What really was the Knights Templar?

What really was the Knights Templar?

Good bois who didnu nuffin

Ignore Muslim lies


Non Nobis Domine!

A French military order that sought to protect the newly formed French kingdom (Outremer) in the Holy Land

Soon became international.

group of mercenaries, supposed to protect christian pilgrims, but got too powerful so they btfo'd by some french king can't remember off top

Their accomplishments are greatly exaggerated. They were the boy scouts of their time, nothing more.

There were a few warriors from Spain, and Italy but it still remained overwhelmingly French

I heard it reached Britian.

You've been memed by ignorants who think the Templar cross comes from the Modern English flag

It comes from the crusades, right?

It did. Some of the best surviving Templar churches are in England as the Pope and the French King encouraged their destruction in Europe after the persecution.

What kind of ignorant retard says the Templars were mercenaries? If you don't know shit why do you answer the question?


Roman Chafolic Crusade-prepper here.
As a British Chafolic, I wearnt to a Templar temple for mass once a year (for the rest I went to my local church) it's much more better there, it even speaks of the evil of Islam and how Europe "must stay Chafolic".

I do hope the great Order does return.

*went to wearnt.

It was the a prototypical homosexual military order based on bondage through sodomy. Today they are the Jesuits just as the Knights Hospitaller are now the Knights of Malta a banking order. Power tends to concentrate over time.

I wonder who could be behind this post?

>crusade prepper
how old are you?

He's right you know.
A new holy war is inventible, wether you like it or not.