Best faction edition
Best faction edition
Fiddlesticks Middle
Win Rate 1st (57.24%)
What the fuck did you do, Riot?
How does this image make you feel?
Kassadin is the biggest cancer in the game right now
Xayah forced to watch Rakan fuck better bird girl Quinn cuck porn when?
the biggest fucking joke i hear from people on lolg is "lux takes skill to play"
I want to get out of Platinum V
What's the point of DD's passive if it doesn't actually reduce the damage you take?
>lilypichu posts a youtube video from a convention
>it has tobias fate's face in it
>tobias literally wore an ISIS disguise all day long for several days straight at the convention in order to conceal his identity and hide his face
>he always laughed at anyone who donated asking for a face reveal, says he will never EVER reveal his face
>tries to play it off on stream and act like its no big deal
lol when you stream for a year+ and absolutely refuse to reveal your face, even when people donate large sums of money for it, and when you wear a ridiculous disguise out in public to hide your face, its not 'no big deal'.
xth for Syndra
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb give you a hug if you asked nicely
would lamb give you a fug if you asked nicely
It reduces burst and gives you a chance to sustain it back.
Lulu is the biggest cancer in this thread rn
> there's a higher chance to receive a larger gold bonus from twisted fate's passive
he himself said he's ugly and the internet would make a big deal out of it
how to miss the point: the post
xth for Rumble
Strawman elsewhere retard, literally nobody says that. Ahrifags, on the other hand..
Remind me to filter these kind of posts, but Kindredfag at leasts posts fapable pics.
Why is Lulu the best character of this videogame?
To anyone who thinks diamonds "give up less easily" you're absolutely 100% gold or lower. High Plat to mid dia give up the second someone on their team dies or as soon as they miss one cs.
You can legit get and entire team to say "open mid" by getting first blood as talon.
I've never had as many people COMPLETELY give up on a game 10 minutes or less into it as I have had since attaining diamond.
My mentality has crashed because of this. Soon I will become the person who gives up after missing a canon minion.
I tried the big lipped slut on the PBE and she's actually fun
It's one of those simple kits that just flow nicely, like Kindred
>Before I die can I sniff your butt?
>Im a rebel >:3
>stop looking at my butt :wow I h8 it when they tell me not to stab some1.. makes me want to stab them xD
>dont call me cute >:(
rawr :3
>Ionian now has a section full of furries
We need more share sweater things.
She only takes skill because of her entire kit being skillshots and if anyone gets on her she dies. Other than that, she's good. She's just not meta because of how vulnerable she is and other champions can do what she does but better and more reliably.
>xayah has black scleras
>people keep drawing them white and it clashes with the rest of her colors.
hes really not that ugly tho
This is exactly my mentality but I'm plat 4.
>the first person calling me kindredfag
it is an honor
why would you just sniff
You are not helping :(
>Muh generic emo slut mary sue.
That's not Graves famalam
It's cuckquean when it's a girl getting cucked I learned.
>g-g-guys, sion takes skill, the enemy can dodge all your shit so you need to be good
>oh no, lux is 0 skill champ, off yourself
i love this gen
if I make a song about cassio having no skins and mail it to riot directly, will I get at least 20 You's
if that's him he looks pretty normie-ish.
I personally think that the ratio of delayed damage is too small and over too small a period of time. There's an extremely small window of damage that would be strong enough to kill you but not strong enough to kill you accounting for DD's initial damage block. They have to just barely overkill you. I think it'd be better if it blocked 25% of damage up front and then dealt that damage over 5 seconds, rather than 15% and 3 seconds.
Huh. So I guess this means they'll finally be selling Traditional Sejuani in a few weeks.
she simply is the best of any vidya game ever
>but Kindredfag at leasts posts fapable pics
>being a furry
Opinion disregarded
Exactly what you'd expect him to look like
Reminds me of Colin
>xayah has black scleras
>except for the fact that every piece of official art has them white
Looks like that beta guy from class who listened to metal and worse chains
Are you really THAT triggered? Its not like there weren't furries to begin with, they just now have a designated spot where they originated from unless you're ascended...or twitch...or the void.
Or is Ionia not being weeb-central too much for you to handle?
I want to get lewd with femrumble.
what does anyone even expect? this is literally the exact kind of person i imagine when i hear his voice and personality anyway
i wholeheartedly agree, fellow gentleman!
kinda reminds me of jay kay from jamiroquai
does she actually say stop looking at my butt? i don't really like her character, at least bird man is kinda cool
>needing to be a furry to enjoy a nice lamb ass
do not sexualise the autistic rat
I am furry in denial it doesn't count.
HOLY FUCK I didn't know this bundle was out. Thanks for posting this, I fucking love the winter karma skin.
Tfw no cute loli Zed to assassinate me.
for some reason i always thought he would be a fat hispanic guy. im not sure why.
where's my (you)........
I'm sexualising the blue cutie, not twitch.
1000 hours in MS Paint, good job VxVotp
No. She just has heavy eyeliner.
no but she says something along the lines of dont stare at my beauty or some shit.
I already blocked it out of my memory
wew btfo
you didnt deserve it, you fucking animal.
this one is on the house.
Only saw that one headshot, looked black too me but it might just be the excessive eye shadow
x zeddd
Post em
>Or is Ionia not being weeb-central too much for you to handle?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
FACT: Lulu is the sweetest lady and deserves plenty of buffs!
tfw no good nidalee skin concepts
ah, that's even worse then. at least the butt thing kinda would have fit the character
thos skins are sick, i'd love that dog walker thresh or sugar rush zac
good taste in skins lad
Anyone know of any kled 1 tricks in dia 3 or higher? Na or kr. If not 1 tricks, people who play kled extensively.
no she needs a vu
upbote xd
This is Omega squad Lulu. She will murder you're family if you try to lewd her
>He can't dodge a skillshot
she's a little late
can't be uglier than disguised toast
ok i'll save that one. You, sir(lady), are a gentleman and a scholar.
Why is lulu getting banned these days?
How to kled
Why are diamonds and plats such assholes in norms
>"dude its a learning experience"
>"bro you should be grateful you're getting stomped by me"
>"please stroke my massive epeen so i can feel better about myself for beating up shitters in norms"
Like goddamn I don't want to have to try so fucking hard every normal
fuck me I posted in the wrong thread
>riot admits it hasn't released waifubait in years and is probably going to release one soon
>delivers a randumb xd girl that's wearing a burka compared to waifubait like Syndra and Zyra
>I'll have to wait another 4 years for a girl that's not ugly as fuck, and they're going to let me down again
fuck you riot
>Changed Rammus to Chrome since it's being put on sale.
>Look at it.
>Realize I'll miss normal vanilla Rammus.
>Chrome Rammus also looks too evil and I like my Rammus being based.
What do.
I might have red preference
I want to have PTSD in Lulu!
What's giving you trouble and how many games have you played in p5
next waifubait is the dumb blonde hyperactive naive stereotype that is also a strong woman
post your
you won't
I bet even Ivern hates furfags.