daddy edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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>Xayah is basically an Ahri you can fuck without losing your soul
>Fertile to boot
>Rakan synergizes better with other supports like MF than Xayah
??? I thought they said it was with 7.7, do you know when it's coming?
xayah and rakan talk to each other FUCKING
xth for Syndra
The new champions voices are annoying as fuck (especially Xayah), and the support looks busted.
>Rakan has a longer Email when it's to Xayah
>Rakan also gets Xayah's W buff
I feel like Riot was struggling to come up with buffs that were meaningful without invalidating playing one without the other.
just like a real couple
Communication is important in a healthy relationship
Do I work at riot? How would I know.
patch 7.7 is out and it isn't here.
feels pretty retarded to design champs like that. but hey, riot isn't enforcing the meta or anything
x zed!
yes, they wanted to make both viable as champions without needing to pick both so they had to do something minor like this and recall
Just asking nigga damn, haven't been on my computer all day so I didn't even know 7.7 was out
Why is Riot cutting Shen's balls off all of a sudden?
Are hybrid pen runes worthless now?
How hard will they buff Xayah when only Rakan is picked in pro play?
>leave for a few days
>2 new champions and shen buffs show up on the pbe
Holy shit what happened? can someone give me a quick rundown on the stuffs that happened ?
I think Rakan has the more annoying voice but in terms of being busted I would say that goes to Xayah since one of her abilities is essentialy a Talon ult minus the invisibility.
>Yfw Rakan is the single best support for pic related
>Hyper mobility cancer to match HIS hyper mobility cancer
>Easy as fuck to land knockup
>can herd people in a straight line to make landing the Tornado Ez
>Can always followup on each other
Mark my words
it will be a thing
our suffering has only just begun
yeah heres the quick rundown
2 champs got released and shen has changes
>W buff duration is refreshed when attacking enemy champions whether boy or girl is the attacker
>passive damage fall reduced from 50% to 40%
>Bogdanoffs bow to the Vastayans
>love playing Trundle jungle
>rework WW is him but even better
>mfw flash fearing multiple enemies at once
>mfw low level skirmishes
Are the shen changes good or bad?
very bad
If Rakan and Yasuo chose to get down, who would top?
>in contact with the void
>a quick rundown
that would never happen. rakan would never choose to cheat on his waifu
someone please help me..
my normals/aram mmr is pretty high according to this one site, some of my friends have extremely low mmr. if i play with them (and maybe lose) will this affect my mmr?
Losses will negatively affect your MMR no matter what, but I would wager a loss against lower-MMR players would cause it to sink more than usual.
He's cancer user
He's the best toplane tank, literally zero weaknesses
>recall passive
Unless there's a limit to how late one can join the other, it is pretty damn significant.
If you lose vs. shitters (aka losing with your shitter friends) you will loser more MMR since you are supposed to be better than shitters.
cute and perfect!
Okay I just read the changes and I'm genuinely curious as to why the shen changes are bad. I get the q change is bad but what about the ult in particular?
Why? the only thing i would consider a nerf is the bonus M&M dmg on his q gone and the nerfs to his Sheilding power on r, i would think that the cost reduction on e and the scaling on r would be good.
I mean the least they can do is make the new bonus damage on q scale, maybe up to 50 bonus damage?
you can cuck him pout of CS to weaken him
also he has low MR early so you can pick a dood that does AP damage to him
or just harass him at range with a ranged champ
Ult is a good nerf, makes it better as a saviour tool (which it's intended to be) instead of just a free teleport Shen can use to flash taunt some poor cunt
The Q change is the shit one
>An even longer cooldown
His ult CD is now so fucking long if you fuck it up ONCE your done, fucking D O N E
>Amount scale with missing health encouraging wait out till the last second and discouraging engage plays with it
I really wonder what sg ezreal gonna be like.
Definitely not gay shit I hope
I recently remembered that heartseeker varus exists so FUUUUUUUUUUUU it actually might be gay shit
Him having weaknesses does not stop him from being the best tank
Every champion has weaknesses user, and considering your idea of a weakness is "Not as effective with less farm" I think you just proved my point
Debonair ezreal with a mask
they could make the new bonus dmg scale, maybe up to 45-50 damage?
it helps if you take some Scaling CDR runes, i dunno what other tank cdr items he can do well with.
Especially since that's when the %missing HP damage will be at its strongest and will eat away that shield in no time..
