I need to make at least $750 a month to maintain my current residence. I donate plasma twice a week every week...

I need to make at least $750 a month to maintain my current residence. I donate plasma twice a week every week. I'm willing to work like a dog 40-50+ hours to make it happen. In fact, if me and my roomate were able to get jobs, minimum wage would do us just fine to avoid eviction and/or power loss. The only issue is that we can't get fucking hired.

I have a resume with two years experience working at a restaurant with references and being an online community manager for an LLC. But I can't even get responses on applications for Wal-Mart or McDonalds, even when I introduce myself to managers after putting them in. By some stroke of luck I landed an interview at Geico but whiffed the call center roleplay bit and now I can't try again for six months.

All I need to do is wagecuck long enough to keep our heads above water and save money. We've already cut out fast food and other bullshit. The only good advice I've seen is to check the newspaper for wanted ads - but beyond that, what else can we do in a situation with this much urgency, Veeky Forums?

[spoiler] i want to run a delivery snack/soda service since i live close to a college town. but i just gotta save that money to afford basics first. [/spoiler]

literally send your resume out to every job posting on craigslist

>i want to run a delivery snack/soda service since i live close to a college town. but i just gotta save that money to afford basics first.

Not viable.

Kill self if min wag is your target

Go to the day labor stores and take whatever jobs are available. Has your unemployment benefits ran out? You may consider moving back in with your parents to get back on your feet.


Have you ever heard of this thing called a "restaurant" where they will hire literally anyone?

>i want to run a delivery snack/soda service since i live close to a college town.
You'd have more luck delivering weed and selling booze to underage students

on it now, thanks dad


white, over 18, etc

put in applications at cracker barrel, zaxbys, McJobs in fast food, pizza hut, etc

when i was younger and stupider with my money, and had the safety net of parents, i'd often order pizza just so i could have 3-4 2liters of soda delivered to me for cheap. i have faith that there are similar people who can be jewed into the same bad decisions with a dedicated service for it

Where do you live?

macon, roughly 20 mins from this place in the good old American Southâ„¢

drove just short of a thousand miles to get here to share a cheap townhouse with friends. $6,000 saved did us well for a good chunk of the lease and keeping the place clean while we were looking for jobs but now that's dried up during this ceaselessly annoying job hunt

Why don't you post your resume, it may need some tweaking if no one is responding to you.

>i'd often order pizza just so i could have 3-4 2liters of soda delivered to me for cheap. i have faith that there are similar people who can be jewed into the same bad decisions with a dedicated service for it
If you're so stupid, why do you think you'd be successful running a business? For this even to work, you'd have to have a dedicated app that syncs with a large inventory of available products. There are already a lot of services that provide what you are talking about that are relatively inexpensive.

Why did you move to such a shitty part of the country and expect to just be able to find a job?

macon, cant you like work as asex thing for drivers? macon is so ugly

>white, over 18
You realize this describes the average adult on govt. programs. If you're too stupid/prideful to apply for govt. assistance then I don't know what to tell you.

i am prepared to be judged by bitcoin investors

i was thinking of getting a website but an app is actually a much better idea. ill definately keep that in mind, thanks user.

as for being stupid, might as well try it and fuck up once we have money to burn. i've never done anything businessy before so failing something simple like that wouldn't really kick my teeth in

i also appreciate the tough love advice from Veeky Forums. it helps keep expectations in check compared to getting a hugbox elsewhere

i was expected me and my roomate to get work at a Wal-Mart or CVS or Walgreens, or a Waffle House at best. between the two of us, min. wage at 35 hours would be more than enough to let us save money and luxury spend on things that aren't rice or canned veggie soup. i know Macon isnt the best, but we weren't expecting the best

i actually worked as a delivery driver for the first month i was here, had to quit when my truck started showing some serious age issues. it gets ugly when you get in the ghetto but the people there are surprisingly friendly. outside of that, i think if you stay north of the ocmulgee river or stick around Mercer U it's actually a really comfy little town

i thought you had to either be a minority, disabled, or Uncle Remus-tier to get on welfare. i'll definitely drop the assumptions and look more into it, thanks user



Go to thrift store and buy some girl clothes, go to Walmart and get chap stick and Vaseline and razors then get sexy, take photos and make a backpages ad. It is a littler classier then backpages and tons of guys will pay a hundred bucks , so just gotta work 8 jobs a month. So two a week.

i know right? back where i used to live, most people i'd talk to for low-tier jobs would ask me a lot of questions about that one and generally act like its a good thing even though its nowhere near the real deal

i changed it to 'day-trader' for my geico application because i expected people with real job security and income to know better, but otherwise 'stockbroker' has always been a positive conversation point for low-tier jobs i used to get offers for

Meant classier then Craigslist , been up all night but made three hundred bucks :) (live in Jacksonville )

It's a huge red flag. Why is a "stockbroker" applying for such a low position? They must be a huge fuck up, that's why.

Your resume is pretty shit and it's obvious you used a template. It needs to be entirely rewritten

>managed own investments

Okay, there's a lot to digest here.

First of all, your experience with your first job is all wrong, you worked in a restaurant, everyone knows what that means, you are trying to make it sound more important than it actually is which is a red flag. I would use simplified bullet points such as: -customer service -food prep/handling -cashier -housekeeping -inventory

Secondly, remove the stockbroker job all together. No one wants to hire someone who they think might be overqualified than them (you aren't), being a good talking point is irrelevant unless you are applying for some type of financial related job.

The third job as house sitter isn't really a job. A potential employer might see this as something that could conflict with your schedule, I would move that over into a new category of Hobbies/Volunteering.

And your skills, well they aren't really skills either. Everything you typed can be summed up into either common sense or attention to detail. This is where you would put things like -forklift license -welder certified -first aid certified -MS Office 20XX -Java etc. Most of your skills are going to be highlighted in your past work experience, which is the one job you've had.

You are young, I wouldn't worry too much about having a mostly blank resume, that's pretty standard. Just tone it down a bit.


Military is your only option. You and your fag room mate go in on the buddy system and get whatever job pays a bonus. See you in 4 years


Apply for a job at a call center. Thats a level below fast food and Wal-Mart They take literally everyone who can speak a full sentence. It's soul crushing, so you're motivated to look for something better.

Hint. Don't do this long term.