/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous >Event: GUDAGUDA Part II
From 5 to 19 April 2017, choose a faction and bring it to victory along with your fellow Masters!
Welfare 4* ChaCha (Berserker) + limited 5* Hijikata (Berserker)
Nobu: Buster cards +15% NP Damage +15%/Koban coin drops +1
(You):NP gain +15% Reduces damage by 300/Gold Dust drops +1
Snek:Arts and Quick cards +4%/Eiraku Tsuuhou drops +1
Chacha:+15% Critical Damage +15% Star Generation Starts at 25% NP/Shinsengumi/Oda Pt. Drops +30%
Shinsengumi:Quick & Buster cards + 8% Gain 3 stars every turn /raise the ATK of all allies by +50%

- Latest changes fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
-CCC collab coming at some point much later


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: Dec.7)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:


/Jannu/ thread.

Guan Yu 5* when lads?

First for CHACHA

If I wanna support Nobu do I pick the red node or does that make me fight against her?

Just do 40 AP all the time?

Do I farm both sides now or wait?

Retard, his name before Nobu met him was literally 織田信長 (?).

>tfw you'll lose your account after the next update


Huh. Can we go one event without cuckposters trying to make shit up?

Will trap Nobuyuki be a good husbando or he'll be as cuckbait as his slutty sister?

Too late.

Nobu a CUTE.

Did you roll? 140 + 5 tickets me three Medusa, two 4* CE, and Edison.

be on battlefield
see this coming at you
what do

How angry can angryman get?

90 quartz and 5 tickets gave me 1 4* CE, 1 3* CE and my fifth Astolfo.

Doesn't matter what timeline or time period -- Waver is never getting his vacation. It's a universal constant.


I'm almost as disappointed with Hijikata as when Bobmiya was revealed

Post Event Supports

He had a son, so he's also used goods. Not as much as Nobu who had 24 children. Her vagina must be pretty loose after giving birth to so many.

Anyone having the NP card show up slower when you pull up the cards? It's only started happening after the update.

Remember to thank DW for eternally BTFOing the fags that waifu'd okita.

it's already at 2GB+, how long DW can keep at it?

>Remember to thank DW for eternally BTFOing the fags that waifu'd okita, chacha and nobu


you wanted yet another cute wife?

what in particular disappoints you about him

Event like this one but where the teams are Delicious Flat Chest and Disgusting Cow Tits when?


>Attall finally draw illustration for F/GO officially

Literally and figuratively who?

Same, they made him way too serious.
He should've been more like Toshi from gintama.

Looks kinda weird without his mouth

More like

Ha ha

About fucking time, I love his art.

CCC, since it has the most extreme specimens.


Same. I am not really feeling it since the welfare is the better option this time around

Euryale with fluffy. makes my heart warm.


This game would be better without this shitters art

>waah this take on a character was too silly
>waah this take on a character was too serious

There's never a way to make anyone happy on either side. In this event they even gave us both a silly and a serious take on different characters, and now everyone is unhappy so far.


So, SJWs is also playing FGO too now?

its time to get cucked

Different user, same question. Please respond.

Don't we have enough lolis to make pure loli lineups now? There shouldn't be a issue making a DFC team.

Cowtits are more rare but a Onee-San team shouldn't be out of the question.

So is there some kind of a solution for Xiaomi phone issue? I've just bought a new phone like two weeks ago. What are the chances that it was a mistake and they somehow banned them alongside other emulators?

At least I have my old ASUS with a broken screen and not enough memory to play but it's extremely appaling.

Sure there is,Merlin's both serious and silly.

Fuck off EOP newshitters. Jap artists use tumblr as an illustration dump all the time.

>do I fit in yet?

Apo event

Red will give you nobu point
But honestly, just do both

>everyone is unhappy
No one was ever happy in the first place.

Nobu is red, Okita is blue
Here's your (you)

You pick red node to side with red team aka Nobu.

