2D Hentai Game General /hgg2D/

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder edition.

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DLsite partial interface translation script

VH Specific
>latest VH translation

Installation: wiki.anime-sharing.com/hgames/index.php/VH/Setup
FAQ: pastebin.com/ZtDHt64k

Other urls found in this thread:


What do you think a good development time for a game is? A year? Two years?

Can anyone upload english patched IF version?
I have others already but i'm not gonna touch rpgmaker trans fuck habisan.

NTR is the way to enlightenment.

Hit me with your favorite/the best male protagonist games!

Bonus points if not netorare.

Year for rpgmaker games for sure, i don't understand why they could take longer considering that majority of devs use standard rtp.

I've seen some excellent games that only were made in 6 months and some crappy one that took 2 years. You tell me.

But i mostly liked music in this game tho.

So is this true? Do ugly girls get unwarranted attention in small villages with few females?

watcha ya say /hgg2d/?


Should slimes be one-hit smallfry or hefty grapplers?

>one-hit smallfry
No point of such enemies existence at all aside from padding.

They work either as starter enemies, or if they swarm you.

when did all the ghostbin links get taken down?

is it related to

Prank War translation when?

Yes it is, Ghostbin creator and main links contributor got his account suspended.


MEGA link when? Spent 30 minutes searching and came up with nothing.

that sucks. is anyone working on reuploading everything? if not I can do it

Hmmm, the link for the Hypnosis Aristocrat translation is dead. Does anyone know of an alternate source?

I don't think anyone is, no. Word of advice, don't post any links until they're safely in a ghostbin and only post a link to the ghostbin, and display very prominently at the top that links are not to be shared outside the bin.

That's really weird, I have several links in the ghostbin and none ever received a notification

cool beans. I can't do it today cause I have awful internet right now, but I'll get started tomorrow

>asking people to not do something on Veeky Forums

>having to look for links outside and then patching the game manually

ghostbin spoiled me

How about I spoil you, bb?

Yeah, I know, Veeky Forums is a hive of contrarian an heros.

We have one advantage in that we're a smaller community, but yes, our days as fuckoff general don't instil a great deal of hope in me.

Naked order link not working anymore

Making a torrent with all the games in it also sounds like a good idea so we have some sort of backup of everything.

Okay i'm autist with nothing better to do so i updated ghostbin with working and dead links
Also previous ghostbin was 6o45v, 9kpyn was before it, tho i didn't noticed any difference between versions.

24 working links
35 dead links

that's not convenient tho

THP down
goodnight sweet prince

Fucked if I know.
The developer forum has a little bit of traffic about someone wanting to add additional content to the bar and inn, so we'll see if it goes anywhere.

Also someone already upped most of the english pre-patched games you can find on the ghostbin. Making a ghostbin batch would be counter productive when all the content is already out there.

Anyone got a save for RJ189682?

How do we fix RPG Maker turn based combat?

I like it.

Making games without combat

I'm actually tired of turn based combat and wish if they can't be avoided, they are more action based like XVI.

this or just have a one-hit kill move

god damn I was thinking I was prepared for the 100 floor superbosses since I maxed everything, I got Lucifina and I couldn't even damage her because she's immune and counters fucking everything. I tried to get a full party of people with the necrosummon that nulls 3 attacks but that doesn't do shit when she always acts first and does 7K damage to the party before I can null it. Guess I need to grind labyrinth more for better accessories/black alice quest equips.

i wouldn't call that "combat"

This, I played tower of liz recently and it was so refreshing not having to waste time killing useless mobs.

Like VH would be ok too, just too tired of the turn based ones.

For some reason it always feels like you just need to spam one skill, maybe two if AoE is effective. Also chug potions when needed.

I don't know if this is all turn based RPGs though. I'll be honest I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to those types of RPGs.

turn based = CE 3x speedhack

amor academy has amazing combat

If you're cheating they might as well not be there.

Speed hack is not cheating, it just speeds up promts so you wouldn't waste precious real life time staring at
>slime attack
>(YOU) got 25 damage

how do I beat the postgame final boss guy that just stands there and tanks hits until he eventually oneshots me? I did the whole training quest, but I still can't kill him in time.