>riot hire more sjw
>more people here start saying "sjw boogeymen"
>mentioning Anthony Burch springs people to defend him as well as more people saying "sjw boogeymen"
I want to wear Kindred's mask
I really hope it's like tuxedo mask
It's incredibly fitting because tuxedo mask and ezreals in my games are practically the same person
>throws something that doesn't hit anything
>"Lux! Believe in yourself!"
>fucks off or dies
He does badly agenst AP matchups from having lower mr than normal.
delete this
Does anyone here have a nice club tag name? Looking to join some active clubs esp w/ some people from Veeky Forums
Where the fuck are you seeing people defend Anthony Burch?
>best tank
>only one telegraphed and slow way to initiate
>has had his Q damage nerfed like 3 times this season
And now with these nerfs he's gonna see less and less action toplane. Prepare for more Gragas.
>jungler keeps ganking your lane even when you are fine
>complains that you don't help
>comes to lane for another unecessary gank
>dies to my laner
>goes 1/8
Last night, in the old threads.
>Lee Sin and Graves can still clear the jungle with full health
>Extremely quickly
Throw me some post numbers or some screenshots then, I'd like to read this for myself
>darius builds black cleaver
>is now faster than you for as long as he has blood stacks
>which will be for the rest of your life since having blood stacks also gives him move speed
good work riot
He had his q damage nerfed two times last season and once this season if these changes get through.
This sucks, it really does, he's one of my favorite champs.
Your delusional if you think they will ever nerf lee
NA server
This poster is retarded
Riot cut Lee's kick damage a few patches ago.
>But we need to gut kindred for being to do the exact same thing
how so?
really? didnt notice. although i dont see lee that much in normals.
Pre-rework Darius gained movement speed for every enemy champion that was bleeding so I don't see what you're getting at.
>not playing BotRKforce Rakan top
Where are these Highlights from the patch notes?
Enjoy getting your lane permanently shoved in
>dude what if make a ranged champion that is DROWNING in on hit % damage
>surely this will not become a balance issue later
>fizz picks everywhere
When did Leona become so lewd?
PSA to everyone in here: Shaco is dead after enough nerfs, he can finally join Kindred in the garbage bin of overnerfed junglers.
All it took was a single game for me to notice the damage changes and it's very noticeable even while going AP.
Still fine honestly
>can't play a champ
>must be garbage
I'm gonna titty hydra into tank jungle him and you fucking know I will.
Hey /lolg/ how does it feel that your feathered waifu already has a man and gets smashed hard every night, breeding her eggs happily.
>tfw no Syndra to step on face
I hurts lolg, is there any solution?
>Waifuing an edgy teenager
People call annie players pedophiles but anybody who is genuinely attracted to that "rawr don't call me cute" shit is a genuine threat to society
dyed hair, piercings and sleeves half way up their hands
But Taliyah doesn't have a man
it doesn't feel like it desu
Even if I go gunblade It seems like his Q having no damage on it anymore just doesn't feel right
Funny enough my best junglers are shaco and kindred. Just cause you do well with them on an occasion or two doesn't mean they're fine.
You can't deny Kindred is bad and isn't relevant till 8 stacks, the early game is dreadful to play them.
>Shaco being utter shit for any reason
I'm pleased, he should be removed from the game.
It's like one auto attacks worth of extra damage at all ranks
>Superminions are even stronger on pbe
*laughs in Islandic*
Is xayahs wing part of her or part of the outfit?
Where does it protrude from?
wouldn't it hurt even more if she'd actually step on your face?
Doesn't the current meta turn him into some kind of bruiser anyway.
will be banning these 2 hippies every game now. and the galio dude
They dont have sex she lays eggs and then he rubs his cloaca on them to fertilize them
wait shit it's for aram
who cares
>This conversation actually occurred
Wew laddy
you do know Q actually does no damage now right.
It was removed this patch
REMOVED: Dealing 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 40% AP) bonus physical damage.
Cooldown increased to 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14 seconds from 14 at all ranks.
He still goes titanic, but GA only now instead of Deadmans and whatever other tank items. The removed damage from Q without the need of backstab hurts the whole "tank maxes skills, does mid/high base damage" when Q doesn't even have damage on it anymore, just a flash and invis for 4.5 seconds
What kinda club tag did you have in mind?
>ban Rakan because he looks busted as fuck
>leave Xayah open because she genuinely looks like fucking trash with or without him