His art sucks, his animations suck, he's a berserker class, he's generic as fuck among other Hijikata clones in media, there's no spin to him so he doesn't fit with Okita who is a joke character

Can you clear both shops or do you get locked to one?

>tfw every one of us will get cucked eventually

>most pics are small girls with flat or small chest
>make him draw Medusa
DW doesn't know how to use the artist they get.

Should have posted his twitter since he's more active there, but I agree with you user.

>Disgusting Flat Chest team gets BTFO'd harder than Okita team
Would be fun

>All the gudaguda servants are cuckbait
>nobu is used as fuck goods

cucking inst real

>CHACHA uses shining finger and Ultraman's beam
>I have to grind shitsengummy to get copies

Honestly, Hijikata was my last option about who was this new servant.

Are people saying Hijikata is too serious actually capable of reading his dialogue and interaction with Okita or are they just making shit up?

Because goofy girl paired with scary serious man is pretty basic nip comedy.

>le joke character meme

Hang yourself

While I really like that CE, having Suzuhito Yasuda draw the Gudao&Gudako one is great.

And Yuuki Fucking Yogo as Hijikata's ilustrator is a dream come true.


I wasn't the guy who posted the link, don't even know this atall. Just pointing out this is pretty common among nips.

>Okita -> Musashi: So you're the famous Miyamoto Musashi of the Niten Ichiryu. As fellow swordswomen, let's get along! ...eh? Musashi-san is a woman!?

>Okita -> Hijikata: Oh, Hijikata-san. Hijikata-san came here too! Then Saito-san or Nagakure-san will also come one day... eh? It'll be fine if they didn't? My my, you're not being honest with yourself again!

How powerful is Hijikata? Is he worth rolling for, or is he another worthless blunder like MHXA and Proto Arthur?

t.butthurt SJWs

Shouldn't you fuck off to your designated hugbox?

Who knows. All I know is that I'm going to start pairing him with Iri for guts shenanigans and see if that works.


>Then Saito-san

Post farming teams.

Okita is all the way joke, Hijikata is all the way serious

I think they're meant to balance out

8.5 easy in this Merlin era.

He is worst AoE 5* Berserker

This one is pretty good. I would roll for a servant like this.

Tumblr for translations and art has always been a thing idiots.

>We'll get Saito
NICE, Also get fucked cuckfags.

He doesn't seems that bad. But I may be mistaken.
I won't roll him anyway.

Some says FGO doesn't work on RemixOS (as second OS) anymore - it's lie.

Downgrade your Xiaomi to MIUI 7

OP as fuck, his NP is a better version of Pirate Sluts. Use Anniversary Blonde with him

He's alright. May do massive damage when he's low HP.

>he says in Veeky Forums

Even glass cannon-ier than your usual zerker because he has buffs that revolve around having no HP (don't say disengage, that heals for like 1000 at max level it's just here for debuff clearing)
Also his first skill is full party which is awesome

>get fucked cuckfags
>My room dialogue undoes event dialogue

I want edgy King Hassan tho

>low test faggots can't handle a real man.

Hijikata is literally perfect. Good design, good art, fitting voice, and he looks bat shit crazy which is fitting for his class and reputation in general. Waifushitters can go kill themselves for all I care.

Reformatted my Nexus 5 and it's finally working again. The shit I go through just to play some dumb mobile game.

It's working here too, with dual boot

Where the fuck am I waifuying on my post you fucking retard?

If some Servants know how to use computers and internet. Does this mean Chaldea has its own forum set up for Servants to use on the computer?

Does Kiyohime, Serenity, and Raikou just shitposts about how they would be best suited to be by Master side as Servant (and wife), hype themselves up, and shit talk each other/bait in other Servants.

How is it legal to create this big of a semen demon?

Kiyohime is IM buddies with Tamamo in Extra

they do but most of 'em aren't big enough losers to waste time on the internet