So are the dead links' games lost or do we have to wait until the original uploaders upload then again?

pinky slot 1, whitey slot 2
whitey covers pinky through the attack and then pinky revives everyone

>RJ080542 translation never ever

Omg dnp out


ill not dead he posted news for next update omg let's give him all the money he wants he's our god


Have an item in your key items that, when turned on, has any enemy 5 levels or more under you gets instantly killed.
Always have combat rape and portraits. It's a standard now.
No parties of more than three people unless it's the end of the game, and all of them have to be rapeable.
Skill trees and perk trees. Don't just make it "spam the multi-hit lightning."

How do I apply the translations from to the game? I downloaded it off sukebi and there are 3 folders with 3 -probably- different parts of the game.

Yeah just played it for a bit.
Looks very promising and high quality.
On the other hand it also looks like an EOP's worst nightmare with all the floating text and menus.

Oh hey, it's that twitter game.

Never ever.
>you'll never read the story of a woman hypnotized into sex by a fat general, but seduces little boys in her spare time in english

Haven't played any of this circle's games. Anything worth?

Any new(er) promising Western game out?


If is side game
Naked tits is Summer trip
Clothed tits is School trip
I used standard edition for translating
Because fuck habisan.

What torrent you used?
I used this one

>translation never

Sukebi just went down so I can't provide the link I used, it was the one around ~350mb in size with 40 seeders, the first result when you sort by seeders.

>the first tag is "Continuous Climax"
This girl is gonna be broken by the time I'm done.

It's going up and down currently, it'll be up if you try again in a couple minutes

Now wait just a minute, I distinctly recall someone saying it wasn't going to come out and to screencap their post.

Give me a second.

It went up enough for me to open your link and it turns out I downloaded it as well, but when dragging the Data from the translation and copying it to the folder, there is nothing to overwrite? Kinda retarded here but bear with me.

Nevermind this post I completely forgot about the decryptor.

I remember you, you cheeky cunt.

>I distinctly recall someone saying it wasn't going to come out
>it'll be out this month
What did he mean by this?

I recalled incorrectly, but he still asked to be screencapped and was wrong.

It is still March in Japan

That's not how time works, sweetie.
>予告開始日 2017年04月05日

>burger education

How did you apply it?

i use decrypt method on the IF version and it doesnt' work, what do I do now??

finally managed to beat 1 superboss, abusing the fuck out of death immune and that summon that nulls 3 hits. Time to try floor 100 boss again, hopefully they will get easier once I have a few more of their retardedly strong equip drops.

For IF you need rpgmaker trans

Alright, so how do I make porn happen? Losing just sends me back to bed.

author here, it's not counter productive
make a torrent with all relevant games inside a folder called Hgg Archive
it you keep the games archived with the same names it will only need to download missing stuff
think of it as p2p de centralized sync
then whenever needed like a couple of weeks or a month make a new one
upload torrent to a cache or something

I don't really understand how to use it, is there any video or guide to explain it?

> paste bin
> faq
> how to
they all exist user

Of course. It's basic economics.

Low supply and high demand make the goods more valuable.

Is Lilitales translation dead? Dude hasn't updated since January

How long until the h-scenes are translated so I can actually play this game?

May I ask the name of this?

I hope you trolling.

Here's a hint lad, follow the post you replied to, to the post it was replying to.

What you'll find will blow your mind.

>try to take an image into a translator because the game can't be hooked and fuck writing it all by hand on a laptop
>the font creates weird, unrecognizable, untranslatable characters
Great. Hopefully it gets a translation soon. The dev blog says it's coming out in August, though.

Now I feel absolutely retarded lets pretend this never happened alright.


God bless anonimity.

>tfw live with family, no one has their own personal room and everyone has their pcs/laptops in the same room
>tfw can only afford to fap at most 3 hours in the early dawn before everyone else wakes up

life is suffering, my balls feel on the verge of bursting every damned day

I think swear words should be censored in eroge. That would make them more family friendly.

Quick, recommend me something with exhibition as a prominent theme.

fap with your family