what ars /his thoughts on these ? Did they do any real conversion work or have they always been regarded as ludicrous ?
Jack T Chict
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nice thumbnail faggot
political cartoons are made for insecure people by insecure artists.
I've no idea what this even is but I suspect it doesn't belong on Veeky Forums
They've been a laughingstock since they went after Dungeons and Dragons
>wtf I love Jesus now
I remember reading this was your life as a child. Concluded god was a tyrant that I don't want to worship.
lol this is from "the choice"
>this is what fundamentalists actually think about evolution
you are correct
Unfortunately, hiro named Veeky Forums History & American Fundamentalism without really thinking about the consequences and now we're stuck with it.
He was pretty accurate in that one where he showed that the Catholic church promoted and helped found Islam.
I've never seen one that said anything I wouldn't say to someone similarly situated. They're very good.
Now as an adult, imagine that you are correct, God is a tyrant, and you are His enemy.
An all powerful, all knowing, all present, unkillable tyrant.
Still think being His enemy is smart?
I like how he tells you to ask Jesus into your heart, while there is literally no Bible verse that says this.
Heart in Hebrew is not the pump. It's your will, your mind, your identity, your self, your emotion, your soul; asking Jesus to be Lord over that is in Romans 10:9-10, and asking Him demonstrates knowledge that He is alive.
It's clumsy, but it gets the job done.
>Catholic priest taught Islam to Muhammad, who was instructed by the Pope to do this
These are the people who browse Veeky Forums...retarded proteniggers.
How does that not make sense, generally?
I mean Catholics killed more Christians during the Crusades than they did Muslims. Also look at the current Pope welcoming Muslims to Europe and kissing their feet. Really makes you think.
Yup. Catholic church created Islam to kill Christians and Jews.
Let's not forget the pope was over both Hitler and Mussolini, having signed Concordats with both, in '33 and '29, respectively, overseeing the Holocaust.
They actually have a whole tract devoted to that. Been in circulation since the 60s.
And Communism, and Nazism, and something else I can't remember. Probably evolution.
Someone even made a film out of it.