummer is a thing.

Don't underestimate the stupidity of California

>200,000 people die in the US from air pollution per year

Idk the official stats but strip mining in West Virginia has pretty devastating effects on the people

The run off from the mines and the shit blown into the air gives the area something like a 50% cancer rate or something ridiculously high. I know birth defects in areas around Charleston and around strip mines have like 48% more birth defects than anywhere else in the country

they don't explain how much the lifespan was shortened, just that pollution was present. it also is based off of many assumptions to derive its numbers, which is why it's called a study and not an experiment.
I can understand localized incidents like that, but many of the numbers used to arrive with the claimed total are asspulls.

you stupid fuck

These libtards make me want to roal coal but my dick is 5+ inches

virtue signaling niggers

>they don't explain how much the lifespan was shortened, just that pollution was present. it also is based off of many assumptions to derive its numbers, which is why it's called a study and not an experiment.
>breathing in huge amounts of airborne particulates and carcinogens
>not lifespan shortening

Why are you Trumptards so dimwitted?

fucker pretty much started the hummer craze

but he has acting career and is political beast in california both of which are dependent on the views he is expelling i don't think he really cares one way or the other he is giving the people around him what they want just do count on him practicing his sermon


He was governer of Alaska?

>He got his American citizenship in 1983.


California will turn into a 3rd world shithole the moment its media industry collapses.

He also owns a H1 Hummer and a Patton medium tank.

it's not hard to become governor of the most retarded state in the entire galaxy

Liberals LITERAILY can't stop thinking about Trump for a moment.

Retard, there isn't anything in the data that says pollution caused it. By your retarded standards just saying pollution is present will cause uncorrelated illness.

There'sa reason why this is called a STUDY.

Particulates etc bad. But that's not climate change, that's pollution.

Co2 i really don't give a fuck. Let the climate change. It's predicted to only benefit me and screw over california.

He had/has Harley Davidson motorbikes - HD was caught cheating emissions figures to a greater extent than VW but got away with a small fine because USA USA USA USA USA USA USA

>not even second